[vlc] need help in starting vlc automatically

dirk schwalm dirkullrichschwalm at gmx.de
Sun Sep 2 20:48:13 CEST 2007

hello there!

i got a problem with ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04 and vlc.

i use the version 0.8.6 (janus) out the feisty-repositories.

what i want:

i have two pcs, which communicate through the network via router.
i want to start vlc with my personal settings from the other pc, so i can send a video stream, catch it up and play.

but what i did find out was:

it doesnt matter how i try to configure vlc, it seems to ignore my personal settings!

my first idea was to transmit the generated gui-lines as one start-line into the shell:

my shell command was:

vlc -vvv pvr:// :pvr-device="/dev/video0" :pvr-radio-device="" :pvr-norm=255 :pvr-frequency=-1 :pvr-bitrate=-1 :sout=\#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}

vlc starts, doesnt put out a video-picture on the server(like i want), but no stream is available at the catching (client) pc.

i am sure that the options i choosed, are right, because i copied them out from the gui-line-generator and put them together to one line.

if i start vlc manually over a grafical icon all runs fine. but this dismatch my target: i want to start vlc automatically.

i also tried to put this settings into the gui itself, but this works only so long, as i start the player again. if i start the player again, all settings are gone to default, perhaps settings like "audio" or "deinterlacing". how can i teach vlc to not forgetting my personal settings at all?

another way i tried was to fix vlc directly over the config-file "vlcrc", but i dont know, which settings i have to do exactly and else it seems that the gui overwrites this file so starting options dismatch for next time i start vlc again?

i dont know anything more, so i decided to write you this e-mail.

hope i get answer soon, THX for reading this,

dirk schwalm, germany
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