[vlc] Small team asking for help fixing a VLC bug

Matthijs Langenberg mlangenberg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 13:41:41 CEST 2008

Dear VLC users,

I'm part of a team (five members) that is building a video wall for an
university project.
We are currently using VLC to display a set of movies per screen in
the matrix. The telnet interface is being used to control the VLC
playlist. We are executing about 10 requests per minute on the telnet
socket, telling VLC to run another movie.

The VLC player is great for this, but after a few weeks of
development, we are hitting a brick wall.
When the system is running for about a few hours, VLC's CPU usage
raises to 100%, which almost freezes VLC and the (java) application
controlling VLC.
This happens with vlc-0.8.6f on Windows and Mac OS X.

I would like to get some help from the VLC team (should I've sent this
to vlc-devel?). We are a team of software developers who are more than
happy to contribute to VLC and get this bug fixed.

It would be great to get some head start.


Matthijs Langenberg

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