[vlc] Windows vs Linux DVD menus

Darren Dicera lsandsdd at iinet.net.au
Mon Jun 2 07:49:58 CEST 2008

I have tried vlc on both windows and linux (debian) but for the same DVD 
I get different results for DVD menu's.

On windows it seems to be a perfect operation, the DVD starts at the 
main menu and can be navigated. This was a downloaded version.

On linux the DVD started at one of the sub-menu's and I couldn't 
navigate as the selection cursor did not move. I was running from the 
command line and using svgalib. This was a downloaded version.

I have tried to compile vlc with directFB support and libdvdnav but in 
this case dvd support was non-existent and non menu appeared. I probably 
did something wrong ...

Is there a difference of DVD nav support for VLC on windows and Linux?
If so what is it and how can it be resolved?


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