[vlc] multiple displays

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 12 22:01:10 CET 2008

Hello Nin,

that's perfectly possible of course. However, you'll need to launch as  
many instances of VLC as you got displays. VLC.app's current release  
does allow the playback of a single file at a time only. You can  
launch multiple instances by employing Terminal.app in ~/Applications/ 
Utilities by running /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC in as  
many sessions as you want. Alternatively, you can also make copies of  
VLC.app and launch them in the Finder.

In case that you have a certain amount of Obj-C programming skills,  
feel free to download VLC's source code and use the VLCKit framework  
in order to create an in-house application suiting your needs. VLCKit  
can be used as a replacement for the QuickTime-based Cocoa Multimedia  
views and is similarly easy to use.

Best regards,


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