[vlc] Support

Diana ONG dianaong69 at yahoo.fr
Sun Oct 19 06:59:33 CEST 2008


I tried to sign up but did not receive an email in order to be able to post on the forum.  That is the first problem.  The second problem is that even though I searched the forums on my subject which was "Why doesn't VLC play subtitles (.srt files) on my Mac ?", I saw that others have the same question, but no one is responding.

So -- how do I play my .srt file on my Mac using VLC ?  I can wait again to post this same question on the forum, but I know in advance that there is no answer posted at this time.  Apparently, no one knows the answer.  I know the files work since we were able to use them on a PC, but I am home now and downloaded the correct file (also, this file works - sort of - using another Mac-based application).

Thank you in advance for getting back to me !

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