[vlc] multitrack OGG-file support

Arioch the_Arioch at nm.ru
Tue Oct 21 21:41:03 CEST 2008

some containers (for example Ogg and AFAIR Matroska as well) can carry a  
number of audio streams, so for example, all of the AudioCD tracks can be  
saved into one large file.

Differing from many payer, VLC can play such a file all through, liek a  
continuous long record (most players either crash or play only 1st track)

Yet VLC fails to
1) ...show tracks inside playlist, which is quite pity, since VLC's  
paylist is tree-like, so it seems to be ready for this
2) ...show tags of currently played track - tags of 1st one are shown.  
Neither in status bar nor in Media Info dialog
3) reliably position into user-asked place in a file - can't get a  
pattern, but when i try to position a time bar, it might work or might  
jump to nearest track boundary.

Используется революционный почтовый клиент браузера Opera:  

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