[vlc] Separate Mailing List For Mac Users? [Mac]

WordWeaver777 wordweaver777 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 02:52:12 CEST 2010

At 2:36 AM +0200 on 7/3/10, kenneth krabat wrote:

>hear hear!
>Being a mac-user (for many years) I know absolutely nothing about 
>day-to-day usage of Windows or Linux systems.
>Separating it into three parts (which one could subcribe to and have 
>as the same kind of individuel emails or digests as the common 
>OS-pot) might even garner som much needed attention on the lesser 
>user group's problems and kinks to iron out. Meaning: Garnering 
>Crossing my fingers. VLC for Mac - 1.0.5 Goldeneye on PPC G4 
>powerbook, 1.5 ghz, 1.5GB RAM 300GB HDD - is behaving erraticallly, 
>if not treated a bit like a pimadonna (do things in a certain order, 
>or she will crash/freeze/refuse to re-open unless Machine is 
>restarted), and I no longer know which older version to return to, 
>in order to have the same codec-fuctionality as now.
>All the best, and as always: a million thanks for what you are doing 
>for the movie industry and for us.
>kenneth k

Hello Kenneth. Thanks for your support for my suggestion, but
obviously, it is going to take more than just the two of us
for any change to be implemented.

Regarding your current issues with VLC, they sound quite
nasty. You don't mention which version of the Mac OS you are
using, but I am wondering if you might have to go as far back
as 0.86 on a PPC machine. That is the latest version that I
can use on my ten-year-old G4 running Tiger 10.4.11. On my
27" 2.8 GHz Quad Core i7 iMac, I compile the very latest
version of VLC on a regular basis.


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