[vlc] Kudos

Donald Nuckols donnux at bellsouth.net
Sun Jul 4 15:19:54 CEST 2010

I rarely, if ever, write to say "well done" about any software application, but your VLC has brought me to it. Today I was prompted by my v1.0.5 to download v1.1.0. 

One of the features I found some time back was the ability to speed up or slow down a video. But now, it even shows in the window, -how much- slower/faster it is playing! I find this great, for example, when playing a video of bowling, in order to find faults in my approach, and better yet, as to why I leave certain pins standing. Thanks.

If I could put anything on the wish list for this excellent app, it would be to step through the video a frame at a time. I was happy to find that QuickTime will do this for me, but it won't allow me to alter the speed.

Again, thanks for the great software. By the way, I'm using this on my MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo (2.16 GHz) with 2 GB RAM, and Apple's OSX 10.6.4.

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