[vlc] Problems with VLC 1.1

Bill I. wwwmmmiii at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 24 17:33:23 CEST 2010

To: VLC team:

In VLC 1.1 when I play an avi file (I haven't tested other file types) I get a very brief audio skip about once every 10 or 15 seconds. This did not happen in VLC 1.05.

When I double-click on a VLC file, the VLC player does not automatically become the top window. I have to bring it to the top using the mouse. This also did not happen in VLC 1.05. VLC automatically came to the top in the earlier version.

I hope you will let me know how to correct these problems, or else schedule fixes for the next version.

Ivan Quentin
wwwmmmiii at yahoo.com

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