[vlc] funtion loss in transition from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 VLC

David Wilner davidgwilner at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 04:48:08 CEST 2010

I tried the 1.1.1 upgrade from 1.1.0 today and then backed it out.  I am
using a Hauppauge Win TV HVR 950 USB stick under Windows 7 64 bit
Professional.  Microsoft Media Center will tune a fraction of the ATSC
stations available on my television (which shares the same antenna with the
tuner stick).  VLC tunes the same stations on this stick that my television
tunes.  The VLC user interface is arcane, but I can provide a physical
channel in the ATSC capture device dialog and tune the station.  Once tuned,
the Playback  ---> Program menus allowed selection of secondary ATSC
stations in 1.1.0.  In 1.1.1, I can tune the primary station using the
physical channel, but the subchannels do not tune when selected.
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