[vlc] VLC Media Player V1.0.5 for Ubuntu Linux

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Sat May 15 14:36:03 CEST 2010


On Thu, May 13, 10 at 23:47 -0700, Mwanga Wa Jua wrote:
> Just visited your site and saw that v1.0.5 was available for Ubuntu Linux. I
> have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and made sure my repositories were
> enabled for multiverse. But all I find in Synaptic PM are *older
> versions*of VLC and related packages. (0.9.9a). Enabled the 'partner'
> and 'backport'
> repositories and updated (apt-get), but still cannot see the newer version
> 1.0.5.

Jaunty is one year old. And so only have 0.9.9 because nobody added vlc
in backport. There might be some PPA with vlc 1.0 for jaunty. Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) have VLC 1.0.6

> Also cannot seem to be able to find the *libdvdcss2* library. Without this
> piece, I can't see how I'll be able to view dvd movies on my lan.

See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html


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