[vlc] big isssue with version

clayton arnold clayton115 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 17 11:01:00 CEST 2011

ok lately when i download the vlc installer and install it a toolbar gets added with it. mp3tube toolbar. now this toolbar is harmless at first but it quickly begins to manifest itself as a virus. one of those fake virus scan types. now this ones pretty bad cause it disables and kills everything. im emailing you this info cause i dont want other users to go through this. to fix it? first restart your computer and keep hitting the F8 key at start up and start the computer in safe mode. then immediately bring up system restore and set it back as far back as you want. (i personally went back 2 weeks to be safe) and your comp should start up normally. but as soon as you start up your computer go into control panel then add/remove programs and remove these programs

mp3tube toolbar

ispmp3tube (its something along that line)

and after you remove them you should be safe. as i said i love to use vlc its an amazing player and keep up the great work all of you. but please get rid of mp3 tube. this is the 2nd time its happen to me and the only thing in common is the version of vlc i installed which is......

thanks for hopefully reading this.

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