[vlc] Media statistics on CLI

Nils Andre nilsandre at gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 01:39:42 CET 2011

Dear VLC Team,

I've had the issue to generally determine if a video file is playable and if
yes, what it's playlength is at all. I've found various options, using
mplayer, but to me a file is playable if vlc can play it. vlc offers great
statistics, but for machine processing I'd like to know if and if yes, these
statistics are available on the command line.  Actually, I have been looking
for an anology to

/usr/bin/mplayer -identify <file>

Which yields a lot of output on the file, concerning dimensions, length,
bitrate, etc.

Another person raised a similar issue in this thread


but never got an appropriate answer. Do I really have to recompile vlc
myself, in order to get some anology to the -identify method of mplayer
described above?

I've done a lot of searching on the issue. No hits. My apologies here if I
just didn't find it.

Anyhow, great player. Whichever format I've encountered, vlc plays
everything. Builtin. :) That's great.

Cheers, Nils
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