[vlc] How To Change VLC Firefox Plugin Settings?

Jean-Paul Saman jpsaman at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 09:39:08 CET 2011

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Amichai Rotman
<amichai at penguincsc.co.il> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running VLC 1.1.7 under Ubuntu 10.10 on a NetTop machine based on the
> Atom Z530 and 1Gb RAM.
> The VLC client plays movies and strams without any problems, but when I try
> to watch a stream inside Firefox, it freezes every few seconds.
> I had the same problem with the client and after changing some settings
> (namely - the cache values for File, HTTP,UDP and TCP) it got better.
> How do i optimize the settings for the plugin? I understand that since
> version 0.90, the plugin doesn't read the settings from the VLC rc file...

You can still use the MRL way of providing options on your playlist
items. Here is a snippit code:

function doGo(targetURL)
    var vlc = getVLC("vlc");

    if( vlc )
        while( vlc.playlist.items.count > 1 )
            // clear() may return before the playlist has actually been cleared
            // just wait for it to finish its job
        var options = [":rtsp-tcp"];
        var itemId = vlc.playlist.add(targetURL,"",options);
        options = [];
        if( itemId != -1 )
            // play MRL
            alert("cannot play at the moment !");

The "var options = [":rtsp-tcp"]; " can  hold an array of options. In
your case you can add http-caching=<ms>, for instance like this:
var options = [":rtsp-tcp",":http-caching=1200","udp-caching=1200"];

Kind regards,
Jean-Paul Saman

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