[vlc] Bug report VLCPlayer v1.1.4 ; Snapshot ; preferences save/use (directory, filetype, prefix FName); NoFunctionality of Prefences/Video/Shapshot... (app sticks to defaults)

Henk van Peer henkvanpeer at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 00:18:15 CET 2011

*Bug report VLCPlayer v1.1.4 ; Snapshot ;*
preferences save/use (directory, filetype, prefix FName);
NoFunctionality of Prefences/Video/Shapshot...
(app sticks to defaults)

To whom it may concern,

This is my report on experience using VLCMediaplayer v 1.1.4 (more info: see
attachment; AboutDialog), more precisely: the snapshot feature that is built
in, and can be activated using the dropdownmenu Video.
The second section, last entry of this menu says "Snapshot"; it's purpose is
to generate a seperate imagefile from the active/current videowindow. In
other words: a specific frame of the playing movie is written to an
imagefile. I.other other words: The contents of the active videowindow are
written to imagefile.

In "options" (MenuItem Exra, at bottom; CONTROL+P for Preferences", the 3d
tab says Video, and there the settings for Snapshot can be customised. Or so
it seems.

The directory/folder (Default: MyDta\Pictures?), filenameprefix (default:
VLC_?)) and fileTYPE (PiNG or JPeG) can be set. BUG: These settings do not
take effect on my system;
When I switch to another tab in Preferences, and then go back to the
VideoTab, my own values are there, but when I activate shapshot, changes are
not carried thr Bug report VLCPlayer v1.1.4 ; Snapshot ; preferences
save/use (directory, filetype, prefix FName); NoFunctionality of
Prefences/Video/Shapshot... (app sticks to defaults)ough. After closing the
Preferences dialog and re-opening it, my settings/data in the Video\Snapshot
part are gone... And of course, no effect... SO I CANNOT DO ANY PREFERENCES
ON THE SNAPSHOT MODULE; I have to make do with the default values.

I use an Eee PC (Atom N270) 1201N (Asus), running Win7Ultimate english
version. The computer itself is french... (AZERTY KBD).

I am usually very low on money (I boutht the netbook 2nd hand for approx $
170) so I did not licence my VLCMediaplayer. I am a huge fan however. In
fact, I started using VLC because it had/has a snapshot feature (built in;
as PrtScr does usually not work...). Many more advangages I discovered later
on. The far lesser need to install seperate codecs in order to get a certain
file being played (at all; Windows MediaPlayer tries but often does not
succeed in downloading the correct codec..., and VLCPlayer plays the file
without the need for looking on ANdOr downloading from the internet...).
Oh... MPlayer Classic also comes with a snapshot feature... Of course, as
that program's concept is to improve upon the standard MediaPlayer but
keeping withing the design framework (GUI-wise), given by it's example...

Of course I will keep on telling people how great I thing VLCMediaplayer is,
and I hope this small beauty error will be corrected, sometime in the

Thank you for your (reading)time and an application I would not want to do

drs. H.C. van Peer (Henk)
aka Numpspa / Numpspa323 / Sardo ~

1 This bugreport is restricted to the used OS (WIn7Ultimate) and the version
of VLC mentioned. I, for example, did not test the portable version
(VLCPortable *not* tested (yet)... I am very happy, and kind of proud, that
there is such a version. The proved indepedence (by the portable
VLCMediaplayer version) of a lot of WinCrap makes me trust VLCMediaplayer
ever more. Using portable versions improves the overall reliability of my
system (as experienced by me) and deminishes it's vulnarability I always
keep a portable setup at hand, in case the Win(environment) refused to
cooperate :-)
2. IDEA FOR SHAPSHOT: BurstMode; an option that can also be found on digital
camera's; after activating Snapshot-In-Burstmode, a preset number of
videoimagefiles is generated, where the source-images are a user-defined
distance apart. This would capturing the right frame(s) more easy. Second
nice way to fool around with this feature is that it makes it easy to create
"slow motion sequences" from existing videomaterial, as well as (even more
so) "fast motion sequences".
Well... I have not missed this feature (SnapshotBurtsmode) at all, but that
is because no other app, to my knowledge, provides me with the
Depending on what is wanted, a SnapshotBurstfeature could also be equiped
with Artficial INtelligence, eg when an X% of movement thresshold is passed,
so much % of colorchange or change is light/dark is detected, etcetera. VERY
new would be, I think, videocapture that is made dependent on SOUND....
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