[vlc] Information on your application - Compatibility with 64-bits platform & Office 2010 Suite

Tue Mar 29 12:52:27 CEST 2011



We have for this year a project of evolution of our environment Citrix
to migrate to a new version and change the operating system of our

We thus plan to migrate our servers to the Windows 2008 R2 Operating
system under a 64 bits platform and, our office Suite to the 2010


For that purpose, it is necessary to us to validate all the applications
which are present on our IT environment and to verify their
compatibility with a 64 bits system and with Office 2010 suite. 


So, thank you for returning us the following information concerning your
application ...  which we use on our servers in version ... :


*         Is it the part(party) customer of your solution is, in the
current version, compatible with a 64 bits platform?

- If it is not the case: 

- What are the technical requirements ? 

- It is necessary to make plan to update our version ?

- In that case, what is the mode of migration to be planned? (Client
Update, servers Update ?)

- Is there an impact on the server part of your solution?


*         Is your solution is compatible with the streaming of
applications ? Or you already have an experience in this method of
application's distribution ?

*         Is your application uses any Office modules?

                - If yes, your application is compatible with the
Microsoft Office 2010?

- If it is not the case: 

- What are the technical requirements ? 

- Is it necessary to make plan to develop the version of your solution?


*         Is your application is connected to other components, add-ons
(ex: IE, Java, Flash...) ?

- If yes, which one?


Thank you in advance for your collaboration,


Best regards,

Samuel Gazeau


Project Manager

IT department

Fleury Michon Group


@ : gazeau.samuel at fleurymichon.fr


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