[vlc] love vlc, but...

jpbarthe at comcast.net jpbarthe at comcast.net
Mon Oct 3 00:52:15 CEST 2011

VLC creators, 

Your player is awesome. Just want you to know that when I recently updated from the pop up message,   I got  a nasty surprise each time i opened a music file that i created of a photo image of a dead rat in  a gutter  No orange cone, but a dead, ugly, rat. I had to uninstall vlc and reinstall it. I had to delete all my music files and reinstall from a back up source. Everything is ok now, but i sure won't update anymore from a pop up, but will go straight to your site . Can you tell me what may have happened? Don't know if others had this happen to them. Maybe this is helpful for you?   

JP Barthe
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