[vlc] Streaming from VLC to Quicktime

allamistakeo18 at mac.com allamistakeo18 at mac.com
Mon Sep 26 06:03:27 CEST 2011


I got a bit further, using RTSP. I launched VLC with the following command: 

/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC -vvv -I dummy (input stream) --sout='#transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=1024}:rtp{mux=ts,dst=myip,port=8080,name=test.sdp,sdp=rtsp://myip:8081/test.sdp}'

Then, using the GUI, VLC is perfectly able to open and read the stream at the following URL: 


But when I try to open the stream with Quicktime, it successfully connects, but does not display any video nor audio. 

Thanks for your help 

Op 25-sep-2011, om 23:51 heeft allamistakeo18 at mac.com het volgende geschreven:

> Hi, 
> I realize now that I should have been more precise upfront about what I am trying to achieve in the end. Here is my goal: I want VLC to capture a part of my screen, and I want to stream it to Quicktime, by embedding the stream into a .qtl file. 
> Forgetting about the .qtl file for now, and using a capture of my iSight instead of my screen just for testing purposes, here is what I have been trying: I tell VLC via the GUI to stream my iSight, using HTTP, and using the Theora codec + OGG (following your suggestion, but as I mentioned, I have tried many other settings before). I get the following MRL: 
> :sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst="transcode{vcodec=theo,vb=1024}:standard{mux=ogg,dst=,access=http}"} 
> Then I tell Quicktime to open the following URL, using the CMD + U command: 
> http://myip:8080/
> Nothing happens: Quicktime is stuck on "Loading video..." 
> Now, I also want to embed the stream in a .qtl file. I have written the following file: 
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>
> <embed src="http://myip:8080" />
> Attempting to open the file makes Quicktime throw the error I mentioned. I am wondering whether this is because Quicktime does not support streaming via HTTP in .qtl files, and whether the source has to be an RTSP stream. Is there a way to create an RTSP stream with VLC? 
> Thanks again 

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