[vlc] Installing vlc on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3; missing packages

Nicolas Chauvet kwizart at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 21:30:15 CET 2012

2012/11/11  <vlc at dad.org>:
> I started with http://www.videolan.org/
> I got to http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-redhat.html .
> I saw support for RHEL 5. but not RHEL 6. I hope that it will work for RHEL 6, anyway.

There is some package from the "RPM Fusion" repository for EL-6.
This is vlc-2.x and there is the related npapi-vlc package.


You will need to remove packages provided by incompatible repositories:
You just need to disable them and run:
yum list extras: to get a full list.

Nicolas (kwizart)

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