[vlc] GPU acceleration in vlc-2.1.3

rpvoland at spamcop.net rpvoland at spamcop.net
Tue Mar 11 00:41:19 CET 2014

A recently previous version of vlc supported GPU acceleration of DVD  
movies for my Intel 915gm video chip.  The current version vlc-2.1.3  
does not.  I'm running M$-Windows XP, but maybe this is an issue of  
hardware compatibility rather than limited to one operating system.   
I'm considering a move to another operating system, so I'm curious  
whether this issue is limited to M$-Windows.

I saw the pinned item in the forum about hardware acceleration, but  
those instructions are intended for much newer Intel GPU chips.  The  
Intel 915gm video chip is easily fast enough for a commercial DVD  
player with GPU acceleration like PowerDVD on the same computer.


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