[vlc] Pretesting VLC-1.0.0?

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Fri Oct 17 21:09:01 CEST 2014

> No, it plays full ISOs and normal DVDread.

Are you saying that the user `jb' who closed
https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/8364 was mistaken?

> For Android, having a working DVD drive will be difficult :)

What's hard about it?  FWIW, I can play DVDs on my Android
machine already.  It's just that I first have to fire "dvdbackup" (from
the LilDebian partition) and only after the disk is ripped I can pass
the resulting ISO to VLC.  This can take a long time (and I
don't have much disk space on that Android machine), so it's a major
downer when you just rented the DVD and everybody is just waiting to
watch it.


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