[vlma] VLMa first release !

Adrien Maglo magsoft at via.ecp.fr
Tue May 13 18:28:48 CEST 2008

Dear VideoLAN users,

The VideoLAN team is pleased to announce the release of
VideoLAN Manager 0.1.

VideoLAN Manager (VLMa) is a Java application which aims at providing
an easy way to manage several servers running VLC to stream over a
multicast network.

Though it is still at an early stage of development, here are the key
  * gives orders to VLM instances throuh VLC telnet interface,
  * monitors streaming,
  * assigns streaming dynamically (fallback if a server is unavailable),
  * monitors streamers' state using SNMP,
  * draws RRD graphs of streamers' state,
  * supports localization (only english and french for the moment).

Source code is available under git version control:
and jar and war archives can be downloaded at

Help concerning VLMa is available:
  * IRC - #videolan on Freenode
  * The User mailing-list - http://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/vlma
  * The VideoLAN website part about VLMa - http://www.videolan.org/vlma

For the VideoLAN team,

MagSoft (Text by jpountz)

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