[x264-devel] patch: x264 visualization in OpenGL

Hansong Zhang hansongzhang at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 28 02:02:46 CEST 2005



I put together an OpenGL version of the visualization tool in x264. Being
OpenGL, it works on both Win32 and Linux. The patch is attached. A new file,
common/display-opengl.c, implements the same interface as defined in
display.h. A new configure option, --visualize-ogl, is also added. Note that
you can use either -visualize or -visualize-ogl, but not both.


With most Linux installations you don't need anything special to use this
patch; the same with Win32.


Interactive features are easy to easy to implement in OpenGL. But for a
first attempt I kept changes to a minimum.


Hope you find this useful,



Hansong Zhang

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