[x264-devel] Re: H.264 encoder

Måns Rullgård mru at inprovide.com
Wed Feb 1 16:31:47 CET 2006

Panagiotis Issaris said:
> Hi x264 developers,
> Our current employer recently showed a strong interest for h264. More
> specifically, they want to have an LGPL implementation of an encoder
> preferably integrated in ffmpeg.
> x264 is using the GPL license, but I noticed a recent discussion [1] on
> this mailinglist in which a request for a possible license change
> was not totally rejected.
> In fact, in that discussion Laurent Aimar stated that he would not
> object a license change if all other developers would agree on this.
> Unfortunately, only one other develop replied to that thread, stating
> that he would agree only if it would imply that x264 would actually
> benefit from such a license change. Meaning that it would result in
> actual contributions to x264 and not just increasing its usage.
> What would the other developers of x264 think about a license change?

I'm fine with a change to LGPL, or any other free license like BSD.

Måns Rullgård
mru at inprovide.com

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