[x264-devel] Re: patch : replace c++ comments in x264.h by c comments

Alex Izvorski aizvorski at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 19:22:05 CEST 2007

On Tue, 2007-04-03 at 18:17 +0200, Vincent Torri wrote:
> In my case, I don't really care about the comments in the source code 
> itself. But it's in the header file of the API.

Indeed.  Good catch.  Patch applied (and sorry I got your name wrong, I
was typing a bit too fast there).

I played around a little with -std=c89 and the bulk of x264 is quite far
from being compilable with that.  c99 works fine.  I would suggest that
we add -std=c99 to the standard gcc options for the project, and also
try to keep the public API c89-clean.


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