[x264-devel] Re: patch : replace c++ comments in x264.h by c comments

Vincent Torri vtorri at univ-evry.fr
Tue Apr 3 18:17:39 CEST 2007

On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Alex Izvorski wrote:

> I'm in favor of the patch.  I normally prefer to be able to use a mix of
> comment styles, but x264 seems to consistently use C comments already,
> so it would be best to just stick with that.

In my case, I don't really care about the comments in the source code 
itself. But it's in the header file of the API.

> Vincent, why use -ansi?  If you're using gcc and want
> standards-compliance, you probably want -std=c99 instead.  If you're
> using gcc but getting ready to switch to another strict-ansi compiler,
> well, I can see that.  My personal opinion is that C90 is obsolete - use
> C99, you will be much happier ;)  However consistency is more important,
> and for a widely-used project like this it may be best to go with the
> lowest common denominator.  Of course, for any practical use of x264 you
> basically have to compile parts of it with nasm/yasm on x86, so I'm not
> sure how valuable it is to be able to use non-gcc compilers, but hey ;)

I use ansi because I'm trying to be sure that the project I'm working on 
can be compiled on most of the platform. C ansi compatibility is, imho, a 
good way to achieve that.

Vincent Torri

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