[x264-devel] Preset parameter for x264

Loren Merritt lorenm at u.washington.edu
Wed Aug 29 12:04:02 CEST 2007

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Tran Minh Son wrote:

> I propose reusing the mode of the neighbour blocks to make an "early
> stop". As you can hint, with that I can save time at the cost of
> quality. The gain seems to be more than the lost (15-20% in time again
> 3-8% in PSNR).

%bitrate at constant PSNR? because %PSNR is meaningless.
If so, 8% bitrate is a lot, so I hope you were comparing it relative to
the fastest possible options.

> you improved you code quickly (frame based multithread,

What does that have to do with anything? Threading doesn't touch the
macroblock analysis code.

> The comparison of MSU is an occasion for me to really verify the
> performance of the proposed technique. We do not provide the full
> implementation of h264 (the core is x264) but at least we would like to
> see if really the fast mode decision bring some benefits in comparison
> with the core of x264, from where I started. That is why I need the
> presets of x264 (for the last year version) to provide the High Quality
> / High speed.

Wait, you want to submit two versions of x264 to the MSU comparison,
because you're too lazy to evaluate the patch yourself? In that case,
find your own presets.

--Loren Merritt

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