[x264-devel] [PATCH] Forcing frame coding as IDR

Kurosu kurosu at free.fr
Sat Jun 2 17:07:04 CEST 2007

In order to encode several sequences together and then split them on 
particular frames, forcing those frames to be coded as IDR seemed to me 
to be a solution.

That's what the patch does: implement a --intras switch for cli binary, 
and necessary interface in the structures for programmatical 
configuration. This follows how --zones is implemented.

I however only used (much less tested) it once with only one frame 
forced, and it seemed to do the job.

2 shortcomings I don't plan to address:
- having to specify them several times (not sure about this, as I guess 
the stats file for a multipass encode will probably force it for 
subsequent passes)
- taking into account such things as distance from previous IDR and 
possibly canceling coding of those frames as IDR as the forced frames 
are close

Best regards,
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