[x264-devel] Windows x64 support

Jason Garrett-Glaser darkshikari at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 22:53:49 CET 2008

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 1:43 PM, BugMaster <BugMaster at narod.ru> wrote:
> I am currently trying to adapt x264 assembler optimizations for
> working in Windows x64. And want to know does it really needed by x264
> developers or they have own plans on it (may be I am duplicating
> their work which they make internally).

Nope, your work is welcome.  I don't know of Loren doing anything either.

> - Debug build with MSVC 2008 works and produces the same encode as x86
> build

How do you intend to ever get this working with MSVC?  Backing up
xmm6-xmm15 requires aligned stack alignment, using movdqu, or doing
pointer math on esp, the latter two of which will certainly not be

> - Need to add backup/restore of nonvolatile XMM6-XMM15 registers where
> they used;

Along with this, you'll want to reorganize register usage so that in
functions using (for example) only 5 registers, xmm6/7 aren't used.

Dark Shikari

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