[x264-devel] replacing gops/fields inside mpeg4

Thomas Jörg thomas at joerg.name
Mon Jun 16 19:25:54 CEST 2008


i hope you are well. i really like vlc. it's a great software! i have  
a feature request for a special solution. i hope i'm not disturbing  
anyone in this list.

we are a young group of filmmakers from berlin and are working on a  
special project where a user should be able to download a movie (mpeg4/ 
h264) that has somehow special information in certain parts for him.  
for exemple a special title during the first 3 seconds.

we have funding for this project that's why we can offer a 1000 eur  
bounty for anybody who can build a system thta can do the following:

-> a system that can replace a few frames/gops inside a big (1gb)  
mpeg4/h264 videofile. because this should happen very fast it would be  
cool if just the parts/frames/gops that have to be updated can be  
replaced/changed without having to write the whole file down to a new  
file. the file just has to be available for one download. writing down  
1 gb takes us more than a minute on our system. this is too long to  
wait for this download, isn't it?

would be really cool if somebody could help us with this.
greetings from berlin


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