[x264-devel] problem with h264 in vlc 0.9.x

Guillaume POIRIER poirierg at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 18:45:27 CEST 2008


2008/10/19 hossein khajehjafari <khajehjafari at yahoo.com>:
> Dear guys,
> I have a problem that i can not find its reson and soloution for that.
> It will be very kind of you if help me to resolve that.
> I tried to use all version of 0.9.x vlc to encode (save or stream) to
> h264(x264),
> but when i start to do that (without encoding even 1 frame), vlc crashes and
> appeares a windows error report (about x264....lib) and close the vlc. I
> wondered that nobody reported this error. so i thougt that maybe the
> installation or the system or widows have a problem.
> So i tried to install vlc on more than 10 different computers with same
> resualt. Is it my fault?!
> Did i forget something?
> What should i do?
> What do you suggest?!

Well, at the very least, we need a debugger's backtrace. This page
should be useful to learn how to proceed:

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