[x264-devel] Execution failed on PPC 405

Mickael LANOE mickael.lanoe at univ-ubs.fr
Mon Dec 7 15:19:17 CET 2009


I try to use x264 on a Xilinx XUP with a PowerPC 405 to study power 
But when I launch the program, I only have "Illegal instruction".
For information, the processor PPC405 do not have Altivec Instruction.
Is there any "no arch" compilation mode (only using libc) ?

Here is the error message:

" #> x264/x264 -o silent_qcif.h264 silent_qcif.yuv 176x144
x264 [info]: 176x144 @ 25.00 fps
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: none!
x264 [info]: profile High, level 1.1
Illegal instruction, 0.24 fps, 1324.20 kb/s, eta 0:21:08"

In advance thanks a lot for your help


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