[x264-devel] [patch] control of maximum nalu size (multi-sclicing)

Simon Morlat simon.morlat at linphone.org
Sat Jul 4 23:16:04 CEST 2009


> Why not?  If I committed a slicing patch, it would be a *good* slicing
> patch, and it would allow both number-of-MBs per slice,
> number-of-slices-per-frame, and a maximum NALU size as well.
Sorry for this patch to be not so good.
In the meantime, what do you have for years in x264 to control the nalu size ?

At this time x264 is lacking this important feature, missing the market of 
real-time communications...
Look at other proprietary solutions:
Polycom they have it.
e-Conf they have it.
Mirial they have it.
bria, they have it.
Even the intel ipp H264 encoder has options to control (at least) the number 
of slices used to encode a picture.
What about ekiga, linphone ? no they don't. And what conclude people that make 
tests between the proprietary ones and the open source ones ? That they don't 
interoperate because the open-source ones don't implement the first and 
simplest mode described in RFC3984. This is not good for the image of open 

It does not matter to me if my patch gets reworked ten times in the future, or 
if you prefer merge and rework the one that was submitted last year because it 
is better, provided that the feature exists.

Until you decide to do something for this, I will be forced to maintain a x264 
fork. Fortunately it's quite easy with git.



> > As for the validity of the reason for rejecting the patch, invoking what
> > happens in another project doesn't look like a valid reason to me. You
> > have every right to refuse a patch, but if you invoke a reason, make it
> > at least a good one.
> ffmpeg is the most popular decoder used for x264 streams, so it only
> makes sense to make judgements based on what happens in that project.
> There is one solution though: we could turn on the bit that enables
> deblocking between slices, which would break parallelized decoding.
> Dark Shikari
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