[x264-devel] h264 video in FLV container have artifacts by playing from a position to next keyframe
fedorchuk at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 19:09:52 CEST 2009
I'm putting h264 video to the FLV container:
# /usr/local/bin/mencoder -o /tmp/80056336515605765
/root/videotest/Crete_Faistas.avi -ovc x264 -x264encopts
-vf scale=540:436,harddup -oac mp3lame -lavcopts acodec=mp3:abitrate=128
-srate 22050
It looks fine - no artifacts
When I copy it in a FLV container:
# ffmpeg -i /tmp/80056336515605765 -f flv -acodec copy -vcodec copy -sameq
This video have artifacts by playing from a position to next keyframe.
Can someone help me? Or point documentation?
P.S. I'm using VLC player and Flowplayer. The results are the same.
Best Regards,
Volodymyr Fedorchuk
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