[x264-devel] MSVC project files

Adam Billyard adambillyard at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 30 18:35:12 CEST 2009

I totally agree carrying MSVC would be a bit of a pain..

But given if you want to compile in MSVC, you're likely a programmer,  
its a 10 minute job to install cygwin and you're all done..no?

Or is it the *debugging* of x264 from within VC that people are after?

On 30 Sep 2009, at 17:25, Steven Walters wrote:

>> A patch to fix compilation in MSVC is very welcome. A lot of people  
>> have
>> problems with this.
>> I recommend committing the patch that fixes the project files and  
>> including
>> the c99 patch file inside the projects directory, so that MSVC  
>> users will
>> always have access to the most up-to-date version of the patch to  
>> fix c99
>> problems.
> So you're saying that in addition to the overly large project files,
> we need to also keep and maintain a patch to support its brokenness?
> That's no different than supporting it directly and has already been
> stated that it is not going to happen.
> Like I've already stated earlier, i think the project files are not
> worth the bloat nor separate patches to be supported,
> I would see doing something like this patch, I've been working every
> once in a while, being more efficient.
> http://kemuri9.net/dev/x264/patches/experimental/x264_msvc_configure.diff
> Which is to have a configure script for MSVC and have the Makefile CMD
> prompt compatible.
> It would take only minor editing to have it support ICL.
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