[x264-devel] So many NAL units per call

Zubair Ali Khan zkhan at d2tech.com
Mon May 17 20:34:38 CEST 2010


I am getting hundreds and sometimes more than 1000 NAL units in a single 
call to X264 encode function. I am encoding a QVGA sequence.

I remember when I was using x264 through FFMPEG interface, I was getting 
a few NAL units per call.

Wondering whats the reason for that and is there is a way to get a few 
NAL units per call so they are easier to handle?

Parameters are:

     x264_param_t *p_ptr = &obj_ptr->params;
     memset(p_ptr, 0, sizeof(obj_ptr->params));
     if (x264_param_default_preset(p_ptr, "fast", "zerolatency") < 0) {
     if (x264_param_apply_profile(p_ptr, "baseline") < 0)  {
     p_ptr->i_width = 320;
     p_ptr->i_height = 240;
     p_ptr->i_csp = 1;
     p_ptr->i_level_idc = 12;
     p_ptr->rc.i_bitrate = 80;
     p_ptr->i_frame_total = 0;


Zubair Khan

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