[x264-devel] windows x64 question

doron jacoby doron.jacoby at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 17:45:27 CET 2011


I am trying to compile application based on x264 for windows 64 bits, using
VS 2008. i am able to do it with 32 bit, by compiling x264 to 32 bit using
mngw (based on "How to Compile x264 on 32 & 64 Bit Windows").

for some reason the linker fail to find the x624 functions when i try to
compile to 64 bits. to make it clear: i follow the instruction in the guide,
and compile to 64 bit, and use the lib in the my VC2008 project. the project
find the lib, but fail to link.

any idea?


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