[x264-devel] X264 encoder crash run on android2.2 when optimization with neon

chris.huang chris.huang at devicevm.com.cn
Tue Jan 25 07:03:36 CET 2011

Dear All,
    I have encountered problems in my nexus one phone, I have seen some similar problem in google search, when I  encoder camera picture to h264 format with libx264 in armv7-a (enable -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon),  the application will crash,But the application run ok and I can see the picture if I disable-asm(disable -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon) feature. 
    I have debug the source code, and find it crash in common/arm/mc-c.c x264_memcpy_aligned_neon function , when i try to use common memcpy to replace it, it will not crash but display picture will have many garbage colors.
    Could anyone give me some suggetion? Thanks very much. 

chris.huang,chris.huang at devicevm.com.cn
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