[x264-devel] Generating H264 for iPad?

Lou lou at lrcd.com
Thu Feb 23 20:47:03 CET 2012

On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 17:56:17 +0100
Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:

> Am 23.02.2012 17:24, schrieb Jason Garrett-Glaser:
> >>> Use the -preset, -profile, etc options, not a huge pile of cargo-cult options.

I mentioned the same thing on ffmpeg-user when that command was

> >> the damned -preset / -profile parameters including their
> >> x264-values are changing permanently - this way you can
> >> NEVER make a useful wrapper without maintain hughe
> >> code-switches and ways control them by a specific
> >> ffmpeg-version
> > 
> > I have no idea what you're even saying here.  The -preset/-profile
> > names have never changed since their introduction many years ago.
> > ffmpeg has had per-codec option support for ages now too, so there
> > really isn't any excuse to continue this mess.
> this is simply not true
> ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -vcodec 'libx264' -acodec 'libfaac' -vpre 'baseline' -vpre '-vpre fastfirstpass'  xxx.mp4
> File for preset '-vpre fastfirstpass' not found

Yes, syntax has changed. It's a side-effect of using something that
isn't 5 years old. FFmpeg/libav do not use text files to emulate the
x264 presets anymore. This is a good thing. Based on your example,
current syntax for two-pass using FFmpeg could be:

ffmpeg -i IronMan.mkv -c:v libx264 -preset medium -profile:v baseline \
-b:v 1M -pass 1 -f mp4 -an -y /dev/null

ffmpeg -i IronMan.mkv -c:v libx264 -preset medium -profile:v baseline \
-b:v 1M -pass 2 -c:a libfaac -b:a 128k output.mp4

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