[x264-devel] CRF and VBV

Jason Garrett-Glaser jason at x264.com
Wed Jan 11 00:17:57 CET 2012

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Georg Lippitsch <georg at linteum.at> wrote:
> Hi,
> what is actually the effect of setting a CRF value when VBV is used?
> I want to set a maximum local bitrate and have no other limitations for
> the stream. So, can I simply set a very low CRF (let's say, 2) and set a
> VBV as I need? Or are there any disadvantages using a low CRF? If so, is
> there any way to calculate a somehow reasonable CRF from the bitrate?

VBV simply places a cap on the bitrate that results from CRF.  It does
what you think it does.

It sounds like what you want is CBR, though.


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