[x264-devel] Problem with modification of side data

Pierre Delmas pierre.delmas at centrale-marseille.fr
Wed Apr 19 18:08:17 CEST 2017

Hello everyone,

I try to modify side data in a frame (in particular motion vector).

That works I can modify side data but when I write the new frame into a
video and re-open the new video my modification has disappear (currently
I modify the value of side_data in position 10 which correspond if I
don't make a mistake at the value named dst_x in AVMotionVector struct).

Do you know why I have this problem ? Is it linked with h264 codec ? I
mean I don't really know very well that codec.

I have two other problems (who could be linked with the previous one).

The first one is my new video seems to be shorter than the original (it
seems to miss something like 22 frames in the new video but at the end)
and the second is that my new video have less side_data than the
original (in all frames I mean).

Is it linked with the codec or with my method to create the new video
and is it really linked with the first problem ?

Thank you for your help,

Best regards,


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