[x265] [PATCH] asm: assembly code for calcrecon[]

Min Chen chenm003 at 163.com
Wed Nov 13 11:19:53 CET 2013

# HG changeset patch
# User Min Chen <chenm003 at 163.com>
# Date 1384337983 -28800
# Node ID 8962d6fc534ae0597f7f4547f3be3a732bda439d
# Parent  90c2763ee0272247dabce845f4fcc3c3e73316fb
asm: assembly code for calcrecon[]

diff -r 90c2763ee027 -r 8962d6fc534a source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp
--- a/source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp	Tue Nov 12 16:55:09 2013 +0530
+++ b/source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp	Wed Nov 13 18:19:43 2013 +0800
@@ -449,6 +449,8 @@
         p.cvt32to16_shr = x265_cvt32to16_shr_sse2;
         p.ipfilter_ss[FILTER_V_S_S_8] = x265_interp_8tap_v_ss_sse2;
+        p.calcrecon[BLOCK_4x4] = x265_calcRecons4_sse2;
+        p.calcrecon[BLOCK_8x8] = x265_calcRecons8_sse2;
     if (cpuMask & X265_CPU_SSSE3)
@@ -524,6 +526,9 @@
         p.chroma_copy_sp[CHROMA_2x4] = x265_blockcopy_sp_2x4_sse4;
         p.chroma_copy_sp[CHROMA_2x8] = x265_blockcopy_sp_2x8_sse4;
         p.chroma_copy_sp[CHROMA_6x8] = x265_blockcopy_sp_6x8_sse4;
+        p.calcrecon[BLOCK_16x16] = x265_calcRecons16_sse4;
+        p.calcrecon[BLOCK_32x32] = x265_calcRecons32_sse4;
+        p.calcrecon[BLOCK_64x64] = x265_calcRecons64_sse4;
     if (cpuMask & X265_CPU_AVX)
diff -r 90c2763ee027 -r 8962d6fc534a source/common/x86/pixel-util.asm
--- a/source/common/x86/pixel-util.asm	Tue Nov 12 16:55:09 2013 +0530
+++ b/source/common/x86/pixel-util.asm	Wed Nov 13 18:19:43 2013 +0800
@@ -1,103 +1,475 @@

-;* Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project


-;* Authors: Min Chen <chenm003 at 163.com> <min.chen at multicorewareinc.com>


-;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

-;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

-;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

-;* (at your option) any later version.


-;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

-;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


-;* GNU General Public License for more details.


-;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

-;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

-;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.


-;* This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.

-;* For more information, contact us at licensing at multicorewareinc.com.



-%include "x86inc.asm"

-%include "x86util.asm"




-SECTION .text




-; void cvt32to16_shr(short *dst, int *src, intptr_t stride, int shift, int size)


-INIT_XMM sse2

-cglobal cvt32to16_shr, 5, 7, 1, dst, src, stride

-%define rnd     m7

-%define shift   m6


-    ; make shift

-    mov         r5d, r3m

-    movd        shift, r5d


-    ; make round

-    dec         r5

-    xor         r6, r6

-    bts         r6, r5


-    movd        rnd, r6d

-    pshufd      rnd, rnd, 0


-    ; register alloc

-    ; r0 - dst

-    ; r1 - src

-    ; r2 - stride * 2 (short*)

-    ; r3 - lx

-    ; r4 - size

-    ; r5 - ly

-    ; r6 - diff

-    lea         r2, [r2 * 2]


-    mov         r4d, r4m

-    mov         r5, r4

-    mov         r6, r2

-    sub         r6, r4

-    lea         r6, [r6 * 2]


-    shr         r5, 1



-    mov         r3, r4

-    shr         r3, 2


-    ; row 0

-    movu        m0, [r1]

-    paddd       m0, rnd

-    psrad       m0, shift

-    packssdw    m0, m0

-    movh        [r0], m0


-    ; row 1

-    movu        m0, [r1 + r4 * 4]

-    paddd       m0, rnd

-    psrad       m0, shift

-    packssdw    m0, m0

-    movh        [r0 + r2], m0


-    ; move col pointer

-    add         r1, 16

-    add         r0, 8


-    dec         r3

-    jg          .loop_col


-    ; update pointer

-    lea         r1, [r1 + r4 * 4]

-    add         r0, r6


-    ; end of loop_row

-    dec         r5

-    jg         .loop_row


-    RET

+;* Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project
+;* Authors: Min Chen <chenm003 at 163.com> <min.chen at multicorewareinc.com>
+;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;* (at your option) any later version.
+;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;* GNU General Public License for more details.
+;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
+;* This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
+;* For more information, contact us at licensing at multicorewareinc.com.
+%include "x86inc.asm"
+%include "x86util.asm"
+SECTION .text
+; void cvt32to16_shr(short *dst, int *src, intptr_t stride, int shift, int size)
+INIT_XMM sse2
+cglobal cvt32to16_shr, 5, 7, 1, dst, src, stride
+%define rnd     m7
+%define shift   m6
+    ; make shift
+    mov         r5d, r3m
+    movd        shift, r5d
+    ; make round
+    dec         r5
+    xor         r6, r6
+    bts         r6, r5
+    movd        rnd, r6d
+    pshufd      rnd, rnd, 0
+    ; register alloc
+    ; r0 - dst
+    ; r1 - src
+    ; r2 - stride * 2 (short*)
+    ; r3 - lx
+    ; r4 - size
+    ; r5 - ly
+    ; r6 - diff
+    lea         r2, [r2 * 2]
+    mov         r4d, r4m
+    mov         r5, r4
+    mov         r6, r2
+    sub         r6, r4
+    lea         r6, [r6 * 2]
+    shr         r5, 1
+    mov         r3, r4
+    shr         r3, 2
+    ; row 0
+    movu        m0, [r1]
+    paddd       m0, rnd
+    psrad       m0, shift
+    packssdw    m0, m0
+    movh        [r0], m0
+    ; row 1
+    movu        m0, [r1 + r4 * 4]
+    paddd       m0, rnd
+    psrad       m0, shift
+    packssdw    m0, m0
+    movh        [r0 + r2], m0
+    ; move col pointer
+    add         r1, 16
+    add         r0, 8
+    dec         r3
+    jg          .loop_col
+    ; update pointer
+    lea         r1, [r1 + r4 * 4]
+    add         r0, r6
+    ; end of loop_row
+    dec         r5
+    jg         .loop_row
+    RET
+; void calcrecon(pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, pixel* recon, int16_t* reconqt, pixel *reconipred, int stride, int strideqt, int strideipred)
+INIT_XMM sse2
+cglobal calcRecons4
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 1
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+    PROLOGUE 6,9,4
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5
+    PROLOGUE 6,7,4
+    %define t6      r6m
+    %define t6d     r6d
+    %define t7      r7m
+    %define t8d     r6d
+    mov         t6d, r6m
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 0
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    mov         r6m, t6d
+    mov         r5d, r5m
+    mov         r7d, r7m
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    pxor        m0, m0
+    mov         t8d, 4/2
+    movd        m1, [t0]
+    movd        m2, [t0 + t5]
+    punpckldq   m1, m2
+    punpcklbw   m1, m0
+    movh        m2, [t1]
+    movh        m3, [t1 + t5 * 2]
+    punpcklqdq  m2, m3
+    paddw       m1, m2
+    packuswb    m1, m1
+    ; store recon[] and recipred[]
+    movd        [t2], m1
+    movd        [t4], m1
+    add         t4, t7
+    pshufd      m2, m1, 1
+    movd        [t2 + t5], m2
+    movd        [t4], m2
+    add         t4, t7
+    ; store recqt[]
+    punpcklbw   m1, m0
+    movlps      [t3], m1
+    add         t3, t6
+    movhps      [t3], m1
+    add         t3, t6
+    lea         t0, [t0 + t5 * 2]
+    lea         t1, [t1 + t5 * 4]
+    lea         t2, [t2 + t5 * 2]
+    dec         t8d
+    jnz        .loop
+    RET
+INIT_XMM sse2
+cglobal calcRecons8
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 1
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+    PROLOGUE 6,9,5
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5
+    PROLOGUE 6,7,5
+    %define t6      r6m
+    %define t6d     r6d
+    %define t7      r7m
+    %define t8d     r6d
+    mov         t6d, r6m
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 0
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    mov         r6m, t6d
+    mov         r5d, r5m
+    mov         r7d, r7m
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    pxor        m0, m0
+    mov         t8d, 8/2
+    movh        m1, [t0]
+    movh        m2, [t0 + t5]
+    punpcklbw   m1, m0
+    punpcklbw   m2, m0
+    movu        m3, [t1]
+    movu        m4, [t1 + t5 * 2]
+    paddw       m1, m3
+    paddw       m2, m4
+    packuswb    m1, m2
+    ; store recon[] and recipred[]
+    movlps      [t2], m1
+    movhps      [t2 + t5], m1
+    movlps      [t4], m1
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 0
+    add         t4, t7
+    movhps      [t4], m1
+    add         t4, t7
+    movhps      [t4 + t7], m1
+    lea         t4, [t4 + t7 * 2]
+    ; store recqt[]
+    punpcklbw   m2, m1, m0
+    punpckhbw   m1, m0
+    movu        [t3], m2
+    add         t3, t6
+    movu        [t3], m1
+    add         t3, t6
+    lea         t0, [t0 + t5 * 2]
+    lea         t1, [t1 + t5 * 4]
+    lea         t2, [t2 + t5 * 2]
+    dec         t8d
+    jnz        .loop
+    RET
+INIT_XMM sse4
+cglobal calcRecons16
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 1
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+    PROLOGUE 6,9,5
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5
+    PROLOGUE 6,7,5
+    %define t6      r6m
+    %define t6d     r6d
+    %define t7      r7m
+    %define t8d     r6d
+    mov         t6d, r6m
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 0
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    mov         r6m, t6d
+    mov         r5d, r5m
+    mov         r7d, r7m
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    pxor        m0, m0
+    mov         t8d, 16
+    movu        m2, [t0]
+    pmovzxbw    m1, m2
+    punpckhbw   m2, m0
+    movu        m3, [t1]
+    movu        m4, [t1 + 16]
+    paddw       m1, m3
+    paddw       m2, m4
+    packuswb    m1, m2
+    ; store recon[] and recipred[]
+    movu        [t2], m1
+    movu        [t4], m1
+    ; store recqt[]
+    pmovzxbw    m2, m1
+    punpckhbw   m1, m0
+    movu        [t3], m2
+    movu        [t3 + 16], m1
+    add         t3, t6
+    add         t4, t7
+    add         t0, t5
+    lea         t1, [t1 + t5 * 2]
+    add         t2, t5
+    dec         t8d
+    jnz        .loop
+    RET
+INIT_XMM sse4
+cglobal calcRecons32
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 1
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+    PROLOGUE 6,9,7
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5
+    PROLOGUE 6,7,7
+    %define t6      r6m
+    %define t6d     r6d
+    %define t7      r7m
+    %define t8d     r6d
+    mov         t6d, r6m
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 0
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    mov         r6m, t6d
+    mov         r5d, r5m
+    mov         r7d, r7m
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    pxor        m0, m0
+    mov         t8d, 32
+    movu        m2, [t0]
+    movu        m4, [t0 + 16]
+    pmovzxbw    m1, m2
+    punpckhbw   m2, m0
+    pmovzxbw    m3, m4
+    punpckhbw   m4, m0
+    movu        m5, [t1 + 0 * 16]
+    movu        m6, [t1 + 1 * 16]
+    paddw       m1, m5
+    paddw       m2, m6
+    packuswb    m1, m2
+    movu        m5, [t1 + 2 * 16]
+    movu        m6, [t1 + 3 * 16]
+    paddw       m3, m5
+    paddw       m4, m6
+    packuswb    m3, m4
+    ; store recon[] and recipred[]
+    movu        [t2], m1
+    movu        [t2 + 16], m3
+    movu        [t4], m1
+    movu        [t4 + 16], m3
+    ; store recqt[]
+    pmovzxbw    m2, m1
+    punpckhbw   m1, m0
+    movu        [t3 + 0 * 16], m2
+    movu        [t3 + 1 * 16], m1
+    pmovzxbw    m4, m3
+    punpckhbw   m3, m0
+    movu        [t3 + 2 * 16], m4
+    movu        [t3 + 3 * 16], m3
+    add         t3, t6
+    add         t4, t7
+    add         t0, t5
+    lea         t1, [t1 + t5 * 2]
+    add         t2, t5
+    dec         t8d
+    jnz        .loop
+    RET
+INIT_XMM sse4
+cglobal calcRecons64
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 1
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+    PROLOGUE 6,9,7
+    DECLARE_REG_TMP 0,1,2,3,4,5
+    PROLOGUE 6,7,7
+    %define t6      r6m
+    %define t6d     r6d
+    %define t7      r7m
+    %define t8d     r6d
+    mov         t6d, r6m
+%if ARCH_X86_64 == 0
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    mov         r6m, t6d
+    mov         r5d, r5m
+    mov         r7d, r7m
+    add         t6d, t6d
+    pxor        m0, m0
+    mov         t8d, 64
+    ; left 32 pixel
+    movu        m2, [t0 + 0 * 16]
+    movu        m4, [t0 + 1 * 16]
+    pmovzxbw    m1, m2
+    punpckhbw   m2, m0
+    pmovzxbw    m3, m4
+    punpckhbw   m4, m0
+    movu        m5, [t1 + 0 * 16]
+    movu        m6, [t1 + 1 * 16]
+    paddw       m1, m5
+    paddw       m2, m6
+    packuswb    m1, m2
+    movu        m5, [t1 + 2 * 16]
+    movu        m6, [t1 + 3 * 16]
+    paddw       m3, m5
+    paddw       m4, m6
+    packuswb    m3, m4
+    ; store recon[] and recipred[]
+    movu        [t2 + 0 * 16], m1
+    movu        [t2 + 1 * 16], m3
+    movu        [t4 + 0 * 16], m1
+    movu        [t4 + 1 * 16], m3
+    ; store recqt[]
+    pmovzxbw    m2, m1
+    punpckhbw   m1, m0
+    movu        [t3 + 0 * 16], m2
+    movu        [t3 + 1 * 16], m1
+    pmovzxbw    m4, m3
+    punpckhbw   m3, m0
+    movu        [t3 + 2 * 16], m4
+    movu        [t3 + 3 * 16], m3
+    ; right 32 pixel
+    movu        m2, [t0 + 2 * 16]
+    movu        m4, [t0 + 3 * 16]
+    pmovzxbw    m1, m2
+    punpckhbw   m2, m0
+    pmovzxbw    m3, m4
+    punpckhbw   m4, m0
+    movu        m5, [t1 + 4 * 16]
+    movu        m6, [t1 + 5 * 16]
+    paddw       m1, m5
+    paddw       m2, m6
+    packuswb    m1, m2
+    movu        m5, [t1 + 6 * 16]
+    movu        m6, [t1 + 7 * 16]
+    paddw       m3, m5
+    paddw       m4, m6
+    packuswb    m3, m4
+    ; store recon[] and recipred[]
+    movu        [t2 + 2 * 16], m1
+    movu        [t2 + 3 * 16], m3
+    movu        [t4 + 2 * 16], m1
+    movu        [t4 + 3 * 16], m3
+    ; store recqt[]
+    pmovzxbw    m2, m1
+    punpckhbw   m1, m0
+    movu        [t3 + 4 * 16], m2
+    movu        [t3 + 5 * 16], m1
+    pmovzxbw    m4, m3
+    punpckhbw   m3, m0
+    movu        [t3 + 6 * 16], m4
+    movu        [t3 + 7 * 16], m3
+    add         t3, t6
+    add         t4, t7
+    add         t0, t5
+    lea         t1, [t1 + t5 * 2]
+    add         t2, t5
+    dec         t8d
+    jnz        .loop
+    RET
diff -r 90c2763ee027 -r 8962d6fc534a source/common/x86/pixel.h
--- a/source/common/x86/pixel.h	Tue Nov 12 16:55:09 2013 +0530
+++ b/source/common/x86/pixel.h	Wed Nov 13 18:19:43 2013 +0800
@@ -289,4 +289,10 @@
 #undef DECL_X4
 #undef DECL_ADS
+void x265_calcRecons4_sse2(pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, pixel* recon, int16_t* reconqt, pixel *reconipred, int stride, int strideqt, int strideipred);
+void x265_calcRecons8_sse2(pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, pixel* recon, int16_t* reconqt, pixel *reconipred, int stride, int strideqt, int strideipred);
+void x265_calcRecons16_sse4(pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, pixel* recon, int16_t* reconqt, pixel *reconipred, int stride, int strideqt, int strideipred);
+void x265_calcRecons32_sse4(pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, pixel* recon, int16_t* reconqt, pixel *reconipred, int stride, int strideqt, int strideipred);
+void x265_calcRecons64_sse4(pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, pixel* recon, int16_t* reconqt, pixel *reconipred, int stride, int strideqt, int strideipred);
 #endif // ifndef X265_I386_PIXEL_H
diff -r 90c2763ee027 -r 8962d6fc534a source/test/pixelharness.cpp
--- a/source/test/pixelharness.cpp	Tue Nov 12 16:55:09 2013 +0530
+++ b/source/test/pixelharness.cpp	Wed Nov 13 18:19:43 2013 +0800
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < ITERS; i++)
         int stride = STRIDE;
+        ref(pbuf1 + j, sbuf1 + j, ref_reco, ref_recq, ref_pred, stride, stride, stride);
         opt(pbuf1 + j, sbuf1 + j, opt_reco, opt_recq, opt_pred, stride, stride, stride);
-        ref(pbuf1 + j, sbuf1 + j, ref_reco, ref_recq, ref_pred, stride, stride, stride);
         if (memcmp(ref_recq, opt_recq, 64 * 64 * sizeof(int16_t)))
             return false;

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