[x265] [PATCH] tcomtrquant:remove unused methods

Gopu Govindaswamy gopu at multicorewareinc.com
Thu Oct 10 08:59:51 CEST 2013

# HG changeset patch
# User Gopu Govindaswamy <gopu at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1381388381 -19800
# Node ID 9057b379051036554820697722d6849d52fd57e4
# Parent  dc733384852a48e15ef3be9f9dccdefbe6d87f0e
tcomtrquant:remove unused methods

diff -r dc733384852a -r 9057b3790510 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.cpp
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.cpp	Thu Oct 10 12:10:36 2013 +0530
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.cpp	Thu Oct 10 12:29:41 2013 +0530
@@ -328,63 +328,6 @@
     return acSum;
-void TComTrQuant::xDeQuant(const TCoeff* qCoef, int* coef, int width, int height, int scalingListType)
-    if (width > (int)m_maxTrSize)
-    {
-        width  = m_maxTrSize;
-        height = m_maxTrSize;
-    }
-    int shift, add, coeffQ;
-    UInt log2TrSize = g_convertToBit[width] + 2;
-    int transformShift = MAX_TR_DYNAMIC_RANGE - X265_DEPTH - log2TrSize;
-    shift = QUANT_IQUANT_SHIFT - QUANT_SHIFT - transformShift;
-    TCoeff clipQCoef;
-    if (getUseScalingList())
-    {
-        shift += 4;
-        int *dequantCoef = getDequantCoeff(scalingListType, m_qpParam.m_rem, log2TrSize - 2);
-        if (shift > m_qpParam.m_per)
-        {
-            add = 1 << (shift - m_qpParam.m_per - 1);
-            for (int n = 0; n < width * height; n++)
-            {
-                clipQCoef = Clip3(-32768, 32767, qCoef[n]);
-                coeffQ = ((clipQCoef * dequantCoef[n]) + add) >> (shift -  m_qpParam.m_per);
-                coef[n] = Clip3(-32768, 32767, coeffQ);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for (int n = 0; n < width * height; n++)
-            {
-                clipQCoef = Clip3(-32768, 32767, qCoef[n]);
-                coeffQ   = Clip3(-32768, 32767, clipQCoef * dequantCoef[n]); // Clip to avoid possible overflow in following shift left operation
-                coef[n] = Clip3(-32768, 32767, coeffQ << (m_qpParam.m_per - shift));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        add = 1 << (shift - 1);
-        int scale = g_invQuantScales[m_qpParam.m_rem] << m_qpParam.m_per;
-        for (int n = 0; n < width * height; n++)
-        {
-            clipQCoef = Clip3(-32768, 32767, qCoef[n]);
-            coeffQ = (clipQCoef * scale + add) >> shift;
-            coef[n] = Clip3(-32768, 32767, coeffQ);
-        }
-    }
 void TComTrQuant::init(UInt maxTrSize, int useRDOQ, int useRDOQTS, int useTransformSkipFast)
     m_maxTrSize            = maxTrSize;
@@ -499,20 +442,6 @@
 // Logical transform
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Wrapper function between HM interface and core NxN inverse transform (2D)
- *  \param plCoef input data (transform coefficients)
- *  \param pResidual output data (residual)
- *  \param stride stride of input residual data
- *  \param size transform size (size x size)
- *  \param mode is Intra Prediction mode used in Mode-Dependent DCT/DST only
- */
-void TComTrQuant::xIT(UInt mode, int* coeff, short* residual, UInt stride, int width, int /*height*/)
-    // TODO: this may need larger data types for X265_DEPTH > 8
-    const UInt log2BlockSize = g_convertToBit[width];
-    primitives.idct[IDCT_4x4 + log2BlockSize - ((width == 4) && (mode != REG_DCT))](coeff, residual, stride);
 /** Wrapper function between HM interface and core 4x4 transform skipping
  *  \param resiBlock input data (residual)
  *  \param psCoeff output data (transform coefficients)
@@ -1439,26 +1368,6 @@
-/** set quantized matrix coefficient for decode
- * \param scalingList quantized matrix address
- */
-void TComTrQuant::setScalingListDec(TComScalingList *scalingList)
-    UInt size, list;
-    UInt qp;
-    for (size = 0; size < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; size++)
-    {
-        for (list = 0; list < g_scalingListNum[size]; list++)
-        {
-            for (qp = 0; qp < SCALING_LIST_REM_NUM; qp++)
-            {
-                xSetScalingListDec(scalingList, list, size, qp);
-            }
-        }
-    }
 /** set error scale coefficients
  * \param list List ID
  * \param uiSize Size
diff -r dc733384852a -r 9057b3790510 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.h
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.h	Thu Oct 10 12:10:36 2013 +0530
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.h	Thu Oct 10 12:29:41 2013 +0530
@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
     void xSetScalingListEnc(TComScalingList *scalingList, UInt list, UInt size, UInt qp);
     void xSetScalingListDec(TComScalingList *scalingList, UInt list, UInt size, UInt qp);
     void setScalingList(TComScalingList *scalingList);
-    void setScalingListDec(TComScalingList *scalingList);
     void processScalingListEnc(int *coeff, int *quantcoeff, int quantScales, UInt height, UInt width, UInt ratio, int sizuNum, UInt dc);
     void processScalingListDec(int *coeff, int *dequantcoeff, int invQuantScales, UInt height, UInt width, UInt ratio, int sizuNum, UInt dc);
@@ -218,10 +217,6 @@
     inline double xGetIEPRate() const          { return 32768; }            ///< Get the cost of an equal probable bit
-    void xDeQuant(const TCoeff* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int scalingListType);
-    void xIT(UInt mode, int* coeff, short* residual, UInt stride, int width, int height);
     void xITransformSkip(int* coeff, short* residual, UInt stride, int width, int height);

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