[x265] [PATCH] encoder:auto-padding to min CU size and set conformance window

Gopu Govindaswamy gopu at multicorewareinc.com
Tue Oct 22 09:10:22 CEST 2013

# HG changeset patch
# User Gopu Govindaswamy <gopu at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1382425812 -19800
# Node ID 857cae26a3544d3c711c22c354f7592b63ec23a9
# Parent  9245a882ccee89fc1d158b501587bac7d6e081e4
encoder:auto-padding to min CU size and set conformance window

diff -r 9245a882ccee -r 857cae26a354 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.cpp
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.cpp	Mon Oct 21 22:45:55 2013 -0500
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.cpp	Tue Oct 22 12:40:12 2013 +0530
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
  * Upscale pixels from 8bits to 16 bits when required, but do not modify pixels.
  * This new routine is GPL
-void TComPicYuv::copyFromPicture(const x265_picture_t& pic)
+void TComPicYuv::copyFromPicture(const x265_picture_t& pic, int *pad)
     Pel *Y = getLumaAddr();
     Pel *U = getCbAddr();
@@ -367,15 +367,22 @@
     uint8_t *u = (uint8_t*)pic.planes[1];
     uint8_t *v = (uint8_t*)pic.planes[2];
+    int padx = pad[0];
+    int pady = pad[1];
     if (sizeof(Pel) * 8 > pic.bitDepth)
         assert(pic.bitDepth == 8);
+        /* width and height - without padsize */
+        int width = m_picWidth - padx;
+        int height = m_picHeight - pady;
         // Manually copy pixels to up-size them
-        for (int r = 0; r < m_picHeight; r++)
+        for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
-            for (int c = 0; c < m_picWidth; c++)
+            for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                 Y[c] = (Pel)y[c];
@@ -384,9 +391,9 @@
             y += pic.stride[0];
-        for (int r = 0; r < m_picHeight >> 1; r++)
+        for (int r = 0; r < height >> 1; r++)
-            for (int c = 0; c < m_picWidth >> 1; c++)
+            for (int c = 0; c < width >> 1; c++)
                 U[c] = (Pel)u[c];
                 V[c] = (Pel)v[c];
@@ -397,30 +404,108 @@
             u += pic.stride[1];
             v += pic.stride[2];
+        /* Extend the right if width is not multiple of minimum CU size */
+        if (padx)
+        {
+            Y = getLumaAddr();
+            U = getCbAddr();
+            V = getCrAddr();
+            for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
+            {
+                for (int x = 0; x < padx; x++)
+                    Y[width + x] = Y[width - 1];
+                Y += getStride();
+            }
+            for (int r = 0; r < height >> 1; r++)
+            {
+                for (int x = 0; x < padx >> 1; x++)
+                {
+                    U[(width >> 1) + x] = U[(width >> 1) - 1];
+                    V[(width >> 1) + x] = V[(width >> 1) - 1];
+                }
+                U += getCStride();
+                V += getCStride();
+            }
+        }
+        /* extend the bottom if height is not multiple of the minimum CU size */
+        if (pady)
+        {
+            width = m_picWidth;
+            Y = getLumaAddr() + (height - 1) * getStride();
+            U = getCbAddr() + ((height >> 1) - 1) * getCStride();
+            V = getCrAddr() + ((height >> 1) - 1) * getCStride();
+            for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= pady; i++)
+                memcpy(Y + i * getStride(), Y, width * sizeof(Pel));
+            for (uint32_t j = 1; j <= pady >> 1; j++)
+            {
+                memcpy(U + j * getCStride(), U, (width >> 1) * sizeof(Pel));
+                memcpy(V + j * getCStride(), V, (width >> 1) * sizeof(Pel));
+            }
+        }
 #endif // if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH
-        int width = m_picWidth * (pic.bitDepth > 8 ? 2 : 1);
+        /* width and height - without padsize */
+        int width = (m_picWidth * (pic.bitDepth > 8 ? 2 : 1)) - padx;
+        int height = m_picHeight - pady;
         // copy pixels by row into encoder's buffer
-        for (int r = 0; r < m_picHeight; r++)
+        for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
             memcpy(Y, y, width);
+            /* extend the right if width is not multiple of the minimum CU size */
+            if (padx)
+                ::memset(Y + width, Y[width - 1], padx);
             Y += getStride();
             y += pic.stride[0];
-        for (int r = 0; r < m_picHeight >> 1; r++)
+        for (int r = 0; r < height >> 1; r++)
             memcpy(U, u, width >> 1);
             memcpy(V, v, width >> 1);
+            /* extend the right if width is not multiple of the minimum CU size */
+            if (padx)
+            {
+                ::memset(U + (width >> 1), U[(width >> 1) - 1], padx >> 1);
+                ::memset(V + (width >> 1), V[(width >> 1) - 1], padx >> 1);
+            }
             U += getCStride();
             V += getCStride();
             u += pic.stride[1];
             v += pic.stride[2];
+        /* extend the bottom if height is not multiple of the minimum CU size */
+        if (pady)
+        {
+            width = m_picWidth;
+            Y = getLumaAddr() + (height - 1) * getStride();
+            U = getCbAddr() + ((height >> 1) - 1) * getCStride();
+            V = getCrAddr() + ((height >> 1) - 1) * getCStride();
+            for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= pady; i++)
+                memcpy(Y + i * getStride(), Y, width * sizeof(pixel));
+            for (uint32_t j = 1; j <= pady >> 1; j++)
+            {
+                memcpy(U + j * getCStride(), U, (width >> 1) * sizeof(pixel));
+                memcpy(V + j * getCStride(), V, (width >> 1) * sizeof(pixel));
+            }
+        }
diff -r 9245a882ccee -r 857cae26a354 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.h
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.h	Mon Oct 21 22:45:55 2013 -0500
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.h	Tue Oct 22 12:40:12 2013 +0530
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
     void  copyToPicLuma(TComPicYuv* destYuv);
     void  copyToPicCb(TComPicYuv* destYuv);
     void  copyToPicCr(TComPicYuv* destYuv);
-    void  copyFromPicture(const x265_picture_t&);
+    void  copyFromPicture(const x265_picture_t&, int *pad);
     MotionReference* generateMotionReference(wpScalingParam *w);
diff -r 9245a882ccee -r 857cae26a354 source/common/common.cpp
--- a/source/common/common.cpp	Mon Oct 21 22:45:55 2013 -0500
+++ b/source/common/common.cpp	Tue Oct 22 12:40:12 2013 +0530
@@ -259,10 +259,6 @@
           "Minimum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 8");
     CHECK(param->maxCUSize < 16,
           "Maximum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 16");
-    CHECK((param->sourceWidth  % (param->maxCUSize >> (maxCUDepth - 1))) != 0,
-          "Resulting coded frame width must be a multiple of the minimum CU size");
-    CHECK((param->sourceHeight % (param->maxCUSize >> (maxCUDepth - 1))) != 0,
-          "Resulting coded frame height must be a multiple of the minimum CU size");
     CHECK((1u << tuQTMaxLog2Size) > param->maxCUSize,
           "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be log2(maxCUSize) or smaller.");
diff -r 9245a882ccee -r 857cae26a354 source/encoder/encoder.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Mon Oct 21 22:45:55 2013 -0500
+++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Tue Oct 22 12:40:12 2013 +0530
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
         /* Copy input picture into a TComPic, send to lookahead */
-        pic->getPicYuvOrg()->copyFromPicture(*pic_in);
+        pic->getPicYuvOrg()->copyFromPicture(*pic_in, m_pad);
         pic->m_userData = pic_in->userData;
         pic->m_pts = pic_in->pts;
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@
     m_maxNumOffsetsPerPic = 2048;
     m_log2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2 = 0;
-    //========= set default confirmation window ==================================
+    //========= set default Display window ==================================
     m_defaultDisplayWindow.m_enabledFlag = true;
     m_defaultDisplayWindow.m_winRightOffset = 0;
     m_defaultDisplayWindow.m_winTopOffset = 0;
@@ -981,6 +981,36 @@
     m_defaultDisplayWindow.m_winLeftOffset = 0;
     m_pad[0] = m_pad[1] = 0;
+    //======== set pad size if width is not multiple of the minimum CU size =========
+    uint32_t maxCUDepth = (uint32_t)g_convertToBit[_param->maxCUSize];
+    uint32_t minCUDepth = (_param->maxCUSize >> (maxCUDepth - 1));
+    if ((_param->sourceWidth % minCUDepth) != 0)
+    {
+        uint32_t padsize = 0;
+        uint32_t rem = _param->sourceWidth % minCUDepth;
+        padsize = minCUDepth - rem;
+        _param->sourceWidth += padsize;
+        m_pad[0] = padsize; //pad width
+        /* set the confirmation window offsets  */
+        m_conformanceWindow.m_enabledFlag = true;
+        m_conformanceWindow.m_winRightOffset = m_pad[0];
+    }
+    //======== set pad size if height is not multiple of the minimum CU size =========
+    if ((_param->sourceHeight % minCUDepth) != 0)
+    {
+        uint32_t padsize = 0;
+        uint32_t rem = _param->sourceHeight % minCUDepth;
+        padsize = minCUDepth - rem;
+        _param->sourceHeight += padsize;
+        m_pad[1] = padsize; //pad height
+        /* set the confirmation window offsets  */
+        m_conformanceWindow.m_enabledFlag = true;
+        m_conformanceWindow.m_winBottomOffset = m_pad[1];
+    }
     m_progressiveSourceFlag = true;
     m_interlacedSourceFlag = false;
     m_nonPackedConstraintFlag = false;

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