[x265] [PATCH] modify for BFrames in ABR , clean up code

Derek Buitenhuis derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 11:58:35 CEST 2013

On 9/11/2013 5:31 PM, aarthi at multicorewareinc.com wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Aarthi Thirumalai
> # Date 1378916973 -19800
> #      Wed Sep 11 21:59:33 2013 +0530
> # Node ID 823b35128a7dcbd77f0d4c274a285d63deba7c5a
> # Parent  a6bf1f10e820da79da76b4649eaae11b6a030521
> modify for BFrames in ABR , clean up code


    Improve bframe ratecontrol logic

    This should improve ABR results by <...>.

Where <...> is an explanation on how it improves it. I understand
it's mostly tweaking magic numbers.

> +        TComSlice* prevRefSlice = curFrame->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0)->getSlice();
> +        TComSlice* nextRefSlice = curFrame->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, 0)->getSlice();
> +        int i0 = prevRefSlice->getSliceType() == I_SLICE;
> +        int i1 = nextRefSlice->getSliceType() == I_SLICE;

bool? Or do we intentionally stick to ints to make a C port
easier later on?

> +        if (prevRefSlice->getSliceType()  == B_SLICE && prevRefSlice->isReferenced())
> +            q0 -= pbOffset / 2;
> +        if (nextRefSlice->getSliceType()  == B_SLICE && nextRefSlice->isReferenced())
> +            q1 -= pbOffset / 2;

Accidental extra whitespace before the ==.

> -        lastQScaleFor[P_SLICE] = lastQScale = qScale/pbFactor;

Can you document the reason for removing this in the commit message?

> -            cplxrSum +=  1.1 *bits * qp2qScale(rce->qpaRc) / rce->lastRceq;
> +            /* The factor 1.5 is to tune up the actual bits  otherwise the cplxrSum is scaled too low
> +             * to improve short term compensation for next frame. */
> +            cplxrSum +=  1.5 * bits * qp2qScale(rce->qpaRc) / rce->lastRceq;

Extra space after 'bits', where a comma should be.

Also, s/the cplxrSum/cplxrSum/.

> -            cplxrSum += bits * qp2qScale(rce->qpaRc) / (rce->lastRceq * fabs(0.5 * pbFactor));
> +            cplxrSum += bits * qp2qScale(rce->qpaRc) / (rce->lastRceq * fabs(pbFactor));

I assume this is related to the above tweak, i.e. a natrual consequence of
increasing the coefficient cplxrSum uses?

Technically, seems OK.

- Derek

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