[x265] "x264_" prefix in mc-a.asm

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Sun Apr 27 19:50:21 CEST 2014

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 6:29 AM, 宮村 公男 <xanadu at apost.plala.or.jp> wrote:
> One of my friend told me that there are two "x264_" prefix in mc-a.asm.  He told me that this "x264_" prefix are not needed.  How do you think?
> The file is located at "x265/source/common/x86/mc-a.asm".  The line number is 3323 and 3326.
> 3323    jb x264_pixel_avg2_w16_sse2
> 3324    or    eax, r4m
> 3325    and   eax, 7
> 3326    jz x264_pixel_avg2_w16_sse2

Yep, definitely a bug, thanks.

We must not be using that particular function, even so I'm a bit
surprised that it links.  Grep found a few more references that I've
cleaned up at the same time.

Steve Borho

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