[x265] [PATCH] analysis: add chroma distortion to rdLevels 3 and 4

deepthi at multicorewareinc.com deepthi at multicorewareinc.com
Thu Dec 4 12:21:48 CET 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Deepthi Nandakumar <deepthi at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1417689012 -19800
#      Thu Dec 04 16:00:12 2014 +0530
# Node ID fa431ed371773c39968ddb9db29a4eda38787066
# Parent  511dde5ac1deee96a0105bb87e14670ef5ed72a6
analysis: add chroma distortion to rdLevels 3 and 4

At these rdLevels, inter/bidir and merge candidate decisions were being taken
based on luma sa8dCost only. This will increase bitrate and lower ssim slightly,
with better subjective quality.

Also fixed some naming nits.

diff -r 511dde5ac1de -r fa431ed37177 source/encoder/analysis.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Thu Dec 04 12:43:06 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Thu Dec 04 16:00:12 2014 +0530
@@ -1244,10 +1244,17 @@
         // do MC only for Luma part
         prepMotionCompensation(tempPred->cu, cuGeom, 0);
-        motionCompensation(tempPred->predYuv, true, false);
+        motionCompensation(tempPred->predYuv, true, true);
         tempPred->sa8dBits = getTUBits(i, maxNumMergeCand);
         tempPred->distortion = primitives.sa8d[sizeIdx](fencYuv->m_buf[0], fencYuv->m_size, tempPred->predYuv.m_buf[0], tempPred->predYuv.m_size);
+        if (m_param->rdLevel >= 3)
+        {
+            int cuSize = 1 << cuGeom.log2CUSize;
+            int cpart = partitionFromSizes(cuSize >> m_hChromaShift, cuSize >> m_vChromaShift);
+            tempPred->distortion += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv->m_buf[1], fencYuv->m_csize, tempPred->predYuv.m_buf[1], tempPred->predYuv.m_csize);
+            tempPred->distortion += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv->m_buf[2], fencYuv->m_csize, tempPred->predYuv.m_buf[2], tempPred->predYuv.m_csize);
+        }
         tempPred->sa8dCost = m_rdCost.calcRdSADCost(tempPred->distortion, tempPred->sa8dBits);
         if (tempPred->sa8dCost < bestPred->sa8dCost)
@@ -1428,12 +1435,20 @@
-    if (predInterSearch(interMode, cuGeom, false, false))
+    if (predInterSearch(interMode, cuGeom, false, true))
         /* predInterSearch sets interMode.sa8dBits */
         const Yuv& fencYuv = *interMode.fencYuv;
         Yuv& predYuv = interMode.predYuv;
-        interMode.distortion = primitives.sa8d[cuGeom.log2CUSize - 2](fencYuv.m_buf[0], fencYuv.m_size, predYuv.m_buf[0], predYuv.m_size);
+        int part = partitionFromLog2Size(cuGeom.log2CUSize);
+        interMode.distortion = primitives.sa8d[part](fencYuv.m_buf[0], fencYuv.m_size, predYuv.m_buf[0], predYuv.m_size);
+        if (m_param->rdLevel >= 3)
+        {
+            uint32_t cuSize = 1 << cuGeom.log2CUSize;
+            int cpart = partitionFromSizes(cuSize >> m_hChromaShift, cuSize >> m_vChromaShift);
+            interMode.distortion += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv.m_buf[1], fencYuv.m_csize, predYuv.m_buf[1], predYuv.m_csize);
+            interMode.distortion += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv.m_buf[2], fencYuv.m_csize, predYuv.m_buf[2], predYuv.m_csize);
+        }
         interMode.sa8dCost = m_rdCost.calcRdSADCost(interMode.distortion, interMode.sa8dBits);
         if (m_param->analysisMode == X265_ANALYSIS_SAVE && m_reuseInterDataCTU)
@@ -1513,6 +1528,8 @@
     const Yuv& fencYuv = *bidir2Nx2N.fencYuv;
     MV   mvzero(0, 0);
     int  partEnum = cuGeom.log2CUSize - 2;
+    int cuSize = 1 << cuGeom.log2CUSize;
+    int cpart = partitionFromSizes(cuSize >> m_hChromaShift, cuSize >> m_vChromaShift);
     bidir2Nx2N.bestME[0][0] = inter2Nx2N.bestME[0][0];
     bidir2Nx2N.bestME[0][1] = inter2Nx2N.bestME[0][1];
@@ -1545,6 +1562,12 @@
     motionCompensation(bidir2Nx2N.predYuv, true, true);
     int sa8d = primitives.sa8d[partEnum](fencYuv.m_buf[0], fencYuv.m_size, bidir2Nx2N.predYuv.m_buf[0], bidir2Nx2N.predYuv.m_size);
+    if (m_param->rdLevel >= 3)
+    {
+        /* Add in chroma distortion */
+        sa8d += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv.m_buf[1], fencYuv.m_csize, bidir2Nx2N.predYuv.m_buf[1], bidir2Nx2N.predYuv.m_csize);
+        sa8d += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv.m_buf[2], fencYuv.m_csize, bidir2Nx2N.predYuv.m_buf[2], bidir2Nx2N.predYuv.m_csize);
+    }
     bidir2Nx2N.sa8dBits = bestME[0].bits + bestME[1].bits + m_listSelBits[2] - (m_listSelBits[0] + m_listSelBits[1]);
     bidir2Nx2N.sa8dCost = sa8d + m_rdCost.getCost(bidir2Nx2N.sa8dBits);
@@ -1572,18 +1595,23 @@
         intptr_t refStride = m_slice->m_mref[0][0].lumaStride;
         primitives.pixelavg_pp[partEnum](tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size, fref0, refStride, fref1, refStride, 32);
-        int sa8dCost = primitives.sa8d[partEnum](fencYuv.m_buf[0], fencYuv.m_size, tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size);
+        int zsa8d = primitives.sa8d[partEnum](fencYuv.m_buf[0], fencYuv.m_size, tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size);
+        if (m_param->rdLevel >= 3)
+        {
+            /* Add in chroma distortion */
+            zsa8d += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv.m_buf[1], fencYuv.m_csize, tmpPredYuv.m_buf[1], tmpPredYuv.m_csize);
+            zsa8d += primitives.sa8d[cpart](fencYuv.m_buf[2], fencYuv.m_csize, tmpPredYuv.m_buf[2], tmpPredYuv.m_csize);
+        }
         uint32_t bits0 = bestME[0].bits - m_me.bitcost(bestME[0].mv, mvp0) + m_me.bitcost(mvzero, mvp0);
         uint32_t bits1 = bestME[1].bits - m_me.bitcost(bestME[1].mv, mvp1) + m_me.bitcost(mvzero, mvp1);
-        uint32_t zcost = sa8dCost + m_rdCost.getCost(bits0) + m_rdCost.getCost(bits1);
+        uint32_t zcost = zsa8d + m_rdCost.getCost(bits0) + m_rdCost.getCost(bits1);
         /* refine MVP selection for zero mv, updates: mvp, mvpidx, bits, cost */
         checkBestMVP(inter2Nx2N.amvpCand[0][ref0], mvzero, mvp0, mvpIdx0, bits0, zcost);
         checkBestMVP(inter2Nx2N.amvpCand[1][ref1], mvzero, mvp1, mvpIdx1, bits1, zcost);
         uint32_t zbits = bits0 + bits1 + m_listSelBits[2] - (m_listSelBits[0] + m_listSelBits[1]);
-        zcost = sa8dCost + m_rdCost.getCost(zbits);
+        zcost = zsa8d + m_rdCost.getCost(zbits);
         if (zcost < bidir2Nx2N.sa8dCost)

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