[x265] [PATCH Review only] asm: added psy_acEnergy_pp_4x4 in sse4 for psyCost_pp

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Thu Dec 18 21:11:50 CET 2014

On 12/18, Deepthi Nandakumar wrote:
> Psy-energy is not always measured at the CU level. estIntraPredQT makes RD
> decisions at the PU level (search.cpp: 1532). Also, chroma uses the psy-rd
> 4x4 cost loop for 8x8 CUs.

I've been trying to be careful to differentiate between the CU based
pixel psy-rd primitives and the TU based residual (short) psy-rd
primitives. CUs (measured in pixels) are from 64x64 to 8x8. TUs
(measured in shorts) are 32x32 to 4x4.

Steve Borho

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