[x265] [PATCH] testbench: stress test support for all pixelharness functions

chen chenm003 at 163.com
Mon Feb 3 18:22:36 CET 2014

>     for (int i = 0; i < ITERS; i++)
>     {
>-        int vres = opt(pbuf1, STRIDE, pbuf2 + j, STRIDE);
>-        int cres = ref(pbuf1, STRIDE, pbuf2 + j, STRIDE);
>+        int index = rand() % TEST_CASES;
>+        int index1 = rand() % TEST_CASES;
>+        int vres = opt(pixel_test_buff[index],STRIDE, pixel_test_buff[index1] + j, STRIDE);
>+        int cres = ref(pixel_test_buff[index],STRIDE, pixel_test_buff[index1] + j, STRIDE);
variant name to index0 & index1 or index1 & index2?
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