[x265] [PATCH] consolidate param functionality into param.cpp

sagar at multicorewareinc.com sagar at multicorewareinc.com
Mon Feb 24 14:43:54 CET 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Sagar Kotecha <sagar at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1393249400 -19800
#      Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
# Node ID e7418fc7dbc61f11762a0adb634deaa2558241c2
# Parent  80caa9f00d7c24da67d6b24e7bf339fe74752ced
consolidate param functionality into param.cpp

diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/common/CMakeLists.txt
--- a/source/common/CMakeLists.txt	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/common/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -148,5 +148,6 @@
     md5.cpp md5.h
     TShortYUV.cpp TShortYUV.h mv.h
     common.cpp common.h
+    param.cpp param.h
     lowres.cpp lowres.h
     piclist.cpp piclist.h)
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/common/common.cpp
--- a/source/common/common.cpp	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/common/common.cpp	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -135,122 +135,6 @@
 extern "C"
-void x265_param_default(x265_param *param)
-    memset(param, 0, sizeof(x265_param));
-    /* Applying non-zero default values to all elements in the param structure */
-    param->logLevel = X265_LOG_INFO;
-    param->bEnableWavefront = 1;
-    param->frameNumThreads = 0;
-    param->poolNumThreads = 0;
-    param->csvfn = NULL;
-    /* Source specifications */
-    param->internalBitDepth = x265_max_bit_depth;
-    param->internalCsp = X265_CSP_I420;
-    /* CU definitions */
-    param->maxCUSize = 64;
-    param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 1;
-    param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 1;
-    /* Coding Structure */
-    param->keyframeMin = 0;
-    param->keyframeMax = 250;
-    param->bOpenGOP = 1;
-    param->bframes = 4;
-    param->lookaheadDepth = 20;
-    param->bFrameAdaptive = X265_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;
-    param->bBPyramid = 1;
-    param->scenecutThreshold = 40; /* Magic number pulled in from x264 */
-    /* Intra Coding Tools */
-    param->bEnableConstrainedIntra = 0;
-    param->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing = 1;
-    /* Inter Coding tools */
-    param->searchMethod = X265_HEX_SEARCH;
-    param->subpelRefine = 2;
-    param->searchRange = 57;
-    param->maxNumMergeCand = 2;
-    param->bEnableWeightedPred = 1;
-    param->bEnableWeightedBiPred = 0;
-    param->bEnableEarlySkip = 0;
-    param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 0;
-    param->bEnableAMP = 1;
-    param->bEnableRectInter = 1;
-    param->rdLevel = 3;
-    param->bEnableSignHiding = 1;
-    param->bEnableTransformSkip = 0;
-    param->bEnableTSkipFast = 0;
-    param->maxNumReferences = 3;
-    /* Loop Filter */
-    param->bEnableLoopFilter = 1;
-    /* SAO Loop Filter */
-    param->bEnableSAO = 1;
-    param->saoLcuBoundary = 0;
-    param->saoLcuBasedOptimization = 1;
-    /* Coding Quality */
-    param->cbQpOffset = 0;
-    param->crQpOffset = 0;
-    param->rdPenalty = 0;
-    /* Rate control options */
-    param->rc.vbvMaxBitrate = 0;
-    param->rc.vbvBufferSize = 0;
-    param->rc.vbvBufferInit = 0.9;
-    param->rc.rfConstant = 28;
-    param->rc.bitrate = 0;
-    param->rc.rateTolerance = 1.0;
-    param->rc.qCompress = 0.6;
-    param->rc.ipFactor = 1.4f;
-    param->rc.pbFactor = 1.3f;
-    param->rc.qpStep = 4;
-    param->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CRF;
-    param->rc.qp = 32;
-    param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_VARIANCE;
-    param->rc.aqStrength = 1.0;
-    param->rc.cuTree = 1;
-    /* Quality Measurement Metrics */
-    param->bEnablePsnr = 0;
-    param->bEnableSsim = 0;
-    /* Video Usability Information (VUI) */
-    param->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = 0;
-    param->aspectRatioIdc = 0;
-    param->sarWidth = 0;
-    param->sarHeight = 0;
-    param->bEnableOverscanAppropriateFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 0;
-    param->videoFormat = 5;
-    param->bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 0;
-    param->colorPrimaries = 2;
-    param->transferCharacteristics = 2;
-    param->matrixCoeffs = 2;
-    param->bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag = 0;
-    param->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField = 0;
-    param->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField = 0;
-    param->bEnableFieldSeqFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag = 0;
-    param->defDispWinLeftOffset = 0;
-    param->defDispWinRightOffset = 0;
-    param->defDispWinTopOffset = 0;
-    param->defDispWinBottomOffset = 0;
-    param->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag = 0;
-    param->bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag = 0;
-extern "C"
 void x265_picture_init(x265_param *param, x265_picture *pic)
     memset(pic, 0, sizeof(x265_picture));
@@ -259,924 +143,3 @@
     pic->colorSpace = param->internalCsp;
-extern "C"
-int x265_param_apply_profile(x265_param *param, const char *profile)
-    if (!profile)
-        return 0;
-    if (!strcmp(profile, "main"))
-    {}
-    else if (!strcmp(profile, "main10"))
-    {
-        param->internalBitDepth = 10;
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Main10 not supported, not compiled for 16bpp.\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    else if (!strcmp(profile, "mainstillpicture"))
-    {
-        param->keyframeMax = 1;
-        param->bOpenGOP = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "unknown profile <%s>\n", profile);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-extern "C"
-int x265_param_default_preset(x265_param *param, const char *preset, const char *tune)
-    x265_param_default(param);
-    if (preset)
-    {
-        char *end;
-        int i = strtol(preset, &end, 10);
-        if (*end == 0 && i >= 0 && i < (int)(sizeof(x265_preset_names) / sizeof(*x265_preset_names) - 1))
-            preset = x265_preset_names[i];
-        if (!strcmp(preset, "ultrafast"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 10;
-            param->scenecutThreshold = 0; // disable lookahead
-            param->maxCUSize = 32;
-            param->searchRange = 25;
-            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
-            param->subpelRefine = 0;
-            param->searchMethod = X265_DIA_SEARCH;
-            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
-            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
-            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
-            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
-            param->bEnableSAO = 0;
-            param->bEnableSignHiding = 0;
-            param->bEnableWeightedPred = 0;
-            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
-            param->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;
-            param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_NONE;
-            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "superfast"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 10;
-            param->maxCUSize = 32;
-            param->searchRange = 44;
-            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
-            param->subpelRefine = 1;
-            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
-            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
-            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
-            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
-            param->bEnableWeightedPred = 0;
-            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
-            param->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;
-            param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_NONE;
-            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "veryfast"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 15;
-            param->maxCUSize = 32;
-            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
-            param->subpelRefine = 1;
-            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
-            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
-            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
-            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
-            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
-            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "faster"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 15;
-            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
-            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
-            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
-            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
-            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
-            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
-            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "fast"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 15;
-            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
-            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "medium"))
-        {
-            /* defaults */
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "slow"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 25;
-            param->rdLevel = 4;
-            param->subpelRefine = 3;
-            param->maxNumMergeCand = 3;
-            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "slower"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 30;
-            param->bframes = 8;
-            param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 2;
-            param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 2;
-            param->rdLevel = 6;
-            param->subpelRefine = 3;
-            param->maxNumMergeCand = 3;
-            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "veryslow"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 40;
-            param->bframes = 8;
-            param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 3;
-            param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 3;
-            param->rdLevel = 6;
-            param->subpelRefine = 4;
-            param->maxNumMergeCand = 4;
-            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
-            param->maxNumReferences = 5;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(preset, "placebo"))
-        {
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 60;
-            param->searchRange = 92;
-            param->bframes = 8;
-            param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 4;
-            param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 4;
-            param->rdLevel = 6;
-            param->subpelRefine = 5;
-            param->maxNumMergeCand = 5;
-            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
-            param->bEnableTransformSkip = 1;
-            param->maxNumReferences = 5;
-            // TODO: optimized esa
-        }
-        else
-            return -1;
-    }
-    if (tune)
-    {
-        if (!strcmp(tune, "psnr"))
-        {
-            param->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(tune, "ssim"))
-        {
-            param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE;
-        }
-        else if (!strcmp(tune, "zero-latency"))
-        {
-            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
-            param->bframes = 0;
-            param->lookaheadDepth = 0;
-        }
-        else
-            return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static inline int _confirm(x265_param *param, bool bflag, const char* message)
-    if (!bflag)
-        return 0;
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "%s\n", message);
-    return 1;
-int x265_check_params(x265_param *param)
-#define CHECK(expr, msg) check_failed |= _confirm(param, expr, msg)
-    int check_failed = 0; /* abort if there is a fatal configuration problem */
-    CHECK(param->maxCUSize > 64,
-          "max ctu size should be less than 64");
-    CHECK(param->maxCUSize < 16,
-          "Maximum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 16");
-    if (check_failed == 1)
-        return check_failed;
-    uint32_t maxCUDepth = (uint32_t)g_convertToBit[param->maxCUSize];
-    uint32_t tuQTMaxLog2Size = maxCUDepth + 2 - 1;
-    uint32_t tuQTMinLog2Size = 2; //log2(4)
-    CHECK((param->maxCUSize >> maxCUDepth) < 4,
-          "Minimum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 8");
-    CHECK(param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I420 && param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I444,
-          "Only 4:2:0 and 4:4:4 color spaces is supported at this time");
-    /* These checks might be temporary */
-    CHECK(param->internalBitDepth != 10,
-          "x265 was compiled for 10bit encodes, only 10bit inputs supported");
-    CHECK(param->internalBitDepth > x265_max_bit_depth,
-          "internalBitDepth must be <= x265_max_bit_depth");
-    CHECK(param->rc.qp < -6 * (param->internalBitDepth - 8) || param->rc.qp > 51,
-          "QP exceeds supported range (-QpBDOffsety to 51)");
-    CHECK(param->fpsNum == 0 || param->fpsDenom == 0,
-          "Frame rate numerator and denominator must be specified");
-    CHECK(param->searchMethod<0 || param->searchMethod> X265_FULL_SEARCH,
-          "Search method is not supported value (0:DIA 1:HEX 2:UMH 3:HM 5:FULL)");
-    CHECK(param->searchRange < 0,
-          "Search Range must be more than 0");
-    CHECK(param->searchRange >= 32768,
-          "Search Range must be less than 32768");
-    CHECK(param->subpelRefine > X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL,
-          "subme must be less than or equal to X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL (7)");
-    CHECK(param->subpelRefine < 0,
-          "subme must be greater than or equal to 0");
-    CHECK(param->frameNumThreads < 0,
-          "frameNumThreads (--frame-threads) must be 0 or higher");
-    CHECK(param->cbQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cb QP Offset is -12");
-    CHECK(param->cbQpOffset >  12, "Max. Chroma Cb QP Offset is  12");
-    CHECK(param->crQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cr QP Offset is -12");
-    CHECK(param->crQpOffset >  12, "Max. Chroma Cr QP Offset is  12");
-    CHECK((1u << tuQTMaxLog2Size) > param->maxCUSize,
-          "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be log2(maxCUSize) or smaller.");
-    CHECK(param->tuQTMaxInterDepth < 1,
-          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be greater than or equal to 1");
-    CHECK(param->maxCUSize < (1u << (tuQTMinLog2Size + param->tuQTMaxInterDepth - 1)),
-          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be less than or equal to the difference between log2(maxCUSize) and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1");
-    CHECK(param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth < 1,
-          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra must be greater than or equal to 1");
-    CHECK(param->maxCUSize < (1u << (tuQTMinLog2Size + param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth - 1)),
-          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be less than or equal to the difference between log2(maxCUSize) and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1");
-    CHECK(param->maxNumMergeCand < 1, "MaxNumMergeCand must be 1 or greater.");
-    CHECK(param->maxNumMergeCand > 5, "MaxNumMergeCand must be 5 or smaller.");
-    CHECK(param->maxNumReferences < 1, "maxNumReferences must be 1 or greater.");
-    CHECK(param->maxNumReferences > MAX_NUM_REF, "maxNumReferences must be 16 or smaller.");
-    CHECK(param->sourceWidth  % TComSPS::getWinUnitX(param->internalCsp) != 0,
-          "Picture width must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
-    CHECK(param->sourceHeight % TComSPS::getWinUnitY(param->internalCsp) != 0,
-          "Picture height must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
-    CHECK(param->rc.rateControlMode<X265_RC_ABR || param->rc.rateControlMode> X265_RC_CRF,
-          "Rate control mode is out of range");
-    CHECK(param->rdLevel < 0 || param->rdLevel > 6,
-          "RD Level is out of range");
-    CHECK(param->bframes > param->lookaheadDepth,
-          "Lookahead depth must be greater than the max consecutive bframe count");
-    CHECK(param->bframes < 0,
-          "bframe count should be greater than zero");
-    CHECK(param->bframes > X265_BFRAME_MAX,
-          "max consecutive bframe count must be 16 or smaller");
-    CHECK(param->lookaheadDepth > X265_LOOKAHEAD_MAX,
-          "Lookahead depth must be less than 256");
-    CHECK(param->rc.aqMode < X265_AQ_NONE || X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE < param->rc.aqMode,
-          "Aq-Mode is out of range");
-    CHECK(param->rc.aqStrength < 0 || param->rc.aqStrength > 3,
-          "Aq-Strength is out of range");
-    // max CU size should be power of 2
-    uint32_t i = param->maxCUSize;
-    while (i)
-    {
-        i >>= 1;
-        if ((i & 1) == 1)
-            CHECK(i != 1, "Max CU size should be 2^n");
-    }
-    CHECK(param->bEnableWavefront < 0, "WaveFrontSynchro cannot be negative");
-    CHECK((param->aspectRatioIdc < 0
-           || param->aspectRatioIdc > 16)
-          && param->aspectRatioIdc != X265_EXTENDED_SAR,
-          "Sample Aspect Ratio must be 0-16 or 255");
-    CHECK(param->aspectRatioIdc == X265_EXTENDED_SAR && param->sarWidth <= 0,
-          "Sample Aspect Ratio width must be greater than 0");
-    CHECK(param->aspectRatioIdc == X265_EXTENDED_SAR && param->sarHeight <= 0,
-          "Sample Aspect Ratio height must be greater than 0");
-    CHECK(param->videoFormat < 0 || param->videoFormat > 5,
-          "Video Format must be Component component,"
-          " pal, ntsc, secam, mac or undef");
-    CHECK(param->colorPrimaries < 0
-          || param->colorPrimaries > 9
-          || param->colorPrimaries == 3,
-          "Color Primaries must be undef, bt709, bt470m,"
-          " bt470bg, smpte170m, smpte240m, film or bt2020");
-    CHECK(param->transferCharacteristics < 0
-          || param->transferCharacteristics > 15
-          || param->transferCharacteristics == 3,
-          "Transfer Characteristics must be undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg,"
-          " smpte170m, smpte240m, linear, log100, log316, iec61966-2-4, bt1361e,"
-          " iec61966-2-1, bt2020-10 or bt2020-12");
-    CHECK(param->matrixCoeffs < 0
-          || param->matrixCoeffs > 10
-          || param->matrixCoeffs == 3,
-          "Matrix Coefficients must be undef, bt709, fcc, bt470bg, smpte170m,"
-          " smpte240m, GBR, YCgCo, bt2020nc or bt2020c");
-    CHECK(param->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField < 0
-          || param->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField > 5,
-          "Chroma Sample Location Type Top Field must be 0-5");
-    CHECK(param->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField < 0
-          || param->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField > 5,
-          "Chroma Sample Location Type Bottom Field must be 0-5");
-    CHECK(param->defDispWinLeftOffset < 0,
-          "Default Display Window Left Offset must be 0 or greater");
-    CHECK(param->defDispWinRightOffset < 0,
-          "Default Display Window Right Offset must be 0 or greater");
-    CHECK(param->defDispWinTopOffset < 0,
-          "Default Display Window Top Offset must be 0 or greater");
-    CHECK(param->defDispWinBottomOffset < 0,
-          "Default Display Window Bottom Offset must be 0 or greater");
-    return check_failed;
-int x265_set_globals(x265_param *param)
-    uint32_t maxCUDepth = (uint32_t)g_convertToBit[param->maxCUSize];
-    uint32_t tuQTMinLog2Size = 2; //log2(4)
-    static int once /* = 0 */;
-    if (ATOMIC_CAS32(&once, 0, 1) == 1)
-    {
-        if (param->maxCUSize != g_maxCUWidth)
-        {
-            x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "maxCUSize must be the same for all encoders in a single process");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (param->internalBitDepth != g_bitDepth)
-        {
-            x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "internalBitDepth must be the same for all encoders in a single process");
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // set max CU width & height
-        g_maxCUWidth  = param->maxCUSize;
-        g_maxCUHeight = param->maxCUSize;
-        g_bitDepth = param->internalBitDepth;
-        // compute actual CU depth with respect to config depth and max transform size
-        g_addCUDepth = 0;
-        while ((param->maxCUSize >> maxCUDepth) > (1u << (tuQTMinLog2Size + g_addCUDepth)))
-        {
-            g_addCUDepth++;
-        }
-        maxCUDepth += g_addCUDepth;
-        g_addCUDepth++;
-        g_maxCUDepth = maxCUDepth;
-        // initialize partition order
-        uint32_t* tmp = &g_zscanToRaster[0];
-        initZscanToRaster(g_maxCUDepth + 1, 1, 0, tmp);
-        initRasterToZscan(g_maxCUWidth, g_maxCUHeight, g_maxCUDepth + 1);
-        // initialize conversion matrix from partition index to pel
-        initRasterToPelXY(g_maxCUWidth, g_maxCUHeight, g_maxCUDepth + 1);
-    }
-    return 0;
-void x265_print_params(x265_param *param)
-    if (param->logLevel < X265_LOG_INFO)
-        return;
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Internal bit depth                  : %d\n", param->internalBitDepth);
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "CU size                             : %d\n", param->maxCUSize);
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Max RQT depth inter / intra         : %d / %d\n", param->tuQTMaxInterDepth, param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth);
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "ME / range / subpel / merge         : %s / %d / %d / %d\n",
-             x265_motion_est_names[param->searchMethod], param->searchRange, param->subpelRefine, param->maxNumMergeCand);
-    if (param->keyframeMax != INT_MAX || param->scenecutThreshold)
-    {
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Keyframe min / max / scenecut       : %d / %d / %d\n", param->keyframeMin, param->keyframeMax, param->scenecutThreshold);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Keyframe min / max / scenecut       : disabled\n");
-    }
-    if (param->cbQpOffset || param->crQpOffset)
-    {
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Cb/Cr QP Offset              : %d / %d\n", param->cbQpOffset, param->crQpOffset);
-    }
-    if (param->rdPenalty)
-    {
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "RDpenalty                    : %d\n", param->rdPenalty);
-    }
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Lookahead / bframes / badapt        : %d / %d / %d\n", param->lookaheadDepth, param->bframes, param->bFrameAdaptive);
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "b-pyramid / weightp / refs          : %d / %d / %d\n", param->bBPyramid, param->bEnableWeightedPred, param->maxNumReferences);
-    switch (param->rc.rateControlMode)
-    {
-    case X265_RC_ABR:
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Rate Control / AQ-Strength / CUTree : ABR-%d kbps / %0.1f / %d\n", param->rc.bitrate,
-                 param->rc.aqStrength, param->rc.cuTree);
-        break;
-    case X265_RC_CQP:
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Rate Control / AQ-Strength / CUTree : CQP-%d / %0.1f / %d\n", param->rc.qp, param->rc.aqStrength,
-                 param->rc.cuTree);
-        break;
-    case X265_RC_CRF:
-        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Rate Control / AQ-Strength / CUTree : CRF-%0.1f / %0.1f / %d\n", param->rc.rfConstant,
-                 param->rc.aqStrength, param->rc.cuTree);
-        break;
-    }
-    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "tools: ");
-#define TOOLOPT(FLAG, STR) if (FLAG) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", STR)
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableRectInter, "rect");
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableAMP, "amp");
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableCbfFastMode, "cfm");
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableConstrainedIntra, "cip");
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableEarlySkip, "esd");
-    fprintf(stderr, "rd=%d ", param->rdLevel);
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableLoopFilter, "lft");
-    if (param->bEnableSAO)
-    {
-        if (param->saoLcuBasedOptimization)
-            fprintf(stderr, "sao-lcu ");
-        else
-            fprintf(stderr, "sao-frame ");
-    }
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableSignHiding, "sign-hide");
-    if (param->bEnableTransformSkip)
-    {
-        if (param->bEnableTSkipFast)
-            fprintf(stderr, "tskip(fast) ");
-        else
-            fprintf(stderr, "tskip ");
-    }
-    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableWeightedBiPred, "weightbp");
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    fflush(stderr);
-static int x265_atobool(const char *str, bool& bError)
-    if (!strcmp(str, "1") ||
-        !strcmp(str, "true") ||
-        !strcmp(str, "yes"))
-        return 1;
-    if (!strcmp(str, "0") ||
-        !strcmp(str, "false") ||
-        !strcmp(str, "no"))
-        return 0;
-    bError = true;
-    return 0;
-static int x265_atoi(const char *str, bool& bError)
-    char *end;
-    int v = strtol(str, &end, 0);
-    if (end == str || *end != '\0')
-        bError = true;
-    return v;
-static double x265_atof(const char *str, bool& bError)
-    char *end;
-    double v = strtod(str, &end);
-    if (end == str || *end != '\0')
-        bError = true;
-    return v;
-static int parseName(const char *arg, const char * const * names, bool& bError)
-    for (int i = 0; names[i]; i++)
-    {
-        if (!strcmp(arg, names[i]))
-        {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return x265_atoi(arg, bError);
-/* internal versions of string-to-int with additional error checking */
-#undef atoi
-#undef atof
-#define atoi(str) x265_atoi(str, bError)
-#define atof(str) x265_atof(str, bError)
-#define atobool(str) (bNameWasBool = true, x265_atobool(str, bError))
-extern "C"
-int x265_param_parse(x265_param *p, const char *name, const char *value)
-    bool bError = false;
-    bool bNameWasBool = false;
-    bool bValueWasNull = !value;
-    char nameBuf[64];
-    if (!name)
-        return X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME;
-    // s/_/-/g
-    if (strlen(name) + 1 < sizeof(nameBuf) && strchr(name, '_'))
-    {
-        char *c;
-        strcpy(nameBuf, name);
-        while ((c = strchr(nameBuf, '_')) != 0)
-        {
-            *c = '-';
-        }
-        name = nameBuf;
-    }
-    if (!strncmp(name, "no-", 3))
-    {
-        name += 3;
-        value = !value || x265_atobool(value, bError) ? "false" : "true";
-    }
-    else if (!strncmp(name, "no", 2))
-    {
-        name += 2;
-        value = !value || x265_atobool(value, bError) ? "false" : "true";
-    }
-    else if (!value)
-        value = "true";
-    else if (value[0] == '=')
-        value++;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant
-#define OPT(STR) else if (!strcmp(name, STR))
-    if (0) ;
-    OPT("fps")
-    {
-        if (sscanf(value, "%u/%u", &p->fpsNum, &p->fpsDenom) == 2)
-            ;
-        else
-        {
-            float fps = (float)atof(value);
-            if (fps > 0 && fps <= INT_MAX / 1000)
-            {
-                p->fpsNum = (int)(fps * 1000 + .5);
-                p->fpsDenom = 1000;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                p->fpsNum = atoi(value);
-                p->fpsDenom = 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    OPT("csv") p->csvfn = value;
-    OPT("threads") p->poolNumThreads = atoi(value);
-    OPT("frame-threads") p->frameNumThreads = atoi(value);
-    OPT("log") p->logLevel = atoi(value);
-    OPT("wpp") p->bEnableWavefront = atobool(value);
-    OPT("ctu") p->maxCUSize = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
-    OPT("tu-intra-depth") p->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
-    OPT("tu-inter-depth") p->tuQTMaxInterDepth = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
-    OPT("subme") p->subpelRefine = atoi(value);
-    OPT("merange") p->searchRange = atoi(value);
-    OPT("rect") p->bEnableRectInter = atobool(value);
-    OPT("amp") p->bEnableAMP = atobool(value);
-    OPT("max-merge") p->maxNumMergeCand = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
-    OPT("early-skip") p->bEnableEarlySkip = atobool(value);
-    OPT("fast-cbf") p->bEnableCbfFastMode = atobool(value);
-    OPT("rdpenalty") p->rdPenalty = atoi(value);
-    OPT("tskip") p->bEnableTransformSkip = atobool(value);
-    OPT("no-tskip-fast") p->bEnableTSkipFast = atobool(value);
-    OPT("tskip-fast") p->bEnableTSkipFast = atobool(value);
-    OPT("strong-intra-smoothing") p->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing = atobool(value);
-    OPT("constrained-intra") p->bEnableConstrainedIntra = atobool(value);
-    OPT("open-gop") p->bOpenGOP = atobool(value);
-    OPT("scenecut") p->scenecutThreshold = atoi(value);
-    OPT("keyint") p->keyframeMax = atoi(value);
-    OPT("min-keyint") p->keyframeMin = atoi(value);
-    OPT("rc-lookahead") p->lookaheadDepth = atoi(value);
-    OPT("bframes") p->bframes = atoi(value);
-    OPT("bframe-bias") p->bFrameBias = atoi(value);
-    OPT("b-adapt") p->bFrameAdaptive = atoi(value);
-    OPT("ref") p->maxNumReferences = atoi(value);
-    OPT("weightp") p->bEnableWeightedPred = atobool(value);
-    OPT("cbqpoffs") p->cbQpOffset = atoi(value);
-    OPT("crqpoffs") p->crQpOffset = atoi(value);
-    OPT("rd") p->rdLevel = atoi(value);
-    OPT("signhide") p->bEnableSignHiding = atobool(value);
-    OPT("lft") p->bEnableLoopFilter = atobool(value);
-    OPT("sao") p->bEnableSAO = atobool(value);
-    OPT("sao-lcu-bounds") p->saoLcuBoundary = atoi(value);
-    OPT("sao-lcu-opt") p->saoLcuBasedOptimization = atoi(value);
-    OPT("ssim") p->bEnableSsim = atobool(value);
-    OPT("psnr") p->bEnablePsnr = atobool(value);
-    OPT("hash") p->decodedPictureHashSEI = atoi(value);
-    OPT("b-pyramid") p->bBPyramid = atobool(value);
-    OPT("aq-mode") p->rc.aqMode = atoi(value);
-    OPT("aq-strength") p->rc.aqStrength = atof(value);
-    OPT("vbv-maxrate") p->rc.vbvMaxBitrate = atoi(value);
-    OPT("vbv-bufsize") p->rc.vbvBufferSize = atoi(value);
-    OPT("vbv-init")    p->rc.vbvBufferInit = atof(value);
-    OPT("crf")
-    {
-        p->rc.rfConstant = atof(value);
-        p->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CRF;
-    }
-    OPT("bitrate")
-    {
-        p->rc.bitrate = atoi(value);
-        p->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_ABR;
-    }
-    OPT("qp")
-    {
-        p->rc.qp = atoi(value);
-        p->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CQP;
-    }
-    OPT("input-csp") p->internalCsp = parseName(value, x265_source_csp_names, bError);
-    OPT("me")        p->searchMethod = parseName(value, x265_motion_est_names, bError);
-    OPT("cutree")    p->rc.cuTree = atobool(value);
-    OPT("vui")
-    {
-        int bvalue = atobool(value);
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableFieldSeqFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag = bvalue;
-        p->bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag = bvalue;
-    }
-    OPT("sar")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = atobool(value);
-        p->aspectRatioIdc = atoi(value);
-    }
-    OPT("extended-sar")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = 1;
-        p->aspectRatioIdc = X265_EXTENDED_SAR;
-        bError |= sscanf(value, "%dx%d", &p->sarWidth, &p->sarHeight) != 2;
-    }
-    OPT("overscan")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        if (!strcmp(value, "show"))
-            p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = 1;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "crop"))
-        {
-            p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = 1;
-            p->bEnableOverscanAppropriateFlag = 1;
-        }
-        else
-            p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = -1;
-    }
-    OPT("videoformat")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
-        if (!strcmp(value, "component"))
-            p->videoFormat = 0;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "pal"))
-            p->videoFormat = 1;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "ntsc"))
-            p->videoFormat = 2;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "secam"))
-            p->videoFormat = 3;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "mac"))
-            p->videoFormat = 4;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
-            p->videoFormat = 5;
-        else
-            p->videoFormat = -1;
-    }
-    OPT("range")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = atobool(value);
-        p->bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    OPT("colorprim")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 1;
-        if (!strcmp(value, "bt709"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 1;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 2;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470m"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 4;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470bg"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 5;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte170m"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 6;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte240m"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 7;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "film"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 8;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020"))
-            p->colorPrimaries = 9;
-        else
-            p->colorPrimaries = -1;
-    }
-    OPT("transfer")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 1;
-        if (!strcmp(value, "bt709"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 1;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 2;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470m"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 4;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470bg"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 5;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte170m"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 6;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte240m"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 7;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "linear"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 8;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "log100"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 9;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "log316"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 10;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "iec61966-2-4"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 11;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt1361e"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 12;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "iec61966-2-1"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 13;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020-10"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 14;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020-12"))
-            p->transferCharacteristics = 15;
-        else
-            p->transferCharacteristics = -1;
-    }
-    OPT("colormatrix")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 1;
-        if (!strcmp(value, "GBR"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 0;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt709"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 1;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 2;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "fcc"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 4;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470bg"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 5;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte170m"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 6;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte240m"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 7;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "YCgCo"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 8;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020nc"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 9;
-        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020c"))
-            p->matrixCoeffs = 10;
-        else
-            p->matrixCoeffs = -1;
-    }
-    OPT("chromaloc")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField = atoi(value);
-        p->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField = p->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;
-    }
-    OPT("fieldseq")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableFieldSeqFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    OPT("framefieldinfo")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    OPT("crop-rect")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag = 1;
-        bError |= sscanf(value, "%d,%d,%d,%d",
-                         &p->defDispWinLeftOffset,
-                         &p->defDispWinTopOffset,
-                         &p->defDispWinRightOffset,
-                         &p->defDispWinBottomOffset) != 4;
-    }
-    OPT("timinginfo")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    OPT("nal-hrd")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = atobool(value);
-        p->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    OPT("bitstreamrestriction")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    OPT("subpichrd")
-    {
-        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
-        p->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = atobool(value);
-        p->bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag = atobool(value);
-    }
-    else
-        return X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME;
-#undef OPT
-#undef atobool
-#undef atoi
-#undef atof
-    bError |= bValueWasNull && !bNameWasBool;
-    return bError ? X265_PARAM_BAD_VALUE : 0;
-char *x265_param2string(x265_param *p)
-    char *buf, *s;
-    buf = s = X265_MALLOC(char, 2000);
-    if (!buf)
-        return NULL;
-#define BOOL(param, cliopt) \
-    s += sprintf(s, " %s", (param) ? cliopt : "no-"cliopt);
-    BOOL(p->bEnableWavefront, "wpp");
-    s += sprintf(s, " fps=%d/%d", p->fpsNum, p->fpsDenom);
-    s += sprintf(s, " ctu=%d", p->maxCUSize);
-    s += sprintf(s, " tu-intra-depth=%d", p->tuQTMaxIntraDepth);
-    s += sprintf(s, " tu-inter-depth=%d", p->tuQTMaxInterDepth);
-    s += sprintf(s, " me=%d", p->searchMethod);
-    s += sprintf(s, " subme=%d", p->subpelRefine);
-    s += sprintf(s, " merange=%d", p->searchRange);
-    BOOL(p->bEnableRectInter, "rect");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableAMP, "amp");
-    s += sprintf(s, " max-merge=%d", p->maxNumMergeCand);
-    BOOL(p->bEnableEarlySkip, "early-skip");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableCbfFastMode, "fast-cbf");
-    s += sprintf(s, " rdpenalty=%d", p->rdPenalty);
-    BOOL(p->bEnableTransformSkip, "tskip");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableTSkipFast, "tskip-fast");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing, "strong-intra-smoothing");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableConstrainedIntra, "constrained-intra");
-    BOOL(p->bOpenGOP, "open-gop");
-    s += sprintf(s, " keyint=%d", p->keyframeMax);
-    s += sprintf(s, " min-keyint=%d", p->keyframeMin);
-    s += sprintf(s, " scenecut=%d", p->scenecutThreshold);
-    s += sprintf(s, " rc-lookahead=%d", p->lookaheadDepth);
-    s += sprintf(s, " bframes=%d", p->bframes);
-    s += sprintf(s, " bframe-bias=%d", p->bFrameBias);
-    s += sprintf(s, " b-adapt=%d", p->bFrameAdaptive);
-    s += sprintf(s, " ref=%d", p->maxNumReferences);
-    BOOL(p->bEnableWeightedPred, "weightp");
-    s += sprintf(s, " bitrate=%d", p->rc.bitrate);
-    s += sprintf(s, " qp=%d", p->rc.qp);
-    s += sprintf(s, " aq-mode=%d", p->rc.aqMode);
-    s += sprintf(s, " aq-strength=%.2f", p->rc.aqStrength);
-    s += sprintf(s, " cbqpoffs=%d", p->cbQpOffset);
-    s += sprintf(s, " crqpoffs=%d", p->crQpOffset);
-    s += sprintf(s, " rd=%d", p->rdLevel);
-    BOOL(p->bEnableSignHiding, "signhide");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableLoopFilter, "lft");
-    BOOL(p->bEnableSAO, "sao");
-    s += sprintf(s, " sao-lcu-bounds=%d", p->saoLcuBoundary);
-    s += sprintf(s, " sao-lcu-opt=%d", p->saoLcuBasedOptimization);
-    s += sprintf(s, " b-pyramid=%d", p->bBPyramid);
-    BOOL(p->rc.cuTree, "cutree");
-#undef BOOL
-    return buf;
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/common/common.h
--- a/source/common/common.h	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/common/common.h	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -112,11 +112,7 @@
 /* defined in common.cpp */
 int64_t x265_mdate(void);
 void x265_log(x265_param *param, int level, const char *fmt, ...);
-int  x265_check_params(x265_param *param);
-void x265_print_params(x265_param *param);
-int x265_set_globals(x265_param *param);
 int x265_exp2fix8(double x);
-char *x265_param2string(x265_param *p);
 void *x265_malloc(size_t size);
 void x265_free(void *ptr);
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/common/param.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/source/common/param.cpp	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project
+ *
+ * Authors: Deepthi Nandakumar <deepthi at multicorewareinc.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
+ *
+ * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
+ * For more information, contact us at licensing at multicorewareinc.com.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "TLibCommon/TComSlice.h"
+#include "x265.h"
+#include "threading.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include <climits>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+using namespace x265;
+extern "C"
+x265_param *x265_param_alloc()
+    return (x265_param*)x265_malloc(sizeof(x265_param));
+extern "C"
+void x265_param_free(x265_param *p)
+    return x265_free(p);
+extern "C"
+void x265_param_default(x265_param *param)
+    memset(param, 0, sizeof(x265_param));
+    /* Applying non-zero default values to all elements in the param structure */
+    param->logLevel = X265_LOG_INFO;
+    param->bEnableWavefront = 1;
+    param->frameNumThreads = 0;
+    param->poolNumThreads = 0;
+    param->csvfn = NULL;
+    /* Source specifications */
+    param->internalBitDepth = x265_max_bit_depth;
+    param->internalCsp = X265_CSP_I420;
+    /* CU definitions */
+    param->maxCUSize = 64;
+    param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 1;
+    param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 1;
+    /* Coding Structure */
+    param->keyframeMin = 0;
+    param->keyframeMax = 250;
+    param->bOpenGOP = 1;
+    param->bframes = 4;
+    param->lookaheadDepth = 20;
+    param->bFrameAdaptive = X265_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;
+    param->bBPyramid = 1;
+    param->scenecutThreshold = 40; /* Magic number pulled in from x264 */
+    /* Intra Coding Tools */
+    param->bEnableConstrainedIntra = 0;
+    param->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing = 1;
+    /* Inter Coding tools */
+    param->searchMethod = X265_HEX_SEARCH;
+    param->subpelRefine = 2;
+    param->searchRange = 57;
+    param->maxNumMergeCand = 2;
+    param->bEnableWeightedPred = 1;
+    param->bEnableWeightedBiPred = 0;
+    param->bEnableEarlySkip = 0;
+    param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 0;
+    param->bEnableAMP = 1;
+    param->bEnableRectInter = 1;
+    param->rdLevel = 3;
+    param->bEnableSignHiding = 1;
+    param->bEnableTransformSkip = 0;
+    param->bEnableTSkipFast = 0;
+    param->maxNumReferences = 3;
+    /* Loop Filter */
+    param->bEnableLoopFilter = 1;
+    /* SAO Loop Filter */
+    param->bEnableSAO = 1;
+    param->saoLcuBoundary = 0;
+    param->saoLcuBasedOptimization = 1;
+    /* Coding Quality */
+    param->cbQpOffset = 0;
+    param->crQpOffset = 0;
+    param->rdPenalty = 0;
+    /* Rate control options */
+    param->rc.vbvMaxBitrate = 0;
+    param->rc.vbvBufferSize = 0;
+    param->rc.vbvBufferInit = 0.9;
+    param->rc.rfConstant = 28;
+    param->rc.bitrate = 0;
+    param->rc.rateTolerance = 1.0;
+    param->rc.qCompress = 0.6;
+    param->rc.ipFactor = 1.4f;
+    param->rc.pbFactor = 1.3f;
+    param->rc.qpStep = 4;
+    param->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CRF;
+    param->rc.qp = 32;
+    param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_VARIANCE;
+    param->rc.aqStrength = 1.0;
+    param->rc.cuTree = 1;
+    /* Quality Measurement Metrics */
+    param->bEnablePsnr = 0;
+    param->bEnableSsim = 0;
+    /* Video Usability Information (VUI) */
+    param->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = 0;
+    param->aspectRatioIdc = 0;
+    param->sarWidth = 0;
+    param->sarHeight = 0;
+    param->bEnableOverscanAppropriateFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 0;
+    param->videoFormat = 5;
+    param->bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 0;
+    param->colorPrimaries = 2;
+    param->transferCharacteristics = 2;
+    param->matrixCoeffs = 2;
+    param->bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag = 0;
+    param->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField = 0;
+    param->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField = 0;
+    param->bEnableFieldSeqFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag = 0;
+    param->defDispWinLeftOffset = 0;
+    param->defDispWinRightOffset = 0;
+    param->defDispWinTopOffset = 0;
+    param->defDispWinBottomOffset = 0;
+    param->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag = 0;
+    param->bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag = 0;
+extern "C"
+int x265_param_apply_profile(x265_param *param, const char *profile)
+    if (!profile)
+        return 0;
+    if (!strcmp(profile, "main"))
+    {}
+    else if (!strcmp(profile, "main10"))
+    {
+        param->internalBitDepth = 10;
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Main10 not supported, not compiled for 16bpp.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    else if (!strcmp(profile, "mainstillpicture"))
+    {
+        param->keyframeMax = 1;
+        param->bOpenGOP = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "unknown profile <%s>\n", profile);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+extern "C"
+int x265_param_default_preset(x265_param *param, const char *preset, const char *tune)
+    x265_param_default(param);
+    if (preset)
+    {
+        char *end;
+        int i = strtol(preset, &end, 10);
+        if (*end == 0 && i >= 0 && i < (int)(sizeof(x265_preset_names) / sizeof(*x265_preset_names) - 1))
+            preset = x265_preset_names[i];
+        if (!strcmp(preset, "ultrafast"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 10;
+            param->scenecutThreshold = 0; // disable lookahead
+            param->maxCUSize = 32;
+            param->searchRange = 25;
+            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
+            param->subpelRefine = 0;
+            param->searchMethod = X265_DIA_SEARCH;
+            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
+            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
+            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
+            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
+            param->bEnableSAO = 0;
+            param->bEnableSignHiding = 0;
+            param->bEnableWeightedPred = 0;
+            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
+            param->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;
+            param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_NONE;
+            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "superfast"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 10;
+            param->maxCUSize = 32;
+            param->searchRange = 44;
+            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
+            param->subpelRefine = 1;
+            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
+            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
+            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
+            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
+            param->bEnableWeightedPred = 0;
+            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
+            param->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;
+            param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_NONE;
+            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "veryfast"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 15;
+            param->maxCUSize = 32;
+            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
+            param->subpelRefine = 1;
+            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
+            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
+            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
+            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
+            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
+            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "faster"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 15;
+            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
+            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
+            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
+            param->bEnableEarlySkip = 1;
+            param->bEnableCbfFastMode = 1;
+            param->maxNumReferences = 1;
+            param->rc.cuTree = 0;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "fast"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 15;
+            param->bEnableRectInter = 0;
+            param->bEnableAMP = 0;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "medium"))
+        {
+            /* defaults */
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "slow"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 25;
+            param->rdLevel = 4;
+            param->subpelRefine = 3;
+            param->maxNumMergeCand = 3;
+            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "slower"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 30;
+            param->bframes = 8;
+            param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 2;
+            param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 2;
+            param->rdLevel = 6;
+            param->subpelRefine = 3;
+            param->maxNumMergeCand = 3;
+            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "veryslow"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 40;
+            param->bframes = 8;
+            param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 3;
+            param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 3;
+            param->rdLevel = 6;
+            param->subpelRefine = 4;
+            param->maxNumMergeCand = 4;
+            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
+            param->maxNumReferences = 5;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(preset, "placebo"))
+        {
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 60;
+            param->searchRange = 92;
+            param->bframes = 8;
+            param->tuQTMaxInterDepth = 4;
+            param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = 4;
+            param->rdLevel = 6;
+            param->subpelRefine = 5;
+            param->maxNumMergeCand = 5;
+            param->searchMethod = X265_STAR_SEARCH;
+            param->bEnableTransformSkip = 1;
+            param->maxNumReferences = 5;
+            // TODO: optimized esa
+        }
+        else
+            return -1;
+    }
+    if (tune)
+    {
+        if (!strcmp(tune, "psnr"))
+        {
+            param->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(tune, "ssim"))
+        {
+            param->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE;
+        }
+        else if (!strcmp(tune, "zero-latency"))
+        {
+            param->bFrameAdaptive = 0;
+            param->bframes = 0;
+            param->lookaheadDepth = 0;
+        }
+        else
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static inline int _confirm(x265_param *param, bool bflag, const char* message)
+    if (!bflag)
+        return 0;
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "%s\n", message);
+    return 1;
+int x265_check_params(x265_param *param)
+#define CHECK(expr, msg) check_failed |= _confirm(param, expr, msg)
+    int check_failed = 0; /* abort if there is a fatal configuration problem */
+    CHECK(param->maxCUSize > 64,
+          "max ctu size should be less than 64");
+    CHECK(param->maxCUSize < 16,
+          "Maximum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 16");
+    if (check_failed == 1)
+        return check_failed;
+    uint32_t maxCUDepth = (uint32_t)g_convertToBit[param->maxCUSize];
+    uint32_t tuQTMaxLog2Size = maxCUDepth + 2 - 1;
+    uint32_t tuQTMinLog2Size = 2; //log2(4)
+    CHECK((param->maxCUSize >> maxCUDepth) < 4,
+          "Minimum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 8");
+    CHECK(param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I420 && param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I444,
+          "Only 4:2:0 and 4:4:4 color spaces is supported at this time");
+    /* These checks might be temporary */
+    CHECK(param->internalBitDepth != 10,
+          "x265 was compiled for 10bit encodes, only 10bit inputs supported");
+    CHECK(param->internalBitDepth > x265_max_bit_depth,
+          "internalBitDepth must be <= x265_max_bit_depth");
+    CHECK(param->rc.qp < -6 * (param->internalBitDepth - 8) || param->rc.qp > 51,
+          "QP exceeds supported range (-QpBDOffsety to 51)");
+    CHECK(param->fpsNum == 0 || param->fpsDenom == 0,
+          "Frame rate numerator and denominator must be specified");
+    CHECK(param->searchMethod<0 || param->searchMethod> X265_FULL_SEARCH,
+          "Search method is not supported value (0:DIA 1:HEX 2:UMH 3:HM 5:FULL)");
+    CHECK(param->searchRange < 0,
+          "Search Range must be more than 0");
+    CHECK(param->searchRange >= 32768,
+          "Search Range must be less than 32768");
+    CHECK(param->subpelRefine > X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL,
+          "subme must be less than or equal to X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL (7)");
+    CHECK(param->subpelRefine < 0,
+          "subme must be greater than or equal to 0");
+    CHECK(param->frameNumThreads < 0,
+          "frameNumThreads (--frame-threads) must be 0 or higher");
+    CHECK(param->cbQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cb QP Offset is -12");
+    CHECK(param->cbQpOffset >  12, "Max. Chroma Cb QP Offset is  12");
+    CHECK(param->crQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cr QP Offset is -12");
+    CHECK(param->crQpOffset >  12, "Max. Chroma Cr QP Offset is  12");
+    CHECK((1u << tuQTMaxLog2Size) > param->maxCUSize,
+          "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be log2(maxCUSize) or smaller.");
+    CHECK(param->tuQTMaxInterDepth < 1,
+          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be greater than or equal to 1");
+    CHECK(param->maxCUSize < (1u << (tuQTMinLog2Size + param->tuQTMaxInterDepth - 1)),
+          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be less than or equal to the difference between log2(maxCUSize) and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1");
+    CHECK(param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth < 1,
+          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra must be greater than or equal to 1");
+    CHECK(param->maxCUSize < (1u << (tuQTMinLog2Size + param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth - 1)),
+          "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be less than or equal to the difference between log2(maxCUSize) and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1");
+    CHECK(param->maxNumMergeCand < 1, "MaxNumMergeCand must be 1 or greater.");
+    CHECK(param->maxNumMergeCand > 5, "MaxNumMergeCand must be 5 or smaller.");
+    CHECK(param->maxNumReferences < 1, "maxNumReferences must be 1 or greater.");
+    CHECK(param->maxNumReferences > MAX_NUM_REF, "maxNumReferences must be 16 or smaller.");
+    CHECK(param->sourceWidth  % TComSPS::getWinUnitX(param->internalCsp) != 0,
+          "Picture width must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+    CHECK(param->sourceHeight % TComSPS::getWinUnitY(param->internalCsp) != 0,
+          "Picture height must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+    CHECK(param->rc.rateControlMode<X265_RC_ABR || param->rc.rateControlMode> X265_RC_CRF,
+          "Rate control mode is out of range");
+    CHECK(param->rdLevel < 0 || param->rdLevel > 6,
+          "RD Level is out of range");
+    CHECK(param->bframes > param->lookaheadDepth,
+          "Lookahead depth must be greater than the max consecutive bframe count");
+    CHECK(param->bframes < 0,
+          "bframe count should be greater than zero");
+    CHECK(param->bframes > X265_BFRAME_MAX,
+          "max consecutive bframe count must be 16 or smaller");
+    CHECK(param->lookaheadDepth > X265_LOOKAHEAD_MAX,
+          "Lookahead depth must be less than 256");
+    CHECK(param->rc.aqMode < X265_AQ_NONE || X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE < param->rc.aqMode,
+          "Aq-Mode is out of range");
+    CHECK(param->rc.aqStrength < 0 || param->rc.aqStrength > 3,
+          "Aq-Strength is out of range");
+    // max CU size should be power of 2
+    uint32_t i = param->maxCUSize;
+    while (i)
+    {
+        i >>= 1;
+        if ((i & 1) == 1)
+            CHECK(i != 1, "Max CU size should be 2^n");
+    }
+    CHECK(param->bEnableWavefront < 0, "WaveFrontSynchro cannot be negative");
+    CHECK((param->aspectRatioIdc < 0
+           || param->aspectRatioIdc > 16)
+          && param->aspectRatioIdc != X265_EXTENDED_SAR,
+          "Sample Aspect Ratio must be 0-16 or 255");
+    CHECK(param->aspectRatioIdc == X265_EXTENDED_SAR && param->sarWidth <= 0,
+          "Sample Aspect Ratio width must be greater than 0");
+    CHECK(param->aspectRatioIdc == X265_EXTENDED_SAR && param->sarHeight <= 0,
+          "Sample Aspect Ratio height must be greater than 0");
+    CHECK(param->videoFormat < 0 || param->videoFormat > 5,
+          "Video Format must be Component component,"
+          " pal, ntsc, secam, mac or undef");
+    CHECK(param->colorPrimaries < 0
+          || param->colorPrimaries > 9
+          || param->colorPrimaries == 3,
+          "Color Primaries must be undef, bt709, bt470m,"
+          " bt470bg, smpte170m, smpte240m, film or bt2020");
+    CHECK(param->transferCharacteristics < 0
+          || param->transferCharacteristics > 15
+          || param->transferCharacteristics == 3,
+          "Transfer Characteristics must be undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg,"
+          " smpte170m, smpte240m, linear, log100, log316, iec61966-2-4, bt1361e,"
+          " iec61966-2-1, bt2020-10 or bt2020-12");
+    CHECK(param->matrixCoeffs < 0
+          || param->matrixCoeffs > 10
+          || param->matrixCoeffs == 3,
+          "Matrix Coefficients must be undef, bt709, fcc, bt470bg, smpte170m,"
+          " smpte240m, GBR, YCgCo, bt2020nc or bt2020c");
+    CHECK(param->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField < 0
+          || param->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField > 5,
+          "Chroma Sample Location Type Top Field must be 0-5");
+    CHECK(param->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField < 0
+          || param->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField > 5,
+          "Chroma Sample Location Type Bottom Field must be 0-5");
+    CHECK(param->defDispWinLeftOffset < 0,
+          "Default Display Window Left Offset must be 0 or greater");
+    CHECK(param->defDispWinRightOffset < 0,
+          "Default Display Window Right Offset must be 0 or greater");
+    CHECK(param->defDispWinTopOffset < 0,
+          "Default Display Window Top Offset must be 0 or greater");
+    CHECK(param->defDispWinBottomOffset < 0,
+          "Default Display Window Bottom Offset must be 0 or greater");
+    return check_failed;
+int x265_set_globals(x265_param *param)
+    uint32_t maxCUDepth = (uint32_t)g_convertToBit[param->maxCUSize];
+    uint32_t tuQTMinLog2Size = 2; //log2(4)
+    static int once /* = 0 */;
+    if (ATOMIC_CAS32(&once, 0, 1) == 1)
+    {
+        if (param->maxCUSize != g_maxCUWidth)
+        {
+            x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "maxCUSize must be the same for all encoders in a single process");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (param->internalBitDepth != g_bitDepth)
+        {
+            x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "internalBitDepth must be the same for all encoders in a single process");
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // set max CU width & height
+        g_maxCUWidth  = param->maxCUSize;
+        g_maxCUHeight = param->maxCUSize;
+        g_bitDepth = param->internalBitDepth;
+        // compute actual CU depth with respect to config depth and max transform size
+        g_addCUDepth = 0;
+        while ((param->maxCUSize >> maxCUDepth) > (1u << (tuQTMinLog2Size + g_addCUDepth)))
+        {
+            g_addCUDepth++;
+        }
+        maxCUDepth += g_addCUDepth;
+        g_addCUDepth++;
+        g_maxCUDepth = maxCUDepth;
+        // initialize partition order
+        uint32_t* tmp = &g_zscanToRaster[0];
+        initZscanToRaster(g_maxCUDepth + 1, 1, 0, tmp);
+        initRasterToZscan(g_maxCUWidth, g_maxCUHeight, g_maxCUDepth + 1);
+        // initialize conversion matrix from partition index to pel
+        initRasterToPelXY(g_maxCUWidth, g_maxCUHeight, g_maxCUDepth + 1);
+    }
+    return 0;
+void x265_print_params(x265_param *param)
+    if (param->logLevel < X265_LOG_INFO)
+        return;
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Internal bit depth                  : %d\n", param->internalBitDepth);
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "CU size                             : %d\n", param->maxCUSize);
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Max RQT depth inter / intra         : %d / %d\n", param->tuQTMaxInterDepth, param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth);
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "ME / range / subpel / merge         : %s / %d / %d / %d\n",
+             x265_motion_est_names[param->searchMethod], param->searchRange, param->subpelRefine, param->maxNumMergeCand);
+    if (param->keyframeMax != INT_MAX || param->scenecutThreshold)
+    {
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Keyframe min / max / scenecut       : %d / %d / %d\n", param->keyframeMin, param->keyframeMax, param->scenecutThreshold);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Keyframe min / max / scenecut       : disabled\n");
+    }
+    if (param->cbQpOffset || param->crQpOffset)
+    {
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Cb/Cr QP Offset              : %d / %d\n", param->cbQpOffset, param->crQpOffset);
+    }
+    if (param->rdPenalty)
+    {
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "RDpenalty                    : %d\n", param->rdPenalty);
+    }
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Lookahead / bframes / badapt        : %d / %d / %d\n", param->lookaheadDepth, param->bframes, param->bFrameAdaptive);
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "b-pyramid / weightp / refs          : %d / %d / %d\n", param->bBPyramid, param->bEnableWeightedPred, param->maxNumReferences);
+    switch (param->rc.rateControlMode)
+    {
+    case X265_RC_ABR:
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Rate Control / AQ-Strength / CUTree : ABR-%d kbps / %0.1f / %d\n", param->rc.bitrate,
+                 param->rc.aqStrength, param->rc.cuTree);
+        break;
+    case X265_RC_CQP:
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Rate Control / AQ-Strength / CUTree : CQP-%d / %0.1f / %d\n", param->rc.qp, param->rc.aqStrength,
+                 param->rc.cuTree);
+        break;
+    case X265_RC_CRF:
+        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Rate Control / AQ-Strength / CUTree : CRF-%0.1f / %0.1f / %d\n", param->rc.rfConstant,
+                 param->rc.aqStrength, param->rc.cuTree);
+        break;
+    }
+    x265_log(param, X265_LOG_INFO, "tools: ");
+#define TOOLOPT(FLAG, STR) if (FLAG) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", STR)
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableRectInter, "rect");
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableAMP, "amp");
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableCbfFastMode, "cfm");
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableConstrainedIntra, "cip");
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableEarlySkip, "esd");
+    fprintf(stderr, "rd=%d ", param->rdLevel);
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableLoopFilter, "lft");
+    if (param->bEnableSAO)
+    {
+        if (param->saoLcuBasedOptimization)
+            fprintf(stderr, "sao-lcu ");
+        else
+            fprintf(stderr, "sao-frame ");
+    }
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableSignHiding, "sign-hide");
+    if (param->bEnableTransformSkip)
+    {
+        if (param->bEnableTSkipFast)
+            fprintf(stderr, "tskip(fast) ");
+        else
+            fprintf(stderr, "tskip ");
+    }
+    TOOLOPT(param->bEnableWeightedBiPred, "weightbp");
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+    fflush(stderr);
+static int x265_atobool(const char *str, bool& bError)
+    if (!strcmp(str, "1") ||
+        !strcmp(str, "true") ||
+        !strcmp(str, "yes"))
+        return 1;
+    if (!strcmp(str, "0") ||
+        !strcmp(str, "false") ||
+        !strcmp(str, "no"))
+        return 0;
+    bError = true;
+    return 0;
+static int x265_atoi(const char *str, bool& bError)
+    char *end;
+    int v = strtol(str, &end, 0);
+    if (end == str || *end != '\0')
+        bError = true;
+    return v;
+static double x265_atof(const char *str, bool& bError)
+    char *end;
+    double v = strtod(str, &end);
+    if (end == str || *end != '\0')
+        bError = true;
+    return v;
+static int parseName(const char *arg, const char * const * names, bool& bError)
+    for (int i = 0; names[i]; i++)
+    {
+        if (!strcmp(arg, names[i]))
+        {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return x265_atoi(arg, bError);
+/* internal versions of string-to-int with additional error checking */
+#undef atoi
+#undef atof
+#define atoi(str) x265_atoi(str, bError)
+#define atof(str) x265_atof(str, bError)
+#define atobool(str) (bNameWasBool = true, x265_atobool(str, bError))
+extern "C"
+int x265_param_parse(x265_param *p, const char *name, const char *value)
+    bool bError = false;
+    bool bNameWasBool = false;
+    bool bValueWasNull = !value;
+    char nameBuf[64];
+    if (!name)
+        return X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME;
+    // s/_/-/g
+    if (strlen(name) + 1 < sizeof(nameBuf) && strchr(name, '_'))
+    {
+        char *c;
+        strcpy(nameBuf, name);
+        while ((c = strchr(nameBuf, '_')) != 0)
+        {
+            *c = '-';
+        }
+        name = nameBuf;
+    }
+    if (!strncmp(name, "no-", 3))
+    {
+        name += 3;
+        value = !value || x265_atobool(value, bError) ? "false" : "true";
+    }
+    else if (!strncmp(name, "no", 2))
+    {
+        name += 2;
+        value = !value || x265_atobool(value, bError) ? "false" : "true";
+    }
+    else if (!value)
+        value = "true";
+    else if (value[0] == '=')
+        value++;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant
+#define OPT(STR) else if (!strcmp(name, STR))
+    if (0) ;
+    OPT("fps")
+    {
+        if (sscanf(value, "%u/%u", &p->fpsNum, &p->fpsDenom) == 2)
+            ;
+        else
+        {
+            float fps = (float)atof(value);
+            if (fps > 0 && fps <= INT_MAX / 1000)
+            {
+                p->fpsNum = (int)(fps * 1000 + .5);
+                p->fpsDenom = 1000;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                p->fpsNum = atoi(value);
+                p->fpsDenom = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    OPT("csv") p->csvfn = value;
+    OPT("threads") p->poolNumThreads = atoi(value);
+    OPT("frame-threads") p->frameNumThreads = atoi(value);
+    OPT("log") p->logLevel = atoi(value);
+    OPT("wpp") p->bEnableWavefront = atobool(value);
+    OPT("ctu") p->maxCUSize = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
+    OPT("tu-intra-depth") p->tuQTMaxIntraDepth = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
+    OPT("tu-inter-depth") p->tuQTMaxInterDepth = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
+    OPT("subme") p->subpelRefine = atoi(value);
+    OPT("merange") p->searchRange = atoi(value);
+    OPT("rect") p->bEnableRectInter = atobool(value);
+    OPT("amp") p->bEnableAMP = atobool(value);
+    OPT("max-merge") p->maxNumMergeCand = (uint32_t)atoi(value);
+    OPT("early-skip") p->bEnableEarlySkip = atobool(value);
+    OPT("fast-cbf") p->bEnableCbfFastMode = atobool(value);
+    OPT("rdpenalty") p->rdPenalty = atoi(value);
+    OPT("tskip") p->bEnableTransformSkip = atobool(value);
+    OPT("no-tskip-fast") p->bEnableTSkipFast = atobool(value);
+    OPT("tskip-fast") p->bEnableTSkipFast = atobool(value);
+    OPT("strong-intra-smoothing") p->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing = atobool(value);
+    OPT("constrained-intra") p->bEnableConstrainedIntra = atobool(value);
+    OPT("open-gop") p->bOpenGOP = atobool(value);
+    OPT("scenecut") p->scenecutThreshold = atoi(value);
+    OPT("keyint") p->keyframeMax = atoi(value);
+    OPT("min-keyint") p->keyframeMin = atoi(value);
+    OPT("rc-lookahead") p->lookaheadDepth = atoi(value);
+    OPT("bframes") p->bframes = atoi(value);
+    OPT("bframe-bias") p->bFrameBias = atoi(value);
+    OPT("b-adapt") p->bFrameAdaptive = atoi(value);
+    OPT("ref") p->maxNumReferences = atoi(value);
+    OPT("weightp") p->bEnableWeightedPred = atobool(value);
+    OPT("cbqpoffs") p->cbQpOffset = atoi(value);
+    OPT("crqpoffs") p->crQpOffset = atoi(value);
+    OPT("rd") p->rdLevel = atoi(value);
+    OPT("signhide") p->bEnableSignHiding = atobool(value);
+    OPT("lft") p->bEnableLoopFilter = atobool(value);
+    OPT("sao") p->bEnableSAO = atobool(value);
+    OPT("sao-lcu-bounds") p->saoLcuBoundary = atoi(value);
+    OPT("sao-lcu-opt") p->saoLcuBasedOptimization = atoi(value);
+    OPT("ssim") p->bEnableSsim = atobool(value);
+    OPT("psnr") p->bEnablePsnr = atobool(value);
+    OPT("hash") p->decodedPictureHashSEI = atoi(value);
+    OPT("b-pyramid") p->bBPyramid = atobool(value);
+    OPT("aq-mode") p->rc.aqMode = atoi(value);
+    OPT("aq-strength") p->rc.aqStrength = atof(value);
+    OPT("vbv-maxrate") p->rc.vbvMaxBitrate = atoi(value);
+    OPT("vbv-bufsize") p->rc.vbvBufferSize = atoi(value);
+    OPT("vbv-init")    p->rc.vbvBufferInit = atof(value);
+    OPT("crf")
+    {
+        p->rc.rfConstant = atof(value);
+        p->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CRF;
+    }
+    OPT("bitrate")
+    {
+        p->rc.bitrate = atoi(value);
+        p->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_ABR;
+    }
+    OPT("qp")
+    {
+        p->rc.qp = atoi(value);
+        p->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CQP;
+    }
+    OPT("input-csp") p->internalCsp = parseName(value, x265_source_csp_names, bError);
+    OPT("me")        p->searchMethod = parseName(value, x265_motion_est_names, bError);
+    OPT("cutree")    p->rc.cuTree = atobool(value);
+    OPT("vui")
+    {
+        int bvalue = atobool(value);
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableFieldSeqFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag = bvalue;
+        p->bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag = bvalue;
+    }
+    OPT("sar")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = atobool(value);
+        p->aspectRatioIdc = atoi(value);
+    }
+    OPT("extended-sar")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableAspectRatioIdc = 1;
+        p->aspectRatioIdc = X265_EXTENDED_SAR;
+        bError |= sscanf(value, "%dx%d", &p->sarWidth, &p->sarHeight) != 2;
+    }
+    OPT("overscan")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        if (!strcmp(value, "show"))
+            p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = 1;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "crop"))
+        {
+            p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = 1;
+            p->bEnableOverscanAppropriateFlag = 1;
+        }
+        else
+            p->bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag = -1;
+    }
+    OPT("videoformat")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
+        if (!strcmp(value, "component"))
+            p->videoFormat = 0;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "pal"))
+            p->videoFormat = 1;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "ntsc"))
+            p->videoFormat = 2;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "secam"))
+            p->videoFormat = 3;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "mac"))
+            p->videoFormat = 4;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
+            p->videoFormat = 5;
+        else
+            p->videoFormat = -1;
+    }
+    OPT("range")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = atobool(value);
+        p->bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    OPT("colorprim")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 1;
+        if (!strcmp(value, "bt709"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 1;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 2;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470m"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 4;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470bg"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 5;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte170m"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 6;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte240m"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 7;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "film"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 8;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020"))
+            p->colorPrimaries = 9;
+        else
+            p->colorPrimaries = -1;
+    }
+    OPT("transfer")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 1;
+        if (!strcmp(value, "bt709"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 1;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 2;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470m"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 4;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470bg"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 5;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte170m"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 6;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte240m"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 7;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "linear"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 8;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "log100"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 9;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "log316"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 10;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "iec61966-2-4"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 11;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt1361e"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 12;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "iec61966-2-1"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 13;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020-10"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 14;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020-12"))
+            p->transferCharacteristics = 15;
+        else
+            p->transferCharacteristics = -1;
+    }
+    OPT("colormatrix")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag = 1;
+        if (!strcmp(value, "GBR"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 0;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt709"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 1;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "undef"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 2;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "fcc"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 4;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt470bg"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 5;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte170m"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 6;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "smpte240m"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 7;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "YCgCo"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 8;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020nc"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 9;
+        else if (!strcmp(value, "bt2020c"))
+            p->matrixCoeffs = 10;
+        else
+            p->matrixCoeffs = -1;
+    }
+    OPT("chromaloc")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField = atoi(value);
+        p->chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField = p->chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;
+    }
+    OPT("fieldseq")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableFieldSeqFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    OPT("framefieldinfo")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    OPT("crop-rect")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag = 1;
+        bError |= sscanf(value, "%d,%d,%d,%d",
+                         &p->defDispWinLeftOffset,
+                         &p->defDispWinTopOffset,
+                         &p->defDispWinRightOffset,
+                         &p->defDispWinBottomOffset) != 4;
+    }
+    OPT("timinginfo")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    OPT("nal-hrd")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag = atobool(value);
+        p->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    OPT("bitstreamrestriction")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    OPT("subpichrd")
+    {
+        p->bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag = 1;
+        p->bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag = atobool(value);
+        p->bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag = atobool(value);
+    }
+    else
+        return X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME;
+#undef OPT
+#undef atobool
+#undef atoi
+#undef atof
+    bError |= bValueWasNull && !bNameWasBool;
+    return bError ? X265_PARAM_BAD_VALUE : 0;
+char *x265_param2string(x265_param *p)
+    char *buf, *s;
+    buf = s = X265_MALLOC(char, 2000);
+    if (!buf)
+        return NULL;
+#define BOOL(param, cliopt) \
+    s += sprintf(s, " %s", (param) ? cliopt : "no-"cliopt);
+    BOOL(p->bEnableWavefront, "wpp");
+    s += sprintf(s, " fps=%d/%d", p->fpsNum, p->fpsDenom);
+    s += sprintf(s, " ctu=%d", p->maxCUSize);
+    s += sprintf(s, " tu-intra-depth=%d", p->tuQTMaxIntraDepth);
+    s += sprintf(s, " tu-inter-depth=%d", p->tuQTMaxInterDepth);
+    s += sprintf(s, " me=%d", p->searchMethod);
+    s += sprintf(s, " subme=%d", p->subpelRefine);
+    s += sprintf(s, " merange=%d", p->searchRange);
+    BOOL(p->bEnableRectInter, "rect");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableAMP, "amp");
+    s += sprintf(s, " max-merge=%d", p->maxNumMergeCand);
+    BOOL(p->bEnableEarlySkip, "early-skip");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableCbfFastMode, "fast-cbf");
+    s += sprintf(s, " rdpenalty=%d", p->rdPenalty);
+    BOOL(p->bEnableTransformSkip, "tskip");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableTSkipFast, "tskip-fast");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing, "strong-intra-smoothing");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableConstrainedIntra, "constrained-intra");
+    BOOL(p->bOpenGOP, "open-gop");
+    s += sprintf(s, " keyint=%d", p->keyframeMax);
+    s += sprintf(s, " min-keyint=%d", p->keyframeMin);
+    s += sprintf(s, " scenecut=%d", p->scenecutThreshold);
+    s += sprintf(s, " rc-lookahead=%d", p->lookaheadDepth);
+    s += sprintf(s, " bframes=%d", p->bframes);
+    s += sprintf(s, " bframe-bias=%d", p->bFrameBias);
+    s += sprintf(s, " b-adapt=%d", p->bFrameAdaptive);
+    s += sprintf(s, " ref=%d", p->maxNumReferences);
+    BOOL(p->bEnableWeightedPred, "weightp");
+    s += sprintf(s, " bitrate=%d", p->rc.bitrate);
+    s += sprintf(s, " qp=%d", p->rc.qp);
+    s += sprintf(s, " aq-mode=%d", p->rc.aqMode);
+    s += sprintf(s, " aq-strength=%.2f", p->rc.aqStrength);
+    s += sprintf(s, " cbqpoffs=%d", p->cbQpOffset);
+    s += sprintf(s, " crqpoffs=%d", p->crQpOffset);
+    s += sprintf(s, " rd=%d", p->rdLevel);
+    BOOL(p->bEnableSignHiding, "signhide");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableLoopFilter, "lft");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableSAO, "sao");
+    s += sprintf(s, " sao-lcu-bounds=%d", p->saoLcuBoundary);
+    s += sprintf(s, " sao-lcu-opt=%d", p->saoLcuBasedOptimization);
+    s += sprintf(s, " b-pyramid=%d", p->bBPyramid);
+    BOOL(p->rc.cuTree, "cutree");
+#undef BOOL
+    return buf;
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/common/param.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/source/common/param.h	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project
+ *
+ * Authors: Deepthi Nandakumar <deepthi at multicorewareinc.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
+ *
+ * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
+ * For more information, contact us at licensing at multicorewareinc.com.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef X265_PARAM_H
+#define X265_PARAM_H
+/* x265 input parameters
+ *
+ * For version safety you may use x265_param_alloc/free() to manage the
+ * allocation of x265_param instances, and x265_param_parse() to assign values
+ * by name.  By never dereferencing param fields in your own code you can treat
+ * x265_param as an opaque data structure */
+typedef struct x265_param
+    /*== Encoder Environment ==*/
+    /* Enable wavefront parallel processing, greatly increases parallelism for
+     * less than 1% compression efficiency loss */
+    int       bEnableWavefront;
+    /* Number of threads to allocate for the process global thread pool, if no
+     * thread pool has yet been created. 0 implies auto-detection. By default
+     * x265 will try to allocate one worker thread per CPU core */
+    int       poolNumThreads;
+    /* Number of concurrently encoded frames, 0 implies auto-detection. By
+     * default x265 will use a number of frame threads emperically determined to
+     * be optimal for your CPU core count, between 2 and 6.  Using more than one
+     * frame thread causes motion search in the down direction to be clamped but
+     * otherwise encode behavior is unaffected. With CQP rate control the output
+     * bitstream is deterministic for all values of frameNumThreads greater than
+     * 1.  All other forms of rate-control can be negatively impacted by
+     * increases to the number of frame threads because the extra concurrency
+     * adds uncertainty to the bitrate estimations.  There is no limit to the
+     * number of frame threads you use for each encoder, but frame parallelism
+     * is generally limited by the the number of CU rows */
+    int       frameNumThreads;
+    /* The level of logging detail emitted by the encoder. X265_LOG_NONE to
+     * X265_LOG_DEBUG, default is X265_LOG_INFO */
+    int       logLevel;
+    /* Enable the measurement and reporting of PSNR. Default is enabled */
+    int       bEnablePsnr;
+    /* Enable the measurement and reporting of SSIM. Default is disabled */
+    int       bEnableSsim;
+    /* filename of CSV log. If logLevel is X265_LOG_DEBUG, the encoder will emit
+     * per-slice statistics to this log file in encode order. Otherwise the
+     * encoder will emit per-stream statistics into the log file when
+     * x265_encoder_log is called (presumably at the end of the encode) */
+    const char *csvfn;
+    /* Enable the generation of SEI messages for each encoded frame containing
+     * the hashes of the three reconstructed picture planes. Most decoders will
+     * validate those hashes against the reconstructed images it generates and
+     * report any mismatches. This is essentially a debugging feature.  Hash
+     * types are MD5(1), CRC(2), Checksum(3).  Default is 0, none */
+    int       decodedPictureHashSEI;
+    /*== Video Usability Information ==*/
+    /* Enable the generation of a VUI with all fields in the SPS.  VUI fields
+     * that are not specified on the command line will have default values. */
+    int       bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag;
+    /* Enable aspect ratio in VUI.  Causes the aspect_ratio_idc to be added
+     * to the VUI.  The default is false. */
+    int bEnableAspectRatioIdc;
+    /* Aspect ratio idc to be added to the VUI.  The default is 0 indicating
+     * the apsect ratio is unspecified.  If set to X265_EXTENDED_SAR then
+     * sarWidth and sarHeight must also be set. */
+    int       aspectRatioIdc;
+    /* Sample Aspect Ratio width in arbitrary units to be added to the VUI
+     * only if aspectRatioIdc is set to X265_EXTENDED_SAR.  This is the width
+     * of an individual pixel.  If this is set then sarHeight must also be set.
+     */
+    int       sarWidth;
+    /* Sample Aspect Ratio height in arbitrary units to be added to the VUI.
+     * only if aspectRatioIdc is set to X265_EXTENDED_SAR.  This is the width
+     * of an individual pixel.  If this is set then sarWidth must also be set.
+     */
+    int       sarHeight;
+    /* Enable overscan info present flag in the VUI.  If this is set then
+     * bEnabledOverscanAppropriateFlag will be added to the VUI. The default
+     * is false. */
+    int       bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag;
+    /* Enable overscan appropriate flag.  The status of this flag is added to
+     * the VUI only if bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag is set.  If this flag is
+     * set then cropped decoded pictures may be output for display. The default
+     * is false. */
+    int       bEnableOverscanAppropriateFlag;
+    /* Video signal type present flag of the VUI.  If this is set then
+     * videoFormat, bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag and
+     * bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag will be added to the VUI.  The default
+     * is false. */
+    int       bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag;
+    /* Video format of the source video.  0 = component, 1 = PAL, 2 = NTSC,
+     * 3 = SECAM, 4 = MAC, 5 = unspecified video format is the default. */
+    int       videoFormat;
+    /* Video full range flag indicates the black level and range of the luma
+     * and chroma signals as derived from E′Y, E′PB, and E′PR or E′R, E′G, and
+     * E′B real-valued component signals.  False is the default. */
+    int       bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag;
+    /* Color description present flag in the VUI.  If this is set then
+     * color_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coeffs are to be added
+     * to the VUI.  The default is false. */
+    int       bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag;
+    /* Color primaries holds the chromacity coordinates of the source primaries.
+     * The default is 2. */
+    int       colorPrimaries;
+    /* Transfer characteristics indicates the opto-electronic transfer characteristic
+     * of the source picture.  The default is 2. */
+    int       transferCharacteristics;
+    /* Matrix coefficients used to derive the luma and chroma signals from the red,
+     * blue and green primaries.  The default is 2. */
+    int       matrixCoeffs;
+    /* Chroma location info present flag adds chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and
+     * chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field to the VUI.  The default is false. */
+    int       bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag;
+    /* Chroma sample location type top field holds the chroma location in the top
+     * field.  The default is 0. */
+    int       chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;
+    /* Chroma sample location type bottom field holds the chroma location in the bottom
+     * field.  The default is 0. */
+    int       chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField;
+    /* Field seq flag specifies that the pictures are fields and each one has a
+     * timing SEI message.  The default is false */
+    int       bEnableFieldSeqFlag;
+    /* Frame field info present flag indicates that each picture has a timing SEI
+     * message wich includes a pic_struct, source_scan_type and duplicate_flag
+     * elements.  If not set then the pic_struct element is not included.  The
+     * default is false. */
+    int       bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag;
+    /* Default display window flag adds def_disp_win_left_offset ,
+     * def_disp_win_right_offset, def_disp_win_top_offset and
+     * def_disp_win_bottom_offset to the VUI.  The default is false. */
+    int       bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag;
+    /* Default display window left offset holds the left offset with the
+     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
+    int       defDispWinLeftOffset;
+    /* Default display window right offset holds the right offset with the
+     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
+    int       defDispWinRightOffset;
+    /* Default display window top offset holds the top offset with the
+     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
+    int       defDispWinTopOffset;
+    /* Default display window bottom offset holds the bottom offset with the
+     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
+    int       defDispWinBottomOffset;
+    /* VUI timing info present flag adds vui_num_units_in_tick, vui_time_scale,
+     * vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag and vui_hrd_parameters_present_flag
+     * to the VUI.  vui_num_units_in_tick, vui_time_scale and
+     * vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag are derived from processing the input
+     * video.  The default is false. */
+    int       bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag;
+    /* VUI hrd parameters present flag adds the HRD to the VUI */
+    int       bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag;
+    /* Bitstream restriction flag adds tiles_fixed_structure_flag,
+     * motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag, restricted_ref_pic_lists_flag,
+     * min_spatial_segmentation_idc, max_bytes_per_pic_denom,
+     * max_bit_per_min_cu_denom, log2_max_mv_length_horizontal and
+     * log2_max_mv_length_vertical to the VUI. All values are derived from
+     * processing the input video.  The default is false.  */
+    int       bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag;
+    /*== Hypothetical Reference Decoder Parameters ==*/
+    /* Sub pic HRD params present flag determines if tic_divisor_minus2,
+     * du_cpb_removal_delay_increment_length_minus1,
+     * sub_pic_cpb_params_in_pic_timing_sei_flag,
+     * dpb_output_delay_du_length_minus1 and cpb_size_du_scale
+     * are added to the HRD.  All are derived from processing the input video.
+     * The default is false. */
+    int       bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag;
+    /*== Internal Picture Specification ==*/
+    /* Internal encoder bit depth. If x265 was compiled to use 8bit pixels
+     * (HIGH_BIT_DEPTH=0), this field must be 8, else this field must be 10.
+     * Future builds may support 12bit pixels. */
+    int       internalBitDepth;
+    /* Color space of internal pictures. Only X265_CSP_I420 and X265_CSP_I444
+     * are supported.  Eventually, i422 will also be supported as an internal
+     * color space and other packed formats will be supported in
+     * x265_picture.colorSpace */
+    int       internalCsp;
+    /* Numerator and denominator of frame rate */
+    uint32_t  fpsNum;
+    uint32_t  fpsDenom;
+    /* Width (in pixels) of the source pictures. If this width is not an even
+     * multiple of 4, the encoder will pad the pictures internally to meet this
+     * minimum requirement. All valid HEVC widths are supported */
+    int       sourceWidth;
+    /* Height (in pixels) of the source pictures. If this height is not an even
+     * multiple of 4, the encoder will pad the pictures internally to meet this
+     * minimum requirement. All valid HEVC heights are supported */
+    int       sourceHeight;
+    /*== Coding Unit (CU) definitions ==*/
+    /* Maxiumum CU width and height in pixels.  The size must be 64, 32, or 16.
+     * The higher the size, the more efficiently x265 can encode areas of low
+     * complexity, greatly improving compression efficiency at large
+     * resolutions.  The smaller the size, the more effective wavefront and
+     * frame parallelism will become because of the increase in rows. default 64 */
+    uint32_t  maxCUSize;
+    /* The additional depth the residual quadtree is allowed to recurse beyond
+     * the coding quadtree, for inter coded blocks. This must be between 1 and
+     * 3. The higher the value the more efficiently the residual can be
+     * compressed by the DCT transforms, at the expense of much more compute */
+    uint32_t  tuQTMaxInterDepth;
+    /* The additional depth the residual quadtree is allowed to recurse beyond
+     * the coding quadtree, for intra coded blocks. This must be between 1 and
+     * 3. The higher the value the more efficiently the residual can be
+     * compressed by the DCT transforms, at the expense of much more compute */
+    uint32_t  tuQTMaxIntraDepth;
+    /*== GOP Structure and Lokoahead ==*/
+    /* Enable open GOP - meaning I slices are not necessariy IDR and thus frames
+     * encoded after an I slice may reference frames encoded prior to the I
+     * frame which have remained in the decoded picture buffer.  Open GOP
+     * generally has better compression efficiency and negligable encoder
+     * performance impact, but the use case may preclude it.  Default true */
+    int       bOpenGOP;
+    /* Scenecuts closer together than this are coded as I, not IDR. */
+    int       keyframeMin;
+    /* Maximum keyframe distance or intra period in number of frames. If 0 or 1,
+     * all frames are I frames. A negative value is casted to MAX_INT internally
+     * which effectively makes frame 0 the only I frame. Default is 250 */
+    int       keyframeMax;
+    /* The maximum number of L0 references a P or B slice may use. This
+     * influences the size of the decoded picture buffer. The higher this
+     * number, the more reference frames there will be available for motion
+     * search, improving compression efficiency of most video at a cost of
+     * performance. Value must be between 1 and 16, default is 3 */
+    int       maxNumReferences;
+    /* Sets the operating mode of the lookahead.  With b-adapt 0, the GOP
+     * structure is fixed based on the values of keyframeMax and bframes.
+     * With b-adapt 1 a light lookahead is used to chose B frame placement.
+     * With b-adapt 2 (trellis) a viterbi B path selection is performed */
+    int       bFrameAdaptive;
+    /* Maximum consecutive B frames that can be emitted by the lookehead. When
+     * b-adapt is 0 and keyframMax is greater than bframes, the lookahead emits
+     * a fixed pattern of `bframes` B frames between each P.  With b-adapt 1 the
+     * lookahead ignores the value of bframes for the most part.  With b-adapt 2
+     * the value of bframes determines the search (POC) distance performeed in
+     * both directions, quadradically increasing the compute load of the
+     * lookahead.  The higher the value, the more B frames the lookahead may
+     * possibly use consecutively, usually improving compression. Default is 3,
+     * maximum is 16 */
+    int       bframes;
+    /* When enabled, the encoder will use the B frame in the middle of each
+     * mini-GOP larger than 2 B frames as a motion reference for the surrounding
+     * B frames.  This improves compression efficiency for a small performance
+     * penalty.  Referenced B frames are treated somewhere between a B and a P
+     * frame by rate control.  Default is enabled. */
+    int       bBPyramid;
+    /* The number of frames that must be queued in the lookahead before it may
+     * make slice decisions. Increasing this value directly increases the encode
+     * latency. The longer the queue the more optimally the lookahead may make
+     * slice decisions, particularly with b-adapt 2. When mb-tree is enabled,
+     * the length of the queue linearly increases the effectiveness of the
+     * mb-tree analysis. Default is 40 frames, maximum is 250 */
+    int       lookaheadDepth;
+    /* A value which is added to the cost estimate of B frames in the lookahead.
+     * It may be a positive value (making B frames appear more expensive, which
+     * causes the lookahead to chose more P frames) or negative, which makes the
+     * lookahead chose more B frames. Default is 0, there are no limits */
+    int       bFrameBias;
+    /* An arbitrary threshold which determines how agressively the lookahead
+     * should detect scene cuts. The default (40) is recommended. */
+    int       scenecutThreshold;
+    /*== Intra Coding Tools ==*/
+    /* Enable constrained intra prediction. This causes intra prediction to
+     * input samples that were inter predicted. For some use cases this is
+     * believed to me more robust to stream errors, but it has a compression
+     * penalty on P and (particularly) B slices. Defaults to diabled */
+    int       bEnableConstrainedIntra;
+    /* Enable strong intra smoothing for 32x32 blocks where the reference
+     * samples are flat. It may or may not improve compression efficiency,
+     * depending on your source material. Defaults to disabled */
+    int       bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing;
+    /*== Inter Coding Tools ==*/
+    /* ME search method (DIA, HEX, UMH, STAR, FULL). The search patterns
+     * (methods) are sorted in increasing complexity, with diamond being the
+     * simplest and fastest and full being the slowest.  DIA, HEX, and UMH were
+     * adapted from x264 directly. STAR is an adaption of the HEVC reference
+     * encoder's three step search, while full is a naive exhaustive search. The
+     * default is the star search, it has a good balance of performance and
+     * compression efficiecy */
+    int       searchMethod;
+    /* A value between 0 and X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL which adjusts the amount of
+     * effort performed during subpel refine. Default is 5 */
+    int       subpelRefine;
+    /* The maximum distance from the motion prediction that the full pel motion
+     * search is allowed to progress before terminating. This value can have an
+     * effect on frame parallelism, as referenced frames must be at least this
+     * many rows of reconstructed pixels ahead of the referencee at all times.
+     * (When considering reference lag, the motion prediction must be ignored
+     * because it cannot be known ahead of time).  Default is 60, which is the
+     * default max CU size (64) minus the luma HPEL half-filter length (4). If a
+     * smaller CU size is used, the search range should be similarly reduced */
+    int       searchRange;
+    /* The maximum number of merge candidates that are considered during inter
+     * analysis.  This number (between 1 and 5) is signaled in the stream
+     * headers and determines the number of bits required to signal a merge so
+     * it can have significant trade-offs. The smaller this number the higher
+     * the performance but the less compression efficiency. Default is 3 */
+    uint32_t  maxNumMergeCand;
+    /* Enable weighted prediction in P slices.  This enables weighting analysis
+     * in the lookahead, which influences slice decitions, and enables weighting
+     * analysis in the main encoder which allows P reference samples to have a
+     * weight function applied to them prior to using them for motion
+     * compensation.  In video which has lighting changes, it can give a large
+     * improvement in compression efficiency. Default is enabled */
+    int       bEnableWeightedPred;
+    /* Enable weighted bi-prediction in B slices. This option currently has no
+     * effect */
+    int       bEnableWeightedBiPred;
+    /*== Analysis tools ==*/
+    /* Enable asymmetrical motion predictions.  At CU depths 64, 32, and 16, it
+     * is possible to use 25%/75% split partitions in the up, down, right, left
+     * directions. For some material this can improve compression efficiency at
+     * the cost of extra analysis. bEnableRectInter must be enabled for this
+     * feature to be used. Default enabled */
+    int       bEnableAMP;
+    /* Enable rectangular motion prediction partitions (vertical and
+     * horizontal), available at all CU depths from 64x64 to 8x8. Default is
+     * enabled */
+    int       bEnableRectInter;
+    /* Enable the use of `coded block flags` (flags set to true when a residual
+     * has been coded for a given block) to avoid intra analysis in likely skip
+     * blocks. Default is disabled */
+    int       bEnableCbfFastMode;
+    /* Enable early skip decisions to avoid intra and inter analysis in likely
+     * skip blocks. Default is disabled */
+    int       bEnableEarlySkip;
+    /* Apply an optional penalty to the estimated cost of 32x32 intra blocks in
+     * non-intra slices. 0 is disabled, 1 enables a small penalty, and 2 enables
+     * a full penalty. This favors inter-coding and its low bitrate over
+     * potential increases in distortion, but usually improves performance.
+     * Default is 0 */
+    int       rdPenalty;
+    /* A value betwen X265_NO_RDO_NO_RDOQ and X265_RDO_LEVEL which determines
+     * the level of rate distortion optimizations to perform during mode
+     * decisions and quantization. The more RDO the better the compression
+     * efficiency at a major cost of performance. Default is no RDO (0) */
+    int       rdLevel;
+    /*== Coding tools ==*/
+    /* Enable the implicit signaling of the sign bit of the last coefficient of
+     * each transform unit. This saves one bit per TU at the expense of figuring
+     * out which coefficient can be toggled with the least distortion.
+     * Default is enabled */
+    int       bEnableSignHiding;
+    /* Allow intra coded blocks to be encoded directly as residual without the
+     * DCT transform, when this improves efficiency. Checking whether the block
+     * will benefit from this option incurs a performance penalty. Default is
+     * enabled */
+    int       bEnableTransformSkip;
+    /* Enable a faster determination of whether skippig the DCT transform will
+     * be beneficial. Slight performance gain for some compression loss. Default
+     * is enabled */
+    int       bEnableTSkipFast;
+    /* Enable the deblocking loop filter, which improves visual quality by
+     * reducing blocking effects at block edges, particularly at lower bitrates
+     * or higher QP. When enabled it adds another CU row of reference lag,
+     * reducing frame parallelism effectiveness.  Default is enabled */
+    int       bEnableLoopFilter;
+    /* Enable the Sample Adaptive Offset loop filter, which reduces distortion
+     * effects by adjusting reconstructed sample values based on histogram
+     * analysis to better approximate the original samples. When enabled it adds
+     * a CU row of reference lag, reducing frame parallelism effectiveness.
+     * Default is enabled */
+    int       bEnableSAO;
+    /* Note: when deblocking and SAO are both enabled, the loop filter CU lag is
+     * only one row, as they operate in series o the same row. */
+    /* Select the method in which SAO deals with deblocking boundary pixels.  If
+     * 0 the right and bottom boundary areas are skipped. If 1, non-deblocked
+     * pixels are used entirely. Default is 0 */
+    int       saoLcuBoundary;
+    /* Select the scope of the SAO optimization. If 0 SAO is performed over the
+     * entire output picture at once, this can severly restrict frame
+     * parallelism so it is not recommended for many-core machines.  If 1 SAO is
+     * performed on LCUs in series. Default is 1 */
+    int       saoLcuBasedOptimization;
+    /* Generally a small signed integer which offsets the QP used to quantize
+     * the Cb chroma residual (delta from luma QP specified by rate-control).
+     * Default is 0, which is recommended */
+    int       cbQpOffset;
+    /* Generally a small signed integer which offsets the QP used to quantize
+     * the Cr chroma residual (delta from luma QP specified by rate-control).
+     * Default is 0, which is recommended */
+    int       crQpOffset;
+    /*== Rate Control ==*/
+    struct
+    {
+        /* Explicit mode of rate-control, necessary for API users. It must
+         * be one of the X265_RC_METHODS enum values. */
+        int       rateControlMode;
+        /* Base QP to use for Constant QP rate control. Adaptive QP may alter
+         * the QP used for each block. If a QP is specified on the command line
+         * CQP rate control is implied. Default: 32 */
+        int       qp;
+        /* target bitrate for Average BitRate (ABR) rate control. If a non- zero
+         * bitrate is specified on the command line, ABR is implied. Default 0 */
+        int       bitrate;
+        /* The degree of rate fluctuation that x265 tolerates. Rate tolerance is used
+         * alongwith overflow (difference between actual and target bitrate), to adjust
+           qp. Default is 1.0 */
+        double    rateTolerance;
+        /* qComp sets the quantizer curve compression factor. It weights the frame
+         * quantizer based on the complexity of residual (measured by lookahead).
+         * Default value is 0.6. Increasing it to 1 will effectively generate CQP */
+        double    qCompress;
+        /* QP offset between I/P and P/B frames. Default ipfactor: 1.4
+         *  Default pbFactor: 1.3 */
+        double    ipFactor;
+        double    pbFactor;
+        /* Max QP difference between frames. Default: 4 */
+        int       qpStep;
+        /* Ratefactor constant: targets a certain constant "quality".
+         * Acceptable values between 0 and 51. Default value: 28 */
+        double    rfConstant;
+        /* Enable adaptive quantization. This mode distributes available bits between all
+         * macroblocks of a frame, assigning more bits to low complexity areas. Turning
+         * this ON will usually affect PSNR negatively, however SSIM and visual quality
+         * generally improves. Default: OFF (0) */
+        int       aqMode;
+        /* Sets the strength of AQ bias towards low detail macroblocks. Valid only if
+         * AQ is enabled. Default value: 1.0. Acceptable values between 0.0 and 3.0 */
+        double    aqStrength;
+        /* Sets the maximum rate the VBV buffer should be assumed to refill at
+         * Default is zero */
+        int       vbvMaxBitrate;
+        /* Sets the size of the VBV buffer in kilobits. Default is zero */
+        int       vbvBufferSize;
+        /* Sets how full the VBV buffer must be before playback starts. If it is less than
+         * 1, then the initial fill is vbv-init * vbvBufferSize. Otherwise, it is
+         * interpreted as the initial fill in kbits. Default is 0.9 */
+        double    vbvBufferInit;
+        /* Enable CUTree ratecontrol. This keeps track of the CUs that propagate temporally
+         * across frames and assigns more bits to these CUs. Improves encode efficiency.
+         * Default: OFF (0) */
+        int       cuTree;
+        /* In CRF mode, maximum CRF as caused by VBV */
+        double    rfConstantMax;
+    } rc;
+} x265_param;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* x265_param_alloc:
+ *  Allocates an x265_param instance. The returned param structure is not
+ *  special in any way, but using this method together with x265_param_free()
+ *  and x265_param_parse() to set values by name allows the application to treat
+ *  x265_param as an opaque data struct for version safety */
+x265_param *x265_param_alloc();
+/* x265_param_free:
+ *  Use x265_param_free() to release storage for an x265_param instance
+ *  allocated by x26_param_alloc() */
+void x265_param_free(x265_param *);
+ * Initialize an x265_param_t structure to default values
+ */
+void x265_param_default(x265_param *param);
+/* x265_param_parse:
+ *  set one parameter by name.
+ *  returns 0 on success, or returns one of the following errors.
+ *  note: BAD_VALUE occurs only if it can't even parse the value,
+ *  numerical range is not checked until x265_encoder_open() or
+ *  x265_encoder_reconfig().
+ *  value=NULL means "true" for boolean options, but is a BAD_VALUE for non-booleans. */
+#define X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME  (-1)
+#define X265_PARAM_BAD_VALUE (-2)
+int x265_param_parse(x265_param *p, const char *name, const char *value);
+/* x265_param_apply_profile:
+ *      Applies the restrictions of the given profile. (one of below) */
+static const char * const x265_profile_names[] = { "main", "main10", "mainstillpicture", 0 };
+/*      (can be NULL, in which case the function will do nothing)
+ *      returns 0 on success, negative on failure (e.g. invalid profile name). */
+int x265_param_apply_profile(x265_param *, const char *profile);
+/* x265_param_default_preset:
+ *      The same as x265_param_default, but also use the passed preset and tune
+ *      to modify the default settings.
+ *      (either can be NULL, which implies no preset or no tune, respectively)
+ *
+ *      Currently available presets are, ordered from fastest to slowest: */
+static const char * const x265_preset_names[] = { "ultrafast", "superfast", "veryfast", "faster", "fast", "medium", "slow", "slower", "veryslow", "placebo", 0 };
+/*      The presets can also be indexed numerically, as in:
+ *      x265_param_default_preset( &param, "3", ... )
+ *      with ultrafast mapping to "0" and placebo mapping to "9".  This mapping may
+ *      of course change if new presets are added in between, but will always be
+ *      ordered from fastest to slowest.
+ *
+ *      Warning: the speed of these presets scales dramatically.  Ultrafast is a full
+ *      100 times faster than placebo!
+ *
+ *      Currently available tunings are: */
+static const char * const x265_tune_names[] = { "psnr", "ssim", "zero-latency", 0 };
+/*      returns 0 on success, negative on failure (e.g. invalid preset/tune name). */
+int x265_param_default_preset(x265_param *, const char *preset, const char *tune);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+int  x265_check_params(x265_param *param);
+int x265_set_globals(x265_param *param);
+void x265_print_params(x265_param *param);
+char *x265_param2string(x265_param *p);
+#endif // ifndef X265_COMMON_H
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/dllmain.cpp
--- a/source/dllmain.cpp	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/dllmain.cpp	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "x265.h"
+#include "param.h"
 /* this unreachable function forces the MSVC linker to include the encoder
  * and common libraries into the DLL */
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/encoder/encoder.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "primitives.h"
 #include "threadpool.h"
 #include "common.h"
+#include "param.h"
 #include "TLibEncoder/NALwrite.h"
 #include "bitcost.h"
@@ -1587,18 +1588,6 @@
 extern "C"
-x265_param *x265_param_alloc()
-    return (x265_param*)x265_malloc(sizeof(x265_param));
-extern "C"
-void x265_param_free(x265_param *p)
-    return x265_free(p);
-extern "C"
 x265_picture *x265_picture_alloc()
     return (x265_picture*)x265_malloc(sizeof(x265_picture));
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/x265.cpp
--- a/source/x265.cpp	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/x265.cpp	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "output/output.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include "x265.h"
+#include "param.h"
 /* Visual Leak Detector */
diff -r 80caa9f00d7c -r e7418fc7dbc6 source/x265.h
--- a/source/x265.h	Sun Feb 23 21:25:22 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/x265.h	Mon Feb 24 19:13:20 2014 +0530
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include "x265_config.h"
+#include "param.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -279,599 +280,11 @@
     /* new statistic member variables must be added below this line */
 } x265_stats;
-/* x265 input parameters
- *
- * For version safety you may use x265_param_alloc/free() to manage the
- * allocation of x265_param instances, and x265_param_parse() to assign values
- * by name.  By never dereferencing param fields in your own code you can treat
- * x265_param as an opaque data structure */
-typedef struct x265_param
-    /*== Encoder Environment ==*/
-    /* Enable wavefront parallel processing, greatly increases parallelism for
-     * less than 1% compression efficiency loss */
-    int       bEnableWavefront;
-    /* Number of threads to allocate for the process global thread pool, if no
-     * thread pool has yet been created. 0 implies auto-detection. By default
-     * x265 will try to allocate one worker thread per CPU core */
-    int       poolNumThreads;
-    /* Number of concurrently encoded frames, 0 implies auto-detection. By
-     * default x265 will use a number of frame threads emperically determined to
-     * be optimal for your CPU core count, between 2 and 6.  Using more than one
-     * frame thread causes motion search in the down direction to be clamped but
-     * otherwise encode behavior is unaffected. With CQP rate control the output
-     * bitstream is deterministic for all values of frameNumThreads greater than
-     * 1.  All other forms of rate-control can be negatively impacted by
-     * increases to the number of frame threads because the extra concurrency
-     * adds uncertainty to the bitrate estimations.  There is no limit to the
-     * number of frame threads you use for each encoder, but frame parallelism
-     * is generally limited by the the number of CU rows */
-    int       frameNumThreads;
-    /* The level of logging detail emitted by the encoder. X265_LOG_NONE to
-     * X265_LOG_DEBUG, default is X265_LOG_INFO */
-    int       logLevel;
-    /* Enable the measurement and reporting of PSNR. Default is enabled */
-    int       bEnablePsnr;
-    /* Enable the measurement and reporting of SSIM. Default is disabled */
-    int       bEnableSsim;
-    /* filename of CSV log. If logLevel is X265_LOG_DEBUG, the encoder will emit
-     * per-slice statistics to this log file in encode order. Otherwise the
-     * encoder will emit per-stream statistics into the log file when
-     * x265_encoder_log is called (presumably at the end of the encode) */
-    const char *csvfn;
-    /* Enable the generation of SEI messages for each encoded frame containing
-     * the hashes of the three reconstructed picture planes. Most decoders will
-     * validate those hashes against the reconstructed images it generates and
-     * report any mismatches. This is essentially a debugging feature.  Hash
-     * types are MD5(1), CRC(2), Checksum(3).  Default is 0, none */
-    int       decodedPictureHashSEI;
-    /*== Video Usability Information ==*/
-    /* Enable the generation of a VUI with all fields in the SPS.  VUI fields
-     * that are not specified on the command line will have default values. */
-    int       bEnableVuiParametersPresentFlag;
-    /* Enable aspect ratio in VUI.  Causes the aspect_ratio_idc to be added
-     * to the VUI.  The default is false. */
-    int bEnableAspectRatioIdc;
-    /* Aspect ratio idc to be added to the VUI.  The default is 0 indicating
-     * the apsect ratio is unspecified.  If set to X265_EXTENDED_SAR then
-     * sarWidth and sarHeight must also be set. */
-    int       aspectRatioIdc;
-    /* Sample Aspect Ratio width in arbitrary units to be added to the VUI
-     * only if aspectRatioIdc is set to X265_EXTENDED_SAR.  This is the width
-     * of an individual pixel.  If this is set then sarHeight must also be set.
-     */
-    int       sarWidth;
-    /* Sample Aspect Ratio height in arbitrary units to be added to the VUI.
-     * only if aspectRatioIdc is set to X265_EXTENDED_SAR.  This is the width
-     * of an individual pixel.  If this is set then sarWidth must also be set.
-     */
-    int       sarHeight;
-    /* Enable overscan info present flag in the VUI.  If this is set then
-     * bEnabledOverscanAppropriateFlag will be added to the VUI. The default
-     * is false. */
-    int       bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag;
-    /* Enable overscan appropriate flag.  The status of this flag is added to
-     * the VUI only if bEnableOverscanInfoPresentFlag is set.  If this flag is
-     * set then cropped decoded pictures may be output for display. The default
-     * is false. */
-    int       bEnableOverscanAppropriateFlag;
-    /* Video signal type present flag of the VUI.  If this is set then
-     * videoFormat, bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag and
-     * bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag will be added to the VUI.  The default
-     * is false. */
-    int       bEnableVideoSignalTypePresentFlag;
-    /* Video format of the source video.  0 = component, 1 = PAL, 2 = NTSC,
-     * 3 = SECAM, 4 = MAC, 5 = unspecified video format is the default. */
-    int       videoFormat;
-    /* Video full range flag indicates the black level and range of the luma
-     * and chroma signals as derived from E′Y, E′PB, and E′PR or E′R, E′G, and
-     * E′B real-valued component signals.  False is the default. */
-    int       bEnableVideoFullRangeFlag;
-    /* Color description present flag in the VUI.  If this is set then
-     * color_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coeffs are to be added
-     * to the VUI.  The default is false. */
-    int       bEnableColorDescriptionPresentFlag;
-    /* Color primaries holds the chromacity coordinates of the source primaries.
-     * The default is 2. */
-    int       colorPrimaries;
-    /* Transfer characteristics indicates the opto-electronic transfer characteristic
-     * of the source picture.  The default is 2. */
-    int       transferCharacteristics;
-    /* Matrix coefficients used to derive the luma and chroma signals from the red,
-     * blue and green primaries.  The default is 2. */
-    int       matrixCoeffs;
-    /* Chroma location info present flag adds chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and
-     * chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field to the VUI.  The default is false. */
-    int       bEnableChromaLocInfoPresentFlag;
-    /* Chroma sample location type top field holds the chroma location in the top
-     * field.  The default is 0. */
-    int       chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;
-    /* Chroma sample location type bottom field holds the chroma location in the bottom
-     * field.  The default is 0. */
-    int       chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField;
-    /* Field seq flag specifies that the pictures are fields and each one has a
-     * timing SEI message.  The default is false */
-    int       bEnableFieldSeqFlag;
-    /* Frame field info present flag indicates that each picture has a timing SEI
-     * message wich includes a pic_struct, source_scan_type and duplicate_flag
-     * elements.  If not set then the pic_struct element is not included.  The
-     * default is false. */
-    int       bEnableFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag;
-    /* Default display window flag adds def_disp_win_left_offset ,
-     * def_disp_win_right_offset, def_disp_win_top_offset and
-     * def_disp_win_bottom_offset to the VUI.  The default is false. */
-    int       bEnableDefaultDisplayWindowFlag;
-    /* Default display window left offset holds the left offset with the
-     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
-    int       defDispWinLeftOffset;
-    /* Default display window right offset holds the right offset with the
-     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
-    int       defDispWinRightOffset;
-    /* Default display window top offset holds the top offset with the
-     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
-    int       defDispWinTopOffset;
-    /* Default display window bottom offset holds the bottom offset with the
-     * conformance cropping window to further crop the displayed window. */
-    int       defDispWinBottomOffset;
-    /* VUI timing info present flag adds vui_num_units_in_tick, vui_time_scale,
-     * vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag and vui_hrd_parameters_present_flag
-     * to the VUI.  vui_num_units_in_tick, vui_time_scale and
-     * vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag are derived from processing the input
-     * video.  The default is false. */
-    int       bEnableVuiTimingInfoPresentFlag;
-    /* VUI hrd parameters present flag adds the HRD to the VUI */
-    int       bEnableVuiHrdParametersPresentFlag;
-    /* Bitstream restriction flag adds tiles_fixed_structure_flag,
-     * motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag, restricted_ref_pic_lists_flag,
-     * min_spatial_segmentation_idc, max_bytes_per_pic_denom,
-     * max_bit_per_min_cu_denom, log2_max_mv_length_horizontal and
-     * log2_max_mv_length_vertical to the VUI. All values are derived from
-     * processing the input video.  The default is false.  */
-    int       bEnableBitstreamRestrictionFlag;
-    /*== Hypothetical Reference Decoder Parameters ==*/
-    /* Sub pic HRD params present flag determines if tic_divisor_minus2,
-     * du_cpb_removal_delay_increment_length_minus1,
-     * sub_pic_cpb_params_in_pic_timing_sei_flag,
-     * dpb_output_delay_du_length_minus1 and cpb_size_du_scale
-     * are added to the HRD.  All are derived from processing the input video.
-     * The default is false. */
-    int       bEnableSubPicHrdParamsPresentFlag;
-    /*== Internal Picture Specification ==*/
-    /* Internal encoder bit depth. If x265 was compiled to use 8bit pixels
-     * (HIGH_BIT_DEPTH=0), this field must be 8, else this field must be 10.
-     * Future builds may support 12bit pixels. */
-    int       internalBitDepth;
-    /* Color space of internal pictures. Only X265_CSP_I420 and X265_CSP_I444
-     * are supported.  Eventually, i422 will also be supported as an internal
-     * color space and other packed formats will be supported in
-     * x265_picture.colorSpace */
-    int       internalCsp;
-    /* Numerator and denominator of frame rate */
-    uint32_t  fpsNum;
-    uint32_t  fpsDenom;
-    /* Width (in pixels) of the source pictures. If this width is not an even
-     * multiple of 4, the encoder will pad the pictures internally to meet this
-     * minimum requirement. All valid HEVC widths are supported */
-    int       sourceWidth;
-    /* Height (in pixels) of the source pictures. If this height is not an even
-     * multiple of 4, the encoder will pad the pictures internally to meet this
-     * minimum requirement. All valid HEVC heights are supported */
-    int       sourceHeight;
-    /*== Coding Unit (CU) definitions ==*/
-    /* Maxiumum CU width and height in pixels.  The size must be 64, 32, or 16.
-     * The higher the size, the more efficiently x265 can encode areas of low
-     * complexity, greatly improving compression efficiency at large
-     * resolutions.  The smaller the size, the more effective wavefront and
-     * frame parallelism will become because of the increase in rows. default 64 */
-    uint32_t  maxCUSize;
-    /* The additional depth the residual quadtree is allowed to recurse beyond
-     * the coding quadtree, for inter coded blocks. This must be between 1 and
-     * 3. The higher the value the more efficiently the residual can be
-     * compressed by the DCT transforms, at the expense of much more compute */
-    uint32_t  tuQTMaxInterDepth;
-    /* The additional depth the residual quadtree is allowed to recurse beyond
-     * the coding quadtree, for intra coded blocks. This must be between 1 and
-     * 3. The higher the value the more efficiently the residual can be
-     * compressed by the DCT transforms, at the expense of much more compute */
-    uint32_t  tuQTMaxIntraDepth;
-    /*== GOP Structure and Lokoahead ==*/
-    /* Enable open GOP - meaning I slices are not necessariy IDR and thus frames
-     * encoded after an I slice may reference frames encoded prior to the I
-     * frame which have remained in the decoded picture buffer.  Open GOP
-     * generally has better compression efficiency and negligable encoder
-     * performance impact, but the use case may preclude it.  Default true */
-    int       bOpenGOP;
-    /* Scenecuts closer together than this are coded as I, not IDR. */
-    int       keyframeMin;
-    /* Maximum keyframe distance or intra period in number of frames. If 0 or 1,
-     * all frames are I frames. A negative value is casted to MAX_INT internally
-     * which effectively makes frame 0 the only I frame. Default is 250 */
-    int       keyframeMax;
-    /* The maximum number of L0 references a P or B slice may use. This
-     * influences the size of the decoded picture buffer. The higher this
-     * number, the more reference frames there will be available for motion
-     * search, improving compression efficiency of most video at a cost of
-     * performance. Value must be between 1 and 16, default is 3 */
-    int       maxNumReferences;
-    /* Sets the operating mode of the lookahead.  With b-adapt 0, the GOP
-     * structure is fixed based on the values of keyframeMax and bframes.
-     * With b-adapt 1 a light lookahead is used to chose B frame placement.
-     * With b-adapt 2 (trellis) a viterbi B path selection is performed */
-    int       bFrameAdaptive;
-    /* Maximum consecutive B frames that can be emitted by the lookehead. When
-     * b-adapt is 0 and keyframMax is greater than bframes, the lookahead emits
-     * a fixed pattern of `bframes` B frames between each P.  With b-adapt 1 the
-     * lookahead ignores the value of bframes for the most part.  With b-adapt 2
-     * the value of bframes determines the search (POC) distance performeed in
-     * both directions, quadradically increasing the compute load of the
-     * lookahead.  The higher the value, the more B frames the lookahead may
-     * possibly use consecutively, usually improving compression. Default is 3,
-     * maximum is 16 */
-    int       bframes;
-    /* When enabled, the encoder will use the B frame in the middle of each
-     * mini-GOP larger than 2 B frames as a motion reference for the surrounding
-     * B frames.  This improves compression efficiency for a small performance
-     * penalty.  Referenced B frames are treated somewhere between a B and a P
-     * frame by rate control.  Default is enabled. */
-    int       bBPyramid;
-    /* The number of frames that must be queued in the lookahead before it may
-     * make slice decisions. Increasing this value directly increases the encode
-     * latency. The longer the queue the more optimally the lookahead may make
-     * slice decisions, particularly with b-adapt 2. When mb-tree is enabled,
-     * the length of the queue linearly increases the effectiveness of the
-     * mb-tree analysis. Default is 40 frames, maximum is 250 */
-    int       lookaheadDepth;
-    /* A value which is added to the cost estimate of B frames in the lookahead.
-     * It may be a positive value (making B frames appear more expensive, which
-     * causes the lookahead to chose more P frames) or negative, which makes the
-     * lookahead chose more B frames. Default is 0, there are no limits */
-    int       bFrameBias;
-    /* An arbitrary threshold which determines how agressively the lookahead
-     * should detect scene cuts. The default (40) is recommended. */
-    int       scenecutThreshold;
-    /*== Intra Coding Tools ==*/
-    /* Enable constrained intra prediction. This causes intra prediction to
-     * input samples that were inter predicted. For some use cases this is
-     * believed to me more robust to stream errors, but it has a compression
-     * penalty on P and (particularly) B slices. Defaults to diabled */
-    int       bEnableConstrainedIntra;
-    /* Enable strong intra smoothing for 32x32 blocks where the reference
-     * samples are flat. It may or may not improve compression efficiency,
-     * depending on your source material. Defaults to disabled */
-    int       bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing;
-    /*== Inter Coding Tools ==*/
-    /* ME search method (DIA, HEX, UMH, STAR, FULL). The search patterns
-     * (methods) are sorted in increasing complexity, with diamond being the
-     * simplest and fastest and full being the slowest.  DIA, HEX, and UMH were
-     * adapted from x264 directly. STAR is an adaption of the HEVC reference
-     * encoder's three step search, while full is a naive exhaustive search. The
-     * default is the star search, it has a good balance of performance and
-     * compression efficiecy */
-    int       searchMethod;
-    /* A value between 0 and X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL which adjusts the amount of
-     * effort performed during subpel refine. Default is 5 */
-    int       subpelRefine;
-    /* The maximum distance from the motion prediction that the full pel motion
-     * search is allowed to progress before terminating. This value can have an
-     * effect on frame parallelism, as referenced frames must be at least this
-     * many rows of reconstructed pixels ahead of the referencee at all times.
-     * (When considering reference lag, the motion prediction must be ignored
-     * because it cannot be known ahead of time).  Default is 60, which is the
-     * default max CU size (64) minus the luma HPEL half-filter length (4). If a
-     * smaller CU size is used, the search range should be similarly reduced */
-    int       searchRange;
-    /* The maximum number of merge candidates that are considered during inter
-     * analysis.  This number (between 1 and 5) is signaled in the stream
-     * headers and determines the number of bits required to signal a merge so
-     * it can have significant trade-offs. The smaller this number the higher
-     * the performance but the less compression efficiency. Default is 3 */
-    uint32_t  maxNumMergeCand;
-    /* Enable weighted prediction in P slices.  This enables weighting analysis
-     * in the lookahead, which influences slice decitions, and enables weighting
-     * analysis in the main encoder which allows P reference samples to have a
-     * weight function applied to them prior to using them for motion
-     * compensation.  In video which has lighting changes, it can give a large
-     * improvement in compression efficiency. Default is enabled */
-    int       bEnableWeightedPred;
-    /* Enable weighted bi-prediction in B slices. This option currently has no
-     * effect */
-    int       bEnableWeightedBiPred;
-    /*== Analysis tools ==*/
-    /* Enable asymmetrical motion predictions.  At CU depths 64, 32, and 16, it
-     * is possible to use 25%/75% split partitions in the up, down, right, left
-     * directions. For some material this can improve compression efficiency at
-     * the cost of extra analysis. bEnableRectInter must be enabled for this
-     * feature to be used. Default enabled */
-    int       bEnableAMP;
-    /* Enable rectangular motion prediction partitions (vertical and
-     * horizontal), available at all CU depths from 64x64 to 8x8. Default is
-     * enabled */
-    int       bEnableRectInter;
-    /* Enable the use of `coded block flags` (flags set to true when a residual
-     * has been coded for a given block) to avoid intra analysis in likely skip
-     * blocks. Default is disabled */
-    int       bEnableCbfFastMode;
-    /* Enable early skip decisions to avoid intra and inter analysis in likely
-     * skip blocks. Default is disabled */
-    int       bEnableEarlySkip;
-    /* Apply an optional penalty to the estimated cost of 32x32 intra blocks in
-     * non-intra slices. 0 is disabled, 1 enables a small penalty, and 2 enables
-     * a full penalty. This favors inter-coding and its low bitrate over
-     * potential increases in distortion, but usually improves performance.
-     * Default is 0 */
-    int       rdPenalty;
-    /* A value betwen X265_NO_RDO_NO_RDOQ and X265_RDO_LEVEL which determines
-     * the level of rate distortion optimizations to perform during mode
-     * decisions and quantization. The more RDO the better the compression
-     * efficiency at a major cost of performance. Default is no RDO (0) */
-    int       rdLevel;
-    /*== Coding tools ==*/
-    /* Enable the implicit signaling of the sign bit of the last coefficient of
-     * each transform unit. This saves one bit per TU at the expense of figuring
-     * out which coefficient can be toggled with the least distortion.
-     * Default is enabled */
-    int       bEnableSignHiding;
-    /* Allow intra coded blocks to be encoded directly as residual without the
-     * DCT transform, when this improves efficiency. Checking whether the block
-     * will benefit from this option incurs a performance penalty. Default is
-     * enabled */
-    int       bEnableTransformSkip;
-    /* Enable a faster determination of whether skippig the DCT transform will
-     * be beneficial. Slight performance gain for some compression loss. Default
-     * is enabled */
-    int       bEnableTSkipFast;
-    /* Enable the deblocking loop filter, which improves visual quality by
-     * reducing blocking effects at block edges, particularly at lower bitrates
-     * or higher QP. When enabled it adds another CU row of reference lag,
-     * reducing frame parallelism effectiveness.  Default is enabled */
-    int       bEnableLoopFilter;
-    /* Enable the Sample Adaptive Offset loop filter, which reduces distortion
-     * effects by adjusting reconstructed sample values based on histogram
-     * analysis to better approximate the original samples. When enabled it adds
-     * a CU row of reference lag, reducing frame parallelism effectiveness.
-     * Default is enabled */
-    int       bEnableSAO;
-    /* Note: when deblocking and SAO are both enabled, the loop filter CU lag is
-     * only one row, as they operate in series o the same row. */
-    /* Select the method in which SAO deals with deblocking boundary pixels.  If
-     * 0 the right and bottom boundary areas are skipped. If 1, non-deblocked
-     * pixels are used entirely. Default is 0 */
-    int       saoLcuBoundary;
-    /* Select the scope of the SAO optimization. If 0 SAO is performed over the
-     * entire output picture at once, this can severly restrict frame
-     * parallelism so it is not recommended for many-core machines.  If 1 SAO is
-     * performed on LCUs in series. Default is 1 */
-    int       saoLcuBasedOptimization;
-    /* Generally a small signed integer which offsets the QP used to quantize
-     * the Cb chroma residual (delta from luma QP specified by rate-control).
-     * Default is 0, which is recommended */
-    int       cbQpOffset;
-    /* Generally a small signed integer which offsets the QP used to quantize
-     * the Cr chroma residual (delta from luma QP specified by rate-control).
-     * Default is 0, which is recommended */
-    int       crQpOffset;
-    /*== Rate Control ==*/
-    struct
-    {
-        /* Explicit mode of rate-control, necessary for API users. It must
-         * be one of the X265_RC_METHODS enum values. */
-        int       rateControlMode;
-        /* Base QP to use for Constant QP rate control. Adaptive QP may alter
-         * the QP used for each block. If a QP is specified on the command line
-         * CQP rate control is implied. Default: 32 */
-        int       qp;
-        /* target bitrate for Average BitRate (ABR) rate control. If a non- zero
-         * bitrate is specified on the command line, ABR is implied. Default 0 */
-        int       bitrate;
-        /* The degree of rate fluctuation that x265 tolerates. Rate tolerance is used
-         * alongwith overflow (difference between actual and target bitrate), to adjust
-           qp. Default is 1.0 */
-        double    rateTolerance;
-        /* qComp sets the quantizer curve compression factor. It weights the frame
-         * quantizer based on the complexity of residual (measured by lookahead).
-         * Default value is 0.6. Increasing it to 1 will effectively generate CQP */
-        double    qCompress;
-        /* QP offset between I/P and P/B frames. Default ipfactor: 1.4
-         *  Default pbFactor: 1.3 */
-        double    ipFactor;
-        double    pbFactor;
-        /* Max QP difference between frames. Default: 4 */
-        int       qpStep;
-        /* Ratefactor constant: targets a certain constant "quality".
-         * Acceptable values between 0 and 51. Default value: 28 */
-        double    rfConstant;
-        /* Enable adaptive quantization. This mode distributes available bits between all
-         * macroblocks of a frame, assigning more bits to low complexity areas. Turning
-         * this ON will usually affect PSNR negatively, however SSIM and visual quality
-         * generally improves. Default: OFF (0) */
-        int       aqMode;
-        /* Sets the strength of AQ bias towards low detail macroblocks. Valid only if
-         * AQ is enabled. Default value: 1.0. Acceptable values between 0.0 and 3.0 */
-        double    aqStrength;
-        /* Sets the maximum rate the VBV buffer should be assumed to refill at
-         * Default is zero */
-        int       vbvMaxBitrate;
-        /* Sets the size of the VBV buffer in kilobits. Default is zero */
-        int       vbvBufferSize;
-        /* Sets how full the VBV buffer must be before playback starts. If it is less than
-         * 1, then the initial fill is vbv-init * vbvBufferSize. Otherwise, it is
-         * interpreted as the initial fill in kbits. Default is 0.9 */
-        double    vbvBufferInit;
-        /* Enable CUTree ratecontrol. This keeps track of the CUs that propagate temporally
-         * across frames and assigns more bits to these CUs. Improves encode efficiency.
-         * Default: OFF (0) */
-        int       cuTree;
-        /* In CRF mode, maximum CRF as caused by VBV */
-        double    rfConstantMax;
-    } rc;
-} x265_param;
  * If not called, first encoder allocated will auto-detect the CPU and
  * initialize performance primitives, which are process global */
 void x265_setup_primitives(x265_param *param, int cpu);
-/* x265_param_alloc:
- *  Allocates an x265_param instance. The returned param structure is not
- *  special in any way, but using this method together with x265_param_free()
- *  and x265_param_parse() to set values by name allows the application to treat
- *  x265_param as an opaque data struct for version safety */
-x265_param *x265_param_alloc();
-/* x265_param_free:
- *  Use x265_param_free() to release storage for an x265_param instance
- *  allocated by x26_param_alloc() */
-void x265_param_free(x265_param *);
- * Initialize an x265_param_t structure to default values
- */
-void x265_param_default(x265_param *param);
-/* x265_param_parse:
- *  set one parameter by name.
- *  returns 0 on success, or returns one of the following errors.
- *  note: BAD_VALUE occurs only if it can't even parse the value,
- *  numerical range is not checked until x265_encoder_open() or
- *  x265_encoder_reconfig().
- *  value=NULL means "true" for boolean options, but is a BAD_VALUE for non-booleans. */
-#define X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME  (-1)
-#define X265_PARAM_BAD_VALUE (-2)
-int x265_param_parse(x265_param *p, const char *name, const char *value);
-/* x265_param_apply_profile:
- *      Applies the restrictions of the given profile. (one of below) */
-static const char * const x265_profile_names[] = { "main", "main10", "mainstillpicture", 0 };
-/*      (can be NULL, in which case the function will do nothing)
- *      returns 0 on success, negative on failure (e.g. invalid profile name). */
-int x265_param_apply_profile(x265_param *, const char *profile);
-/* x265_param_default_preset:
- *      The same as x265_param_default, but also use the passed preset and tune
- *      to modify the default settings.
- *      (either can be NULL, which implies no preset or no tune, respectively)
- *
- *      Currently available presets are, ordered from fastest to slowest: */
-static const char * const x265_preset_names[] = { "ultrafast", "superfast", "veryfast", "faster", "fast", "medium", "slow", "slower", "veryslow", "placebo", 0 };
-/*      The presets can also be indexed numerically, as in:
- *      x265_param_default_preset( &param, "3", ... )
- *      with ultrafast mapping to "0" and placebo mapping to "9".  This mapping may
- *      of course change if new presets are added in between, but will always be
- *      ordered from fastest to slowest.
- *
- *      Warning: the speed of these presets scales dramatically.  Ultrafast is a full
- *      100 times faster than placebo!
- *
- *      Currently available tunings are: */
-static const char * const x265_tune_names[] = { "psnr", "ssim", "zero-latency", 0 };
-/*      returns 0 on success, negative on failure (e.g. invalid preset/tune name). */
-int x265_param_default_preset(x265_param *, const char *preset, const char *tune);
 /* x265_picture_alloc:
  *  Allocates an x265_picture instance. The returned picture structure is not
  *  special in any way, but using this method together with x265_picture_free()

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